Autoimmune Protocol for Paleo – we need your feedback

Diane Sanfilippo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) 27 Comments

Since the release of Practical Paleo, the response to the section on autoimmunity – especially the autoimmune-friendly recipes and meal plan – has been overwhelming. I’ve gotten hundreds of requests for more recipes, more meal plans, more help in general with eating in what is sometimes a very challenging way.

A new resource is in the works!

I’m developing a downloadable cookbook with:

  • Over 50 new recipes
  • More meal plans
  • Inspiration and tips for following the AI protocol
  • Real life testimonials
  • …and more!

I need your feedback.

I’d like your feedback to make the book even better. I want it to be practical and useful in your everyday lives. Please fill out this short, 3-question survey to let me know what’s important to you as I develop this new resource.

Take the survey now

Comments 27

  1. I don’t have your cookbook yet. I am asking for it for Christmas and can’t wait, especially now that I know that this section is in it!!

  2. I have your book and LOVE it! I am very much looking forward to the AI protocol book. If you’re looking for recipe ideas, here’s one that I made up and is easy and delicious.

    Carrot-Zuchini “Rice”
    Prep time – 5 minutes
    Cooking time – 5-10 minutes
    Serves 1 or 2

    1 small to med zuchini
    2 or 3 med carrots
    couple of pinches of sea salt (salt to taste)
    1 tsp (or more) of extra virgin coconut oil.

    Shred zuchini and carrots.
    Heat coconut oil in a pan, med heat.
    Add shredded zuchini and carrots.
    Add salt (and any other spices or herbs to taste)
    Sautee until veggies are hot and carrots are ‘soft’.
    You may need to add more coconut oil as they cook.

    I add this to my plate in place of rice (or any grain). It is delicious!

      1. Hi Diane,
        I’ve had your book ever since it’s release from Amazon and have been enjoying it very much! I am waiting until January (due to the overindulgence of the holidays!) haha, to do the autoimmune protocol. I would love to stop taking my Source Naturals multivitamin and replace it with the Green Pasture, but it is so expensive! Can you please give me more information as to why you and Chris Kresser recommend this and why I should forgo a multi? Is this all you take? I know that we should try to get all of our vitamins and minerals through food and I’m to the point where I am tired of taking vits/mins, but want to make sure that I’m getting what I need. I also take Carlson’s fish oil in the liquid form. Perhaps the Green Pastures would cover it all and price wise it would all work out? Thank you!!!


    1. Hi Marisa, they do carry the FCLO/BB in a non-capsule form, you take spoonfuls of it straight from the bottle. It is a more economical choice, though you do have to be OK with its fishy taste. If you already have the capsules, you could try breaking one open and see if it is a flavor you could palate.

  3. Super excited you are doing this Diane! I also have an autoimmune paleo e-cookbook in the works. There is so much Internet buzz about the autoimmune protocol but so few resources for people that are actually trying to eat this way. I am excited to see what you come up with and value your willingness to share your knowledge with the autoimmune community 🙂


  4. I am so excited! I talk to so many people that are utterly frustrated by a lack of AIP resources and I always refer them to Practical Paleo for lack of all-AIP alternatives (not that PP isn’t great — it’s just tough to flip past all those great recipes we can’t make (without fussy substitutions)). I say all the time what a gross disservice it is that there aren’t more AI-friendly food blogs what with most of the population having some GI issue or another. Since there are only a handful of AIP blogs out there, we are eternally grateful when those in the growing Paleo and allergen-free communities take us into consideration! Yay!

  5. Personally, I have found eating AIP-friendly pretty easy when it comes to meals (I’ve always cooked with herbs more than spices) except for braised meat recipes–so many slowly cooked meats call for tomato or wine! I am also always looking for more interesting stew recipes to encourage myself to consume more bone broth.

    The main thing I need is recipes for SNACKS. Ever since going paleo I’ve relied on nuts for on-the-go snacks, and I’m at a bit of a loss for portable foods that don’t need a refrigerator. (I know I could make my own beef jerky or maybe find some that’s AIP-friendly, but this former-vegetarian can only take so much beef jerky!)

    Thanks SO much for all that you do!

      1. I have to put some effort into eating enough to maintain healthy weight and have a history of hypoglycemia so when I’m away from home for longish periods of time I need to be prepared with things I can eat that have healthy fats and protein. Maybe eventually my body will be so healthy that I can go long amounts of time without eating, but that’s not where I am right now.

  6. I just got the book a few days ago and am going to start the AIP soon.

    Diane, question… You have 30 days of different recipes for the AIP. Could a person pick and chose from among the different meals for 30 days, or does a person need to try to get in all of the meals in order to get all the required nutrients across the different meals?


    1. You can pick and choose! It’s not calculated-out for nutrients specifically since the body is using nutrients in synergistic ways from food that we won’t ever be able to fully understand. I did create a variety within the plans so that as many varied foods were eaten as possible, so I would say that one consideration would be to rotate foods often. Eating the same foods too often can often result in intolerances, which isn’t something you’d want to do in an AI situation!

      Hope that helps!

  7. Thanks Diane.

    Here are a couple other random thoughts as I keep thinking about what I would appreciate in something like this.

    I realized that paprika was in just about every seasoning I was using. Some alternatives (by each variety of meat or fish) would be nice.

    Also, portable salads that don’t suck. Even just simple arrangements of what to store, chopped up, in one’s fridge.

  8. I am looking forward to reading your book and getting more info on the AI protocol. I developed food sensitivities six years ago, when I was diagnosed with SLE. To get off all meds and to stay out of flare, I started by changing my diet, meticulously documenting what I could and could not eat. I’ve done extremely well: i am off all meds, no flare in 10 months, lost 40 lbs and can exercise every day. Then, in October, I discovered Whole 9, which eventually led to the discovery of the AI protocol. Pretty cool to see there is an entire community living the same food lifestyle as I am. I’ve developed many nice recipes over the years, and it’ll be GREAT to have more.

      1. Sorry! I think I misread the book. Since it is not listed in the suggested meat section I think I assumed it was not ok. Thank you!

        By the way, our son, who is 8, has been struggling with Paleo food as most recipes are too spicy or just not flavorful enough. He has loved EVERY single thing we have made in your book. He is now on the Paleo bandwagon and all excited about eating healthy food! Thank you!

  9. More portable snack ideas, please! I’ve relied HEAVILY on nuts, nut butters, Larabars and KIND bars. Eliminating all nuts has been a real challenge.

    Someone suggested above going without snacks. That’s difficult for ectomorphs who tend to be underweight and hungry frequently.

  10. I am very interested in your AI Protocol. I have been recently dx with Ankylosing Spondylitis. The right diet means being able to move freely and reduced pain. Most AI patients are mineral deficient, so, it is important to get as much from our diet as possible and supplement when needed. I look forward to reading your book

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