5 Tips For Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle | Diane Sanfilippo

5 Easy Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle in a Time of Change

Diane Sanfilippo Basics, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle & Mindset, Most Popular 2 Comments

I’m a big fan of change. As much as I am a total creature of habit, nothing thrills me like making big changes in my life. Even sometimes all at once. I call it “shaking the snow globe.” I make the decision to change a lot of things at once, essentially tossing all those snowflakes up and then seeing how …

Strength training, my current program

Diane Sanfilippo Athletic Performance & Athletes, FAQs, Fitness, Health & Wellness, Most Popular 16 Comments

Ohmygosh. I can’t believe the flood gate that I’ve opened by sharing video clips of some of my strength training workouts lately. I think the question about my current strength training program has quickly become the #1 thing you all are asking for, so I finally sat down to write this out. Please know this: the point of this post is …

Balanced Bites | Diane Sanfilippo | The Best Cooking Fats

FAQs: What are safe cooking fats & oils?

Diane Sanfilippo FAQs, Fats and Oils, Most Popular 105 Comments

Updated 6/10/14 What are the best fats or oils to use for cooking? First and foremost let me remind you that there are a few different reasons why you will want to avoid certain fats and oils for cooking, mainly seed oils. 1. Saturated fats are more stable than unsaturated fats. Quite literally, the chemical structure of saturated fats will not …

FAQ | What can I do about sugar & carb cravings? | Balanced Bites

FAQ: What can I do about sugar and carb cravings?

Diane Sanfilippo 21-Day Sugar Detox, FAQs, Most Popular 2 Comments

I get asked this all the time, especially when people are doing the 21-Day Sugar Detox or are new to Paleo: “What can I do about sugar and carb cravings?”  Before we go any further, know that I can help you with this! There are steps that you can take to break free from this cycle and bust those sugar …

FAQ: How do I treat (or prevent) a cold or flu naturally? [with video]

Diane Sanfilippo Cold Care, Health & Wellness, Most Popular 4 Comments

10 Ways to treat (or prevent) a cold or flu naturally It happens to the best of us. You’ve been eating clean Paleo or maybe you’re on the 21-Day Sugar Detox and you’re feeling amazing. Then suddenly you feel like you’ve been hit by a ton of bricks. Ugh. You’re coming down with a cold. Or even worse–the flu. If you’ve …

My take on: Flax, chia, juice cleanses, green smoothies & juicing

Diane Sanfilippo FAQs, Food & Recipes, Most Popular, Nutrition Myths, Real Food 101 27 Comments

Those of you who follow my blog and listen to my podcasts know that I am not particularly dogmatic about what is “allowed” and “not allowed” on a Paleo/Primal/Real Foods type of diet. My approach is to help you understand how food should work in your body and empower you to choose foods that provide optimal, nutrient-dense fuel for your body.  …

FAQs: Is protein powder okay on a Paleo diet?

FAQs: Is protein powder okay on a Paleo diet?

Diane Sanfilippo Athletic Performance & Athletes, FAQs, Most Popular 82 Comments

The short answer: protein powders aren’t food. And by now you know how I feel about the fact that we should be chewing and eating food. But sometimes, there are exceptions to even my own “rules.” So, I’ll bend just a little here. Some folks may be “qualified” to consume protein in a non-food/powdered form. 1. Those interested in mass-gain …

FAQs: What is Paleo?

Diane Sanfilippo FAQs, Featured, Most Popular, Paleo and Primal, Practical Paleo 32 Comments

“Paleo” is short for Paleolithic, but the name is actually less important than the power of the overall approach. While the term “Paleo” has gained traction in the mainstream media and on bookstore shelves everywhere due to the improved health of those who follow the lifestyle, you could call it “Primal,” “Grain-Free,” “Real Food,” “Whole Food,” “Nutrient-Dense,” or “Ancestral.” Whatever …

FAQ: All about the book, Practical Paleo

Diane Sanfilippo Books, Events, & Programs, FAQs, Featured, Most Popular, Practical Paleo 94 Comments

Last Updated 2/11/14 – I’ll add to and update this page as I see fit and more questions arise! People have had lots of questions about my new book, Practical Paleo, so I figured a post on some of the most frequently asked would be a good idea. Here you go! Logistics – Where to buy the book. Is Practical Paleo available for Kindle, …