Master the whys & hows of real food nutrition
Build a strong foundation of nutritional knowledge and learn to put that knowledge to work to transform your health.
The Balanced Bites Master Class is the first workshop of its kind to harness the knowledge and experience of two award-winning, best-selling authors and holistic nutritionists, into a fun, engaging, laugh-while-you-learn online workshop.
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In the balanced bites master class, Diane & Liz teach real food nutrition in their signature style, breaking down complicated subjects into actionable steps that provide a roadmap to better health.
You'll be guided step-by-step through the fundamentals of real food nutrition, the myths and truths of our current dietary landscape, and the foundations of supporting overall wellness.
Through a combination of multimedia-based video modules, worksheets, daily journaling, and a supportive online community, you'll uncover amazing insights for yourself, your friends, and your family, and you'll develop real, actionable steps for building a balanced lifestyle.
Meet Your Instructors
Diane Sanfilippo is the New York Times bestselling author of Practical Paleo, The 21-Day Sugar Detox, The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook, The 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide, and Keto Quick Start. She is a Certified Nutrition Consultant and creator of the popular health blog,
Liz Wolfe is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and author of the Wall Street Journal best seller Eat the Yolks. She wrote The Purely Primal Skincare Guide and co-created the online program Baby Making and Beyond. She shares everything she knows about food, beauty and babies at
The Balanced Bites Master Class takes the essence of the full-day seminar, and dives deeper into your most common health struggles with a completely guided, 10-week online class that will transform how you think about — and manage — your health.

All this and more for just $497!
Program Modules
Module 1: Introductions
In this lesson
Welcome to the Balanced Bites Master Class! To kick things off, Diane and Liz share a bit about themselves. You will learn about their backgrounds, about their certifications, and personal journeys with real food, and how they came together to create the Master Class! In this module, you download the course materials so you can start piecing together your own health story throughout the class. Let’s get started!
Module 2: What is Real Food?
In this lesson
In Part One, Diane introduces the factors of influence and awareness that inform how we make our decisions. She also defines what real food is — and isn’t. In Part Two, Liz explores historical health blunders that have affected our current nutritional paradigm, and introduces new ideas for a nutritional paradigm shift. You will discover your current level of awareness and understanding of the nutritional landscape during this module.
Module 3: The Skinny on Fat & Cholesterol
In this lesson
In this three-part module, you will learn the history behind current beliefs about fat & cholesterol. Break down the molecular structure of fats, compare healthy and processed fats, learn why healthy fats are important and why processed fats are harmful. Understand why cholesterol is important to the health of your body and hormones, and how to properly interpret your standard cholesterol panel. Next, start applying this info to your personal health journey!
Module 4: All About Protein
In this lesson
You will learn all about how and why we have our current views on protein, including the studies that “support” why vegetarianism is healthy for people — and how those studies are not actually accurate. Liz explains the importance of protein in the body, compares plant protein vs. animal protein, and then dives deeper into the difference between well-sourced vs. factory farmed animal products. You will then learn how to find a local farm to source quality proteins and create a strategy for fitting the highest quality proteins into your budget.
Module 5: Good Carbs, Bad Carbs & The Low-down on Fiber
In this lesson
Diane explains the difference between “good” and “bad” carbs, how they work in your body, how to find the right amount of carbs for you, & how your body reacts to different forms of carbs. You will also learn about different forms of fiber and how they each support your digestion. You will discover how many carbs you need to eat based on your lifestyle factors, evaluate current carb choices (good carbs vs. bad carbs), and analyze your current carbohydrate and fiber intake. All forms of fiber are the spotlight focus for practitioners, digging into the relation between blood sugar and digestive distress.
Module 6: Blood Sugar Regulation & Sweeteners
In this lesson
It’s time to make blood sugar less complicated! Diane explains the roles of insulin and glucagon, and the different issues people can have when they are out of balance (for example: insulin resistance, glucagon dominance, and the insulin-cortisol loop). Compare two meals “typical” breakfasts to show their nutritional and physiological impact. Learn about the different types of sweeteners and how your body responds to them. Then, evaluate how balanced your plate is using what you’ve learned, and how to read your ingredient labels to find hidden sugars and sweeteners.
