Podcast Episode #124: #CoffeeWithBen, Fat Fears and It’s all about the Vegetables Baby!

Diane Sanfilippo Health & Wellness, Nutrition Myths, Podcast Episodes Leave a Comment

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1.  #coffeewithBen [3:07] 2.  Balanced Bites online workshop news [4:22] 3.  Liz gets to hold her baby finally! [15:30] 4. Eat the Yolks Egg-cerpt [20:44] 5.  How not to fear fat, and introducing it to the body when it’s been restricted [23:04] 6.  It’s all about …

Podcast Episode #119: White potatoes, natural sweeteners & calcium supplements

Podcast Episode #119: White Potatoes, Natural Sweeteners & Calcium Supplements

Diane Sanfilippo Health & Wellness, Nutrition Myths, Podcast Episodes 10 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1.  Beyond Sugar Detox news, events and updates [3:48] 2.  The white potato debacle [8:27] 3.  Excerpt from Eat the Yolks [15:38] 4. Weight gain methods for overall health [18:27] 5.  Opinions on natural sweeteners [28:58] 6.  Sardines in the car [43:00] 7.  The …

My take on: Flax, chia, juice cleanses, green smoothies & juicing

Diane Sanfilippo FAQs, Food & Recipes, Most Popular, Nutrition Myths, Real Food 101 27 Comments

Those of you who follow my blog and listen to my podcasts know that I am not particularly dogmatic about what is “allowed” and “not allowed” on a Paleo/Primal/Real Foods type of diet. My approach is to help you understand how food should work in your body and empower you to choose foods that provide optimal, nutrient-dense fuel for your body.  …

Podcast Episode #69: Talking Nutrient Synergy with Dr. Chris Masterjohn!

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Health & Wellness, Nutrition Myths, Podcast Episodes 11 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Episode #69: Talking Nutrient Synergy with Dr. Chris Masterjohn! Topics: 00:00 — Introducing Diane, Liz, and the Show (Diane and Liz chit chat) 02:30 — Introducing Nutrient Synergy and Me 04:40 — Oops the mute button was on! 05:30 — My Background/Story 09:12 — What I Ate …

Balanced Bites Podcast

Balanced Bites Podcast: Episode #4: Heavy Cream, Fish Calming to the Mind, Healthy Fats, Coffee/Caffeine Paleo, Anorexia & Low Carb High Fat Paleo

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Health & Wellness, Nutrition Myths, Podcast Episodes 11 Comments

Diane & Liz have a discussion of fats & oils, proper oils for cooking and why, irrelevance of smoke point to a degree, rancid oils, trans-fats and Omega 3 supplementation. [6:20] Topics:  1: Heavy cream/fish calming to the mind. [30:32] 2: Incorporating more healthy fats for a picky-eater child. [32:50] 3: Coffee/Caffeine and Paleo [41:50] 4: Anorexia & Low-Carb High-Fat Paleo [55:35] Note: The …

Bacon: Health Food or Devil in Delicious Disguise?

Diane Sanfilippo Beef, Pork & Lamb, Fats and Oils, Featured, Food & Recipes, Nutrition Myths 101 Comments

It seems I’ve become a bit well-known in my community as “the bacon girl.” Maybe it’s because I always seem to be eating, posting pictures of, and wearing T-shirts proclaiming my love for bacon. I’m okay with that nickname, but I have wanted to write this post for quite sometime now in order to explain my choice to consume what …