5 Questions with Caitlin Weeks | Author of Paleo Mediterranean Cooking | Balanced Bites

5 Questions with Caitlin Weeks Author of Mediterranean Paleo Cooking and Giveaway!

Diane Sanfilippo Five Questions With 2 Comments

This week I am excited to share an interview with Caitlin Weeks, a certified Nutrition Consultant, author of the blog Grass Fed Girl and co-author (with her professionally-trained chef husband Nabil Boumrar) of the newly released eBook, Mediterranean Paleo Cooking. This is an amazing cookbook, filled with over 125 unique recipes inspired by Nabil’s Algerian background and crafted with traditional, yet easy-to-find, ingredients. The …

5 Questions with Kelly Milton author of Paleo Happy Hour and Giveaway!

Anna Hunter Five Questions With Leave a Comment

This week I am thrilled to share an interview with Kelly Milton, author of the blog Paleo Girl’s Kitchen and the newly released book, Paleo Happy Hour. Kelly’s love of food, cooking, and entertaining shines through this beautiful book as she gives readers tips and tricks for a Paleo-friendly happy hour experience at home, with friends, or at a restaurant or …

5 Questions with Jaclyn author of Bone Broth A Recipe For Health – and giveaway!

Anthony DiSarro Books, Events, & Programs, Contests & Giveaways, Five Questions With 170 Comments

I had the pleasure of intervening Jaclyn this week and I am thrilled to share it with all of you. Diane, Liz, myself and the rest of the Balanced Bites team are HUGE fans and advocates for Bone Broth. We could not be happier to introduce this great new book and resource to you. Jaclyn not only is offering up a FREE copy of  Bone Broth: A …

5 Questions with Joe Salama author of “The Paleo Miracle” – and a giveaway!

Anthony DiSarro Books, Events, & Programs, Contests & Giveaways, Five Questions With 65 Comments

I am very pleased to share with all of you my interview with Joe Salama the Author of The Paleo Miracle. One of Joes favrotie quotes is “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” by Milton Berle. I think this discribes perfectly what Joe has accomplished through The Paleo Miracle. He built a door so others could have the opportunity to share their own stories of transformation …

5 Questions with Steve Liberati founder of Steve’s Club and Special Offer!

Diane Sanfilippo Five Questions With 7 Comments

This week I was lucky enough to interview Steve Liberati, founder of Steve’s Club and the creator of Paleokits. Steve’s Club has grown to become a valuable asset in many communities. He has become an ambassador for change while helping at-risk youth. With so many of our children suffering from low self-esteem, obesity, and many other health issues, Steve has given us a way to be …

5 Questions with Paleo Trail (the new online Paleo diet tracker) – and a giveaway!

Anthony DiSarro Contests & Giveaways, Featured, Five Questions With, Paleo and Primal 158 Comments

I am happy to share with you my interview with Paleo Trail Founder, Kristin Jekielek. Paleo Trail provides a way to track your food with the focus being on food quality rather then calorie counting. Kristin is offering up a 1 year upgraded membership for one lucky Balanced Bites reader – details are at the end of this post. 1. How did the idea for Paleo Trail come about? …

Introducing “PCOS Unlocked: The Manual” by Stefani Ruper

Diane Sanfilippo Books, Events, & Programs, Contests & Giveaways, Featured, Five Questions With 9 Comments

Many of you may remember Stefani from the podcast interview Liz & I did with her a while back, or from the chat she and I had on The Underground Wellness show. Today, we caught up with Stefani to ask her some questions about her awesome new eBook extensively covering the topic of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), “PCOS Unlocked.” …

5 Questions with “Paleo Slow Cooking” author Chrissy Gower – and a giveaway!

Anthony DiSarro Books, Events, & Programs, Contests & Giveaways, Featured, Five Questions With 315 Comments

I met Chrissy, Sean, and their then only-kiddo (Kayden) Gower several years ago when I first made a trip up to Chico, CA to visit with she and her brother-in-law (you may have heard of him) who wrote the foreword for this book and also happened to write one for mine as well. Well, here we are not long after …

5 Questions with “30-Day Intro to Paleo” eBook authors Bill Staley & Hayley Mason

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Five Questions With, Paleo and Primal Leave a Comment

Today I sat down to chat with my good friends Hayley Mason and Bill Staley, authors of the popular blog The Food Lovers Primal Palate and the amazingly beautiful and completely useful cookbook Make it Paleo. This dynamic (and adorable) duo has put together yet another (when do these two sleep?!) fantastic resource to help just about anyone make the leap into a Paleo diet …