New This Week / May 23, 2018

Diane Sanfilippo What's Up Weekly Leave a Comment

Hey everyone!

I had a lovely couple of days away from home celebrating Scott & my 40th birthdays (which are 3 weeks apart) together in Monterey.

I definitely would recommend the Intercontinental in Monterey for a stay –  it's right in the middle of everything, plus robes. What more do you need? 😂

We had a ton of great meals, which I highlighted in my Instagram Stories, but a standout would be our dinner at Montrio.

I ate that whole steak – OMG I was craving it!

Don't forget, I have a whole resources page dedicated to eating healthy & more while you are on-the-go! You can check it out here!

My Simple Everyday Makeup Routine

Catch me on my FB page to see my simple, *everyday* safer makeup routine.

Asterisks because everyday might imply I apply makeup daily, but I don’t. When I do, lately, this is what it includes!

Watch now!

#BBSpice Recipe Highlight - ITALIAN Blend!

#BBSpices Recipe Highlight – ITALIAN Blend!

I wanted to share some recipe inspiration, featuring a new blend each week! This week the spotlight is on my ITALIAN blend!

  1. Breakfast Tacos: cook up some ground pork, seasoned with ITALIAN blend, scramble up a few eggs, and then stuff some tortillas (Scott & I love Siete!) with the egg & “sausage” mixture. Top with whatever toppings you're in the mood for and dig in! (Photo: @fullbodyfix)
  2. Spaghetti & Meatballs: Mix together ground meat (I like pork & beef!) + ITALIAN blend. Serve with pasta sauce & pasta of choice! (Photo: @holistickate)
  3. Garlic Pork & Mushroom Pasta with Brussels: Season some ground pork with ITALIAN blend and brown in a heavy bottom pan. Add a jar of garlic marinara sauce (there are so many clean options nowadays!), and stir in a few pounds of roasted porcini mushrooms (toss with avocado oil, salt, garlic powder, and oregano). Spoon it over some pasta and finish it with a sheep's milk pecorino. Roasted Brussels on the side. (Recipe modified from @alyssatwobites
  4. Breakfast Bowl: Poachies (see my method here!) + lemony kale + sausage made w ITALIAN blend

For more information about the blends available click here.

And be sure to follow @balancedbites on Instagram for recipe inspiration & upcoming giveaways!

Healing My Acne (and the Body Awareness Project!)

LEFT: 2010 | RIGHT: 2018. (I also had a mole removed & my brows microbladed.)

Some of you may know this, many may not… but I struggled with acne for YEARS. On and off. On and off. Then SO SO ON. Now mostly entirely off. It’s still a process but I’m SO happy about where my skin is now!

I didn’t get here overnight, but I certainly also didn’t get here by not trying things, learning more, digging in, changing my nutrition, changing my skincare, and maintaining my eating habits to maintain my skin.

I’ve learned over time that my biggest dietary trigger is cow dairy. And that if I don’t keep my skin well hydrated with the right products *for me* that it’ll also break out. Go figure! All those years stripping the oils were NOT helping!😭

If you want to learn more about all of the types of things I’ve tried and recommend trying to heal your skin, this is for YOU! I recently teamed up with Emily Schromm for her Body Awareness Project, which is an online video series that you can get this box with , too! I loved what Emily was doing so much that I’m a partner in the project!

In my session, I’m talking all about finding triggers for what may cause acne or skin issues for all of us in our diets, and more. I’m just one of many amazing women who participated in the video sessions you can check out in the project. A couple of other women who participated were Liz (who you all know has the knowledge bombs about skincare!) and Juli Bauer of PaleOMG (who has tons of experience with healing her own skin over many years!).

Head over to to learn more and dive in!

Balanced Bites Master Class enrollment will open on June 18th!

I'm so excited to share that enrollment for the Balanced Bites Master Class will be opening soon!

I've been sharing a few sneak peeks at the module content in my Instagram Stories, but if you've missed it, I'll add a highlight soon!

For more than 6 years, Liz and I have shared our passion for real food and nutrition through our live events and the Balanced Bites podcast. We traveled the country teaching live seminars, yet folks in areas we could not visit wanted to learn too… And so, the virtual Balanced Bites Master Class was created!

The Balanced Bites Master Class (BBMC) is not about dietary dogma, yes/no lists, or arbitrary rules and restrictions. It is about empowering you with real information to start building the life you want and creating the change you need.

This class is perfect for you if you've wanted to deeper your own understanding of nutrition and especially if you've considered going to a multiple months/years-long formalized training. As a BBMC Student, you can get amazing clarity on whether or not a career in nutrition is right for you, before investing thousands of dollars.

The class is comprised of high-quality video modules designed to help you understand the content completely, both with audio and visual components as well as text-based guides for following along and applying the information to your own life.

The student class is $497 and the practitioner class (for coaches) is $1497 (this course has ongoing support and materials that dive deeper into applying the information to your clients as well as business modules and tools / resources to use with clients).

To learn more about the program & to sign up for notifications, click for details and to get on the waitlist!

Intuitive Eating with Katie Garces, NTP

New on the Balanced Bites Podcast

#348: Intuitive Eating with Katie Garces, NTP
I had such a lovely chat with Katie Garces in episode #348 of the Balanced Bites Podcast. Katie and I go way back, so it was awesome to get to chat with her about intuitive eating. Plus she loves Gretchen Rubin as well, so that was an especially fun part of the conversation.


  1. News and updates from Diane [1:40]
    1. Balanced Bites Master Class
    2. 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide in Costco
    3. Balanced Bites Spices
  2. Introducing Katie Garces, and something she's into lately [4:40]
  3. About intuitive eating [13:23]
  4. The effects of intuitive eating [19:04]
  5. Navigating the journey [28:00]
  6. Listening to your body versus eating junk [34:40]
  7. Intuitive Eating and Moderators/Abstainers [38:12]
  8. Addressing emotional eating [45:52]
  9. Final advice for intuitive eating [53:50]

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