Balanced Bites Podcast | Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe

Podcast Episode #209: Women, Food and Desire with Alexandra Jamieson

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, paleo, Podcast Episodes 1 Comment

Topics: 1.  What’s new for you from Diane [1:15] 2. Introducing our guest, Alexandra Jamieson [3:26] 3. Alex’s book release; Women, Food, and Desire [15:45] 4. The Perfect Storm [21:02] 5. Mindfulness and habits [25{12] 6. The four types of cravings [31:17] 7. Three craving/body types [40:37] 8. Final thoughts from Alex [49:45] [smart_track_player url=”″ title=”#209: Women, Food and Desire …

Listen to my interview on The Weight Loss Solution Online Conference

Diane Sanfilippo Events and Workshops, Lifestyle & Mindset, Weight Loss 4 Comments

Hey Ladies! Are you ready for your major aha moments to be realized? Join me and over 40 other experts in the health and wellness industry for the For Women Only: Weight Loss Solution Online Summit running from October 21st to November 12th. [p.s. scroll down to find out how you can watch and listen for FREE!] As my followers already know, …