Make it Paleo: An epic, real-food cooking opus

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Paleo and Primal 1 Comment

The wait is OVER!

The epic real-food cooking opus Make it Paleo is now shipping (and on-sale in local bookstores) and the celebratory release party is tonight in Pittsburgh, PA. If you haven't heard about this book yet, I introduced here it a few weeks back when I did not yet have a copy of the book in my hands but had merely previewed it on-screen while visiting with the authors at the Ancestral Health Symposium. Now that I have it, let me give you just a few of my thoughts on why this book is an essential in any real food, grain-free, gluten-free, paleo or primal-eater's kitchen.

First, the photos.

Make it Paleo lamb burgerI highlight the photos first because you can't help but be drawn-in as well, as blown away, by the images in this book. If you're anything like me, you can't possibly even consider buying, let alone cooking from, a book without photos of the finished dishes. The pictures in this book are appetizing and beautiful, but the best part is that the plating is simple enough that the home cook can re-create them without stressing over being too delicate or perfect.

Next, the ingredients.

Hayley and Bill have kept the ingredients in Make it Paleo very clean. You'll see a strong focus on familiar meats, seafood and vegetables with some fruit, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, healthy cooking fats and a handful of special ingredients (like coconut aminos or coconut flour) here and there. Tired of scrambled or fried eggs? There are several very innovative egg recipes to tempt your palate (Eggplant hole in the head, p 46 and Coconut-nested eggs, p 64). The over 200 grain-free recipes also do also include some slightly less-than-typical ingredients that showcase the authors' creative talents like squash blossoms (Shrimp and bacon squash blossoms, p 116), banana peppers (Stuffed banana peppers, p 156) and jicama (Tacos with jicama shells, p 202). As a nutritionist, I'm constantly hearing from clients and seminar attendees that they want new and different ideas of what to eat, well, this book will now be my answer to those pleas.

Make it Paleo also offers up a well-rounded section of grain-free “Cheats & Treats” that feature unrefined sweeteners like maple syrup and honey. While these aren't recommended by the authors as part of an everyday meal plan, they're excellent options for keeping grain-free through birthdays, holiday parties, special occasions and celebrations. I tend to recommend that people bring treats like these to parties, knowing that the can enjoy a bite and go home without worrying that they've consumed gluten, refined sugars or other less-than-stellar ingredients.

Finally, the love.

It's obvious that this dynamic duo share a love for food, cooking, eating and each other from the cover of the book through the personal stories that line each page of the book as they discuss the role of food in their life together. It's clearly their hope that by providing this veritable Bible of paleo/primal/real-food recipes that you, too can fall in love with cooking and eating to nourish your body the way nature intended.

Make it Paleo is available now on, Barnes & and in book stores locally.

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  1. Pingback: Diane Sanfilippo | New York Times bestselling author of "Practical Paleo" and "The 21-Day Sugar Detox" | Home of the Balanced Bites Podcast

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