Trans-Fat Ban in NYC

Diane Sanfilippo Uncategorized Leave a Comment

I would have thought that SF would do it first, but I also know there are not NEARLY as many fast food places in SF as there are in NYC. So, there you have it.

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New York bans trans fats at restaurants

By JOCELYN NOVECK, AP National Writer Tue Dec 5, 6:04 PM ET

NEW YORK – New York on Tuesday became the first city in the nation to ban artery-clogging trans fats at restaurants, leading the charge to limit consumption of an ingredient linked to heart disease and used in everything from french fries to pizza dough to pancake mix.

In a city where eating out is a major form of activity — either for fun or out of hectic necessity — many New Yorkers were all for the ban, saying that health concerns were more important than fears of Big Brother supervising their stomachs.

“I don't care about what might be politically correct and what's not,” said Murray Bader, nursing a cup of coffee at Dunkin' Donuts on Tuesday morning. “I want to live longer!”

The 72-year-old Manhattan resident called the ban a “wakeup call” for a public often unaware of the risks of artificial fats. “This stuff clogs up your vessels,” he said. “When it comes to health, we only have one life.”

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