Topics 1. News and updates from Diane & Liz [2:03] 2. Today’s episode: Special Diane’s Europe Vacation recap [15:00] 3. Introductory quick run through [22:53] 4. Snacking on vacation [27:47] 5. The worst thing Diane ate [33:48] 6. Places Diane would like to revisit [35:01] 7. Charcuterie in Europe [40:29] 8. Food attitude in Europe [43:49] 9. #Treatyoself: Spa at …
Healthy Travel Tips: Eating Gluten-Free on the Road, In the Air, and Everywhere
As many of you may know, I have a lot of first-hand experience with how tricky it can be to find healthy, gluten-free friendly food while traveling. If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, I recommend jumping over there for real-time/live posts from different places. I also have tagged my travel photos: #PracticalPaleoTravel and am also starting to use …