The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook officially released – and I know you all have questions, so I'll do my best to answer them here!
Before I get into these questions about the COOKBOOK, make sure you also check out the FAQs All about The 21-Day Sugar Detox which addresses the guide book contents as well as the differences between the 21DSD guide book, the previously available eBook PDF, and my first book, Practical Paleo.
Q: Where can I buy The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook (the book I affectionately refer to as “the purple one”)?
A: The cookbook is currently sold in bookstores nationwide, and online at all major retailers. Before heading out to a store, I highly recommend calling them and asking them if the book is in stock, as well as to hold the book for you so that you're sure to get it when you arrive!
If you're hoping to see The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook in Costco stores, the best way to help make that happen is to support the presence of the guide book that is currently in selected stores (listed in this post). Costco will make a call based on sales of the guide book – and every purchase helps.
Order from any of these retailers:
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Note: Click the book comparison image below to view it larger.
Q: Is The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook available for Kindle, Nook, iPad, and other tablets?
A: Yes, indeed. Though, I do need to at least say it one time, that if you have never at least perused the book in print, I highly recommend you do so, it's truly an experience! I design my content for print, and so many of the charts and graphics are tough to convert to the limited format available on eReader devices.
Q: Will there be book signing events?
A: YES! Click here for a list of upcoming events and subscribe to my emailing list (the blue box on the top right side of this site) and on Facebook for more dates being added regularly!
Q: What is the difference between The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook and The 21-Day Sugar Detox book? (I refer to the book as the guide book versus the cookbook)
A: The guide book features comprehensive (but still easy-to-understand) science about how sugar works in your body, tips for planning and preparation, FAQs, a full 23-day guide of what to expect day-by-day (from Day 0-Day 22), as well as new guides and a Daily Success Log that you can either photocopy and fill in or print from this page. In other words, the guide book is truly your #1 resource for completing The 21DSD. If you're torn between one book or the other, I highly recommend you get the guide book first, then get the cookbook to augment your collection of recipes.
The guide book features updated versions of my 21-Day Sugar Detox guides to: dining out, fats & oils, sneaky sugar synonyms, replacing foods – as well as new guides including 15 egg-free breakfast ideas and recommended products and brands for your detox and beyond.
Both books feature 21-Day Meal Plans for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 of the program, Yes/No Foods Lists for each level, as well as notes on modifications for Energy, Pescetarian, and Autoimmune approaches.
The Cookbook also includes some exclusive guides like my Quick-Fix Meal Math and my Guide to Common Food Allergens (pictured above). These guides will be extremely helpful in supporting you on your 21DSD and beyond!
Q: Are the recipes in The 21-Day Sugar Detox guide book the same as the ones in The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook?
A: NOPE! Guys, do you think I'd release two sugar detox books with the exact same recipes? No way!
The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook contains recipes and corresponding meal plans that use just the recipes in the cookbook…and they are ALL NEW!
Over 100 NEW recipes. Yes, there will be some additions of basic recipes from the first book (broth, sweetener-free ketchup, healthy homemade mayo, and some spice blends for example), but those recipes are included again in the book for easy reference, not counted in the total number of new ones in the book!
So… if you're wondering which to get, I'm sorry to tell you that BOTH books are really FANTASTIC resources to not only help you on your 21DSD, but also for easy, sweetener-free, Paleo-friendly, cravings-busting recipes to have on-hand to make life easier. And tastier. Noms.
Q: Are the recipes in The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook all Paleo-friendly?
A: 100% The recipes are all gluten-free, grain-free, sweetener-free, and Paleo-friendly! You can enjoy these recipes even if you aren't completing the program.
Comments 23
Hi, I just got a Nook and really want to download your new cookbook. I am concerned tho since you said the graphics and charts did not convert well with the e reader. Will I be able to see pictures of the recipes, or did they not convert well either? I can’t afford the paper back book right now, so hoping to get the Nook version and still have success. Please let me know, thank you so much! 🙂
All photos and images show up- what you won’t see are the visuals of how the meal plans and other charts appear since they don’t convert. Peek at the “look inside” feature on the online purchasing sites and you’ll see what I mean versus a Nook preview. You will 100% get the content of the book in any format – it’s just more of a visual presentation that is “lost,” which I only express since I am a very visual person 🙂
Can the 2 books be used interchangeably for recipes while doing the 21 dsd? Or do you recommend following the plan from each book separately? I just purchased both books and would like to substitute some recipes for ones from the new cookbook. Thank you!
the meal plans are just ideas, you can follow whichever you prefer. The first book, however, has program info/details that are not included in the cookbook (which is just meal plans and recipes along with some guides but no program details, etc. as noted above).
