The Real Deal on Adrenal Fatigue – Guest post on

Diane Sanfilippo Adrenal Fatigue, Health & Wellness, Stress Leave a Comment

Hey guys! I have a guest post over on that went up this week – below is an excerpt, and a link to the full post. I’ve covered this a bunch in a podcast episode, which you can listen to for free here or via iTunes, it’s Episode #15 of The Balanced Bites Podcast. I’ll probably also do a follow-up on …

john tsafos

5 Questions with Holistic Wellness Network’s John Tsafos

Diane Sanfilippo Amazing Practitioners, Five Questions With, Health & Wellness, Stress 5 Comments

John Tsafos of Holistic Wellness Network in New Jersey is no ordinary personal trainer. Not only has he become one of my closest friends in recent years, but he’s a trusted colleague of mine when it comes to helping clients deal with stress and emotional issues that are holding them back. I usually tell people that whatever your problem is, John …