Module 7: How your digestion should work, and what to do if it's not!
In this lesson
In Part One, Liz explains how digestion works from one end to the other. In Part Two, Liz takes a closer look at what can go wrong with digestion, including stomach acid, reflux, heartburn and GERD, gallbladder issues, a lack of digestive enzymes, leaky gut and large intestine issues. In Part Three, Diane explains poop, and how what you see in the toilet can help you troubleshoot digestive issues. Then, plan how to enjoy your meals in parasympathetic mode, become a master of chewing, and judge what’s in your toilet bowl! Optional bonus: take the HCl challenge and find out how your stomach acid situation is currently!
Module 8: Inflammation, Stress, Sleep & Hormonal Balance
In this lesson
Diane defines inflammation, what it means when your body is “inflamed” and typical signs of inflammation to be aware of in your body. She explains how inflammation is related to disease, chronic inflammation, and how different lifestyle factors can impact your personal level of inflammation. Diane then teaches about our natural circadian rhythm, and how it's interrupted by our modern lifestyle. She discusses stress and how the capacity for stress can be so different from person to person. Then, you assess your level of inflammation, explore how you can improve your sleep, and dig in to what fills your “stress beaker.”
Module 9: Superfoods & Supplements
In this lesson
In Part One, Liz explores different nutrient deficiencies, and the ways that they can appear in the body. She then digs into the superfoods and supplements that support optimal health, fertility, and skin care. In Part Two, Diane looks at specific ways to support autoimmune conditions, training as an athlete, and fat loss. Use what you learn to evaluate the nutrient density of your typical diet and create a plan for how you can make it more nutrient-dense and where you can add superfoods. Explore the different signs of nutrient deficiencies, and brainstorm ways that you can get more of those nutrients into your diet.

The Balanced Bites Master Class is the first course of its kind that:
A Closer Look at the Curriculum
Module 1
What you'll learn in this lesson:
- You'll Meet Diane and Liz
We provide a detailed look at our backgrounds, certifications and personal journeys with real food.
Download the course materials and piece together your own health story based on our prompts and cues.
What others are saying about learning from Liz & Diane:
You Might be Thinking...
For a fraction of the cost of 1-on-1 consultations with just holistic health practitioner, you get the knowledge and experience of TWO holistic practitioners, not to mention the supportive network of the Master Class community, and the relationships you'll build with your fellow classmates.
Questioning if you are “doing the right thing” in regards to your health and nutrition.
Spinning your wheels troubleshooting your health issues with pieces of advice you pick up from competing “health” articles.
Struggling to educate your friends and family about your food choices.
Wondering if nutrition is the next step in your career.
Learning the foundations of real food nutrition and good health.
Understanding the “whys” behind the paleo lifestyle.
Owning your health journey with confidence and clarity.
Exploring your passion for health, wellness and nutrition.
The Balanced Bites Master Class is your very best resource for revealing the whole truth about what good nutrition really means, how it impacts the body, and how you can use that knowledge to build the lifestyle that’s best for you.
Be the first to know when class opens next!
Frequently Asked Questions
Master Class Refund Policy
We know you’re going to absolutely love what we’ve created for you, but, if you somehow don’t feel you're learning something that you can apply to your own life for self-improvement, here’s what you need to do to receive a refund within the first 30 days of the course:
1. Notify us by sending an email to [email protected] with the reason that you are requesting the refund so that we can help you through the process.
2. Provide proof that you have completed Modules 1-3.
This can be done by submitting your assessments for each lesson as well as scanned copies of the workbooks (we do not need to see your personal Master Class journal pages).
3. Remove yourself from the Master Class Facebook groups
4. Unsubscribe from the Master Class email list
Once these steps have been completed, we will process your refund.
The course begins on July 9, 2018. Refund requests after August 8, 2018 will not be accepted.