Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Updates [2:55] 2. Introducing our guest, Dr. Terry Wahls [4:07] 3. Autoimmunity diagnoses younger and younger [12:17] 4. The importance of nutrient density [14:05] 5. Other autoimmune conditions benefited from the Wahls Protocol [17:12] 6. Signs of mitochondrial starvation [20:06] 7. Levels on …
Podcast Episode #129: Conventional Meat, Sports Drinks, Sweaty Husband & Peanut Butter vs Milk on the 21DSD
Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Liz’s book came out! [7:38] 2. #Paleotour updates [14:01] 3. Liz’s Eat the Yolks egg-cerpt [15:41] 4. How bad is conventional meat? [21:02] 5. Can you OD on certain foods? [30:00] 6. Sports drinks, and a homemade alternative [32:57] 7. Sweaty husband [39:49] …
Podcast Episode #128: Calories, Do They Matter? Clearing up Dogma, 100 Calorie Packs, & Weight Loss
Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. #Paleotour updates [6:05] 2. Liz’s book is out! [8:11] 3. Beyond Sugar Detox update [15:21] 4. Eat the Yolks egg-cerpt and a rant from Liz[17:14] 5. Diane’s counterpoint to a calorie is a calorie [27:20] 6. Hitting a weight loss plateau on paleo …
Podcast Episode #126: The Biggest Loser, Superfoods, Makeup (and No Makeup)
Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Liz on a podcast with Living Well with Crystal [5:21] 2. Texas Paleo Tour update [9:05] 3. Paleofx update [13:30] 4. Eat the Yolks egg-cerpt [14:09] 5. The Biggest Loser and a word about shaming [19:38] 6. Alternatives to “super foods” [25:54] 7. …
Podcast Episode #125: “The Paleo Approach” with Sarah Ballantyne, Autoimmune Paleo and Your Questions
Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Our guest, Sarah Ballantyne [3:03] 2. Sarah’s arm [4:34] 3. Sarah’s journey to paleo [8:41] 4. Stopping all medication [18:52] 5. Sarah’s book, The Paleo Approach [24:45] 6. Should I do the autoimmune paleo protocol while still on immunosuppressants? [33:58] 7. What are …
Podcast Episode #124: #CoffeeWithBen, Fat Fears and It’s all about the Vegetables Baby!
Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. #coffeewithBen [3:07] 2. Balanced Bites online workshop news [4:22] 3. Liz gets to hold her baby finally! [15:30] 4. Eat the Yolks Egg-cerpt [20:44] 5. How not to fear fat, and introducing it to the body when it’s been restricted [23:04] 6. It’s all about …
Podcast Episode #123: Free Glutamate, Maca, Chicharrones & Peeling Lips
Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Seminar events, #PaleoTour updates, Cookbook updates [4:15] 2. Liz’s blog update [9:35] 3. Egg-cerpt from Eat the Yolks [19:26] 4. Unblind My Mind; Free glutamate in foods [21:33] 5. Maca during pregnancy, after the Sugar Detox balanced my hormones [31:43] 6. Boom! Chicharrones. …
Podcast Episode #122: Special Guest Jonathan Bailor of The Calorie Myth
Topics: 1. Introducing our guest, Jonathan Bailor [2:46] 2. Getting to know Jonathan [4:32] 3. Men and women targeted differently by media [10:05] 4. Starvation diets don’t work [12:37] 5. The difference between men and women [14:52] 6. How Jonathan is trying to reach the masses [18:25] 7. Don’t propose on the first date [22:45] 8. Their brains exploded [24:14] …
Podcast Episode #121: Tips for Paleo Newbies, Raw Liver, Exercise & Stress
Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Diane got engaged! [2:41] 2. #Paleotour updates [5:47] 3. Diane and Liz seminar updates. [8:32] 4. Excerpt from Eat the Yolks [15:09] 5. Your top 5 pointers for newbies to real food living and the paleo lifestyle [16:12] 6. Tips for getting back …
Podcast Episode #120: Special Guest Chris Kresser, Author of “Your Personal Paleo Code”
Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Your Personal Paleo Code background information [3:22] 2. Individualized diet approach [10:50] 3. Hot topics like red meat, fat, and cholesterol. [14:14] 4. Meat digestibility [24:11] 5. Gut bacteria and health [26:38] 6. A personal story from Chris [38:11] 7. Updates and offers …