Podcast Episode #33, Special Edition: The Surprising Truth About Olive Oil!

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1: What's found in some olive oils (hint: it's not olive oil!) [7:13] 2: All about Kasandrinos, the process, and the grove [16:47] 3: What to look for in olive oil [19:31] 4: Kasandrinos' organic vs. non-organic (is there really a difference?) [20:25] 5: DISCOUNT CODE for listeners!

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[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/balancedbites/BB_Podcast_33.mp3″ title=”#33, Special Edition: The Surprising Truth About Olive Oil!” artist=”Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe ” color=”00aeef” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]

LIZ WOLFE: Hey everyone, I'm Liz Wolfe, here with Diane Sanfilippo, of Balanced Bites. We're a little late today because we have been traveling, but we are now sitting down to record episode 33 of the Balanced Bites podcast. I'll begin with our reminder that the materials and content contained in this podcast are for general information only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Okay, [laughs] so we didn't even really need that today because we are podcasting live, we're actually right now in Ft. Worth, Texas. And this is going to be a good one, I think. We're actually-we're hanging out with Anthony Kasandrinos of Kasandrinos Imports. He is our tour guide for the next couple of days. We did a little drop-in at Black Box Strength and Conditioning today, played around with some handstand holds and then Coach Dutch Lowy gave us some pretty awesome coaching tips on our clean and jerks. Actually I was pretty pathetic and totally got called out on my need to squat more, which is super true. So that was my impression so far from the day. Diane, what are you thinking?

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Hmmm. Well, I really enjoyed hanging out and doing some cleans. I couldn't actually do the jerk portion. I've got my shoulder a little tweaky, so it was just cool. I don't know. I love actually travelling around and lifting in different gyms and having different coaches kind of, you know, watch what I'm doing and give feedback, so that was really cool, and I was actually surprised that how much we were both able to do after a day of travelling, which is always really draining. So yeah, that was really fun. And I actually had a chance to chat with Dutch for a little bit after our session, just a little bit about the way that they kind of bring people into the gym with regards to nutrition, and they have kind of a cool approach. They tend to take people through either, you know, a few different stages, just depending on where they're at when they come in or you know, introduce them to some basics on nutrition shifts: not drinking diet soda, getting refined foods out, just keeping it really simple at first, which I think is really smart, not to overwhelm people. I think people typically come into a gym just want to train. They don't really want to talk about nutrition right away, so I think it's smart not to overwhelm them, and then he was saying basically at some point people decide they're ready for some other level of change or they're just not getting the results that they want to get in the gym, and I think most coaches at this point kind of recognize that when people hit a wall with their performance and their nutrition isn't really on point or maybe they're eating really well. Maybe they're eating, you know, clean Paleo foods, but the balance of how they're doing it, macronutrients, maybe they're not doing enough carbohydrates; that will need another look. So it was just cool to hear his perspective, you know, and basically, I even struck up the conversations. I noticed a couple books on his desk-nutrition books, and I was like, oh, are you reading this now? And we kind of just got into some slightly nerdy stuff talking about that. It's always fun for me, so that was cool.
So yeah, we're probably ready to get rolling. Do you want to do…?

LIZ WOLFE: Do you want to talk about my experience on the airdyne?

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Oh, just kidding. How can I forget? Because it wasn't my experience. Well, today, Liz met the airdyne . Liz, why don't you tell us about that? [laughs]

LIZ WOLFE: So for anyone who doesn't know what this airdyne contraption is, number one, it looks like a ridiculous bike. [laughs]

DIANE SANFILIPPO:It looks like something out of 16 Candles.[laughs]

LIZ WOLFE: Yeah, oh! [laughs] When Long is on the thing with his girlfriend “Sexy Girlfriend!”

DIANE SANFILIPPO:that's what it looks like…

LIZ WOLFE: It's exactly what it looks.


LIZ WOLFE: It looks like a ridiculous like psuedo-eliptical spin bike machine that you see in a strength and conditioning gym and you're just thinking, what the heck is that doing here? Like you're thinking maybe it was left in a closet somewhere and somebody dragged it out, you know, to take to the dump. But, so basically, our buddy here, Mr. Kasandrinos, our olive oil supplier basically tricked me into getting on this bike.


LIZ WOLFE: told me I was only going to do it for 60 seconds in lieu of a 2000 meter row, and I'm thinking, I kind of like rowing. I kind of want to row, but, you know, whatever I'll do this and I'll row after. And then I died, and [laughs] it was the worst experience of my life. Thank you to everyone in this room with me here.

TONY KASANDRINOS:You're welcome.

LIZ WOLFE: that made my life. It is literally probably the hardest thing I've ever done. After about 30 seconds, I started to feel like my legs were just stuck in like swamp clay, and I could not move anymore. So let me tell you. Apparently, I did well. Did I not do well? Guys?


LIZ WOLFE: 30 calories in 60 seconds. So yeah, I've never done that.

TONY KASANDRINOS:Came home and ate 500.

LIZ WOLFE: Yup, exactly. 500 calories worth of olive oil, you just drink the stuff. So anyway, thank you guys. You guys are not my friends anymore.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Yup. Thank Dutch for the experience on the airdyne. So that's it then. Also for teaching us the one kilo equals one kilo.