I just bought both your books from Amazon and am so excited to get started. However, I noticed that my copy of the 21 day sugar detox book is missing pp.161 – 176 and that pp.177 – 192 are repeated. Also, the sauces and spreads recipe index title on p.235 is mislabeled as snacks. Should I return and reorder from Amazon (mine just a bad copy) or is this an issue with all copies? I am anxious to get started… Is there a way to have access to pp.161 – 167 while awaiting another book or reprinting?
Hi Linda- I am so sorry about that book misprint (which I unfortunately don’t control!). Can you shoot me an email via the contact form here on the website so that we can get you a complete/correct copy? It actually seems to just have affected a handful of the books but not all of them. The typo on the thumbnail index was my own oversight when I was editing but it won’t be corrected until a future printing – the information is correct otherwise though 😉
I bought both books 🙂 but was just wondering if you offered pdf/printable versions of the yes/no lists for each level all on one page like I’ve seen on Pinterest. I’d like to hang them on my fridge 🙂
The ones you may have seen on Pinterest are 1) shared without permission and 2) not available as part of the books. Those were from the previous version of the program when it was only as an eBook. They are not currently available anywhere for printing, but you are welcome to photocopy them from your book for your personal use. I also made the book a very small/portable size for ease of use and reference throughout the program. Thanks!!
I just brought the detox book. Read it and started today. I made the meatloave, herb mashed cauliflowe and thebuffalo chicken egg muffins. The food looks and tastes good! Lots to learn.
Hi, just wondering if the Cookbook recipes are different from Practical Paleo or if there are some repeats? I own PP and the 21DSD guide book. I use them both often and looking forward to flipping through the 21DSD cookbook 🙂
No repeats of recipes other than some spice blends.
Awesome! Thanks for replying 🙂
Hi, just wondering if the Cookbook recipes are different from Practical Paleo or if there are some repeats? I own PP and the 21DSD guide book. I use them both often and looking forward to flipping through the 21DSD cookbook 🙂
No repeats of recipes other than some spice blends.
Awesome! Thanks for replying 🙂
I am at the beginning of level 1 meal plan day 3 right now and I noticed that there are a couple of “no-sweet treats” in the back of the book but don’t see that we can have those on any of the levels of the meal plan. When can we have the no-sweet treats? how often? how much?
One serving of the recipe is usually what’s recommended while taking your piece of included fruit into consideration. I never plan treats into meal plans, as a regular thing. I know people will eat/make them but there’s no way I’d try to impose them but pre-planning them in. Also note: my favorites are the Lemon Vanilla Meltaways 🙂
I am at the beginning of level 1 meal plan day 3 right now and I noticed that there are a couple of “no-sweet treats” in the back of the book but don’t see that we can have those on any of the levels of the meal plan. When can we have the no-sweet treats? how often? how much?
One serving of the recipe is usually what’s recommended while taking your piece of included fruit into consideration. I never plan treats into meal plans, as a regular thing. I know people will eat/make them but there’s no way I’d try to impose them but pre-planning them in. Also note: my favorites are the Lemon Vanilla Meltaways 🙂
Hi, my husband and I are interested in completing the 21DSD. I’ve done it once, and was amazed at what I learned in the process. But, we both work very long days with long commutes. To manage this we typically meal prep on Sundays. Do the recipes in the Cookbook make enough servings for meal preperation? I’ve been very disappointed in previous paleo cookbooks I’ve purchased for only offering servings of 2-4 and their difficulty in scaling up.
Hi Julia- The recipes in the 21DSD are going to be in that same servings range because when I created the meal plans, the majority of folks following them told me they were using them sort of on their own (vs with a partner or family). So, there’s really no way to please everyone with how plans are written, but you are always welcome to adjust them up or down — make double of something you love and leave out a recipe you don’t, etc. And most of them do work well in make-ahead format for leftover. I also don’t think you’ll find it hard to scale my recipes up. I don’t do much baking so it’s just about making 2 pounds of meat, for example, instead of 1 at a time, and so on. I hope that helps!
My main question is do you use sugar substitutes in your recipes? I am not wanting to use artificial which I am positive you don’t, nor stevia… did Paleo, then keto… however need to lose the sugar..
Zero sweeteners are used in the 21DSD – no sugar subs, nada. xo