10 things that losing the same 10 pounds over and over again has taught me. | Diane Sanfilippo

10 things that losing the same 10 pounds over and over again has taught me.

Diane Sanfilippo Diane: Direct, Health & Wellness, Weight Loss 122 Comments

Some of you may know this, others may not, but I am exceptionally good at gaining weight. I cook delicious food, and I often over-work and over-stress myself in ways that make the balance of my life tip. And, so, it happens. But over the years (and facing down the big 4-0 in a couple of weeks), I’ve learned a …

Why I stopped drinking coffee. | Diane Sanfilippo

Why I stopped drinking coffee (and what I drink instead)

Diane Sanfilippo Diane: Direct, Health & Wellness 96 Comments

A LOT of people have been asking why I stopped drinking coffee. I stopped drinking coffee in January when I started my tour for my newest book, The 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide. Why? Well, on an early tour stop, I bought cold brew, poured it, mixed it with my coconut milk in my hotel room, then took one sip …

Coffee 101| Balanced Bites

Coffee 101: What’s In It, Toxicity Levels, & Caffeine

Diane Sanfilippo Food & Recipes Leave a Comment

Today we have a special guest post for you, that comes to us from Rachel Fiske, a Holistic Nutrition Consultant, graduate of Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition, and a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Rachel works with individual clients, focusing on issues of weight management, GI problems, hormonal imbalances, fatigue and more via a whole foods diet and lifestyle …

Unhealthy Oils, No-Poo, Night Terrors, Loose Skin, and Coffee & Sugar - Diane Sanfilippo, Liz Wolfe | Balanced Bites

Podcast Episode #244: Unhealthy Oils, No-Poo, Night Terrors, Loose Skin, and Coffee & Sugar

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Podcast Episodes Leave a Comment

Topics: 1. News and updates from Diane & Liz [2:09] 2. Shout out: Holly Marshall on Instagram [4:42] 3. Why are oils so important to avoid? [6:56] 4. pH balance of shampoo (versus no-poo) [18:14] 5. Night terrors and restless sleep habits [23:30] 6. Loose skin after weight loss [33:41] 7. A little sugar with your caffeine [40:57] 8. Try it at …

Balanced Bites Podcast | Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe

Podcast Episode #208: BB Classic: Paleo 101, Part 2

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, paleo, Podcast Episodes Leave a Comment

Topics: 1.  [NEW] What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [3:22] 2.  [NEW] Something new that I’m into: Hike it Baby and a new carrier [6:54] 3.  What should I eat and macros [8:22] 4. Integration of Weston A. Price principles [21:04] 5. Superfoods and budgeting [27:54] 6. Breaking the rules and cheating [37:45] 7. Lean meats and canola …

Balanced Bites Podcast

Balanced Bites Podcast: Episode #4: Heavy Cream, Fish Calming to the Mind, Healthy Fats, Coffee/Caffeine Paleo, Anorexia & Low Carb High Fat Paleo

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Health & Wellness, Nutrition Myths, Podcast Episodes 11 Comments

Diane & Liz have a discussion of fats & oils, proper oils for cooking and why, irrelevance of smoke point to a degree, rancid oils, trans-fats and Omega 3 supplementation. [6:20] Topics:  1: Heavy cream/fish calming to the mind. [30:32] 2: Incorporating more healthy fats for a picky-eater child. [32:50] 3: Coffee/Caffeine and Paleo [41:50] 4: Anorexia & Low-Carb High-Fat Paleo [55:35] Note: The …