Meet Holly

Holly Morello

Content & Community Development Lead

I’m Holly, Program Manager for the 21 Day Sugar Detox

What does that mean?

I lead the 21DSD Certified Coaches Program and develop guides and blog posts for Diane’s websites.

“When you encourage others, you in the process are encouraged because you're making a commitment and difference in that person's life. Encouragement really does make a difference.“

– Zig Zigler

More about Holly

In addition to my nutrition pursuits, I’m a wife and mother of 3 grown sons. Long before my certification with the NTA, I was a certified racewalk coach, a fitness instructor, and I studied Reiki (last year I became a Reiki Master). My earlier career and educational background was in computer electronics and project management.

My passion for nutrition stems from how a nutrient dense real food diet greatly enhanced the athletic performance of one son and completely transformed the quality of life for another. One day we plan to write a book about it.

I’m particularly passionate about empowering peri-menopausal/menopausal women navigate this often puzzling and challenging time more easily so that they can live the best years of their lives with even great vitality than ever before.

Diane is known for asking her fans: “what lights you up?” What lights me is being part of the Diane’s team and working with The 21-Day Sugar Detox Certified Coaches. I’m inspired and motivated each and every day by Diane and her fans, Diane’s team, the moderators, and my 1:1 clients.