LIZ WOLFE: One kilo. Everyone, there's only one unit of measure at Black Box Strength and Conditioning. One kilo equals one kilo. [laughs]


LIZ WOLFE: All right, so let's get started then. As I said, we've got Tony Kasandrinos here with us. Tony is a proprietor at Kasandrinos Imports, which is a pure beautiful, you know, pure as driven snow olive oil, straight from Greece. And Diane and I are huge fans of his stuff, and we wanted to talk to him actually a little bit about quality of olive oil and the things that you kind of need to know about olive oil. But you know, we talk a lot about knowing the source of your meats and knowing the source of your foods, but a lot of times, we think we just pick up olive oil or , you know, whatever we're using at the grocery store, non-meat related, something as simple as olive oil, we're thinking that what we're getting is actually olive oil. But what I have been learning lately and what Diane has told me actually for awhile is that is not true. And Diane, I know you show a video actually since we're here in Frisco for the Balanced Bites workshop, at which I will be teaching as well. We're going to see a video about canola oil and how that is produced, which is something that will make you either cry or vomit, depending on your sensibility. But the idea is a lot of times, the things we think are simple are really not. So we're going to talk to Tony a little bit, get a little educated on olive oil. So yeah, let's get going. Hey, Tony, I guess start out by telling us a little bit about why the standard supermarket extra virgin olive oil is not always what people think it is.

TONY KASANDRINOS:Well, I think the biggest problem with it is, you know, being here in America, you're not always getting the pure olive oil. That's the biggest problem. I mean, our olive oil, if you go to Greece, it's pretty much…it's normal. But when you're over here, unfortunately it's mixed with a lot of other oils, maybe soybean oil, maybe canola oil. You know, everyone says, well, what's the difference with yours? And the answer's pretty simple. It's real. You know, it's fresh, nothing, not blended. A lot of times when you get the olive oil in a grocery store, it's been sitting there for a few months. Unfortunately, it's not like wine. it doesn't get better with time. It will oxidize, so you know, the biggest difference, I think, is you're getting a fresh oil. We press our olives literally the day that they come off the tree. You know.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:So what happens? Like how, because I think, as just a regular consumer, you know, you see in the store, it says extra virgin olive oil. Like do you know much about why or how at least in this country it can be sold as extra virgin olive oil, but for whatever reason, it may not be 100%, you know, the same thing. I mean, I know we can taste the difference when we taste it, but like do you have any idea about how that works?

TONY KASANDRINOS:Pretty much there's no regulation on it here in America. You can put whatever you want in there and as long as there is some extra virgin olive oil in it, you can call it that.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:So I guess, you know, it's probably pretty different from stuff like organic, 100% grass-fed, all that kind of stuff because there's so many regulations around that at this point.


DIANE SANFILIPPO:So there's not regulations around it. So maybe if it said 100% pure extra virgin olive oil, if they put some kind of label, we don't know.

TONY KASANDRINOS:Unfortunately there's nothing out there for that.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:There's nothing.

TONY KASANDRINOS:The biggest thing, there's nowhere to get it from.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:So, is there any way that like, what are some signs that people might see in either like, you know, the oil that's in their kitchen or maybe in their fridge. How can they tell?

TONY KASANDRINOS:Some things you definitely want to look for is not only an expiration date, 'cause every bottle of olive oil will have an expiration date, but an actual production date. What day was this pressed? you can go through any grocery store and probably 90% of the bottles will not tell you the day they were pressed. And that's what you really want to know and that's one of the biggest differences with our oil is that those olives come off the tree. They're pressed that day. A lot of big olive oil producers, they don't have the olives around the area to actually do that. They actually import those olives from different countries and regions, and you know, those olives sit around for a few weeks. They get shipped there on boats, on trucks, you know, so you're getting a fruit that, you know, isn't as fresh. You know.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:It kind of sounds like what they do with orange juice.


DIANE SANFILIPPO:Basically an orange juice producer will squeeze oranges out and then they just sit in a vat. The juice just sits in a vat, and then they…


DIANE SANFILIPPO:flavor it with flavor packs to produce something, you know, similar for everyone, but it really has nothing to do with the fresh product. So I know after living in Northern California for awhile, we had a bunch of olive oil producers in Northern California, which is, you know, pretty common. You know, is that the kind of thing where somebody would probably be able, say go to a farmers market and it's something that's fairly local, like they're probably getting something that's legit?

TONY KASANDRINOS:It depends on where you are. I would definitely say-I would go with the California olive oil definitely anytime before the imported oil that I didn't know what the source of it was, because at least, you know, in California, chances are it's going to be much better than your typical Italian olive oil, unfortunately.



DIANE SANFILIPPO:He's snickering when he says that because he knows that I'm half Italian, except I'm not really that loyal to it. I'm like, if you have amazing olive oil, I would take you up on it.

TONY KASANDRINOS:There's a lot of good Italian olive oil. But unfortunately there is a lot of huge olive oil distributors out of Italy and Greece in some cases, you know, that they'll get their olives from all over the place, and you know, they press them and sometimes they'll mix them with things that are not olive oil and, you know, a lot of people just don't know the difference until they taste real, fresh olive oil. You know, and you definitely notice it as soon as you try it. You put our olive oil side by side with some other olive oils, I'm not going to name any names, but a lot of the stuff that's in Whole Foods or Wegman's or whatever, but you'll definitely…you can taste the difference right away.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:I know that you and I have kind of…we've been hanging around, going to different Whole Foods Markets and checking out and different other grocery stores checking out what's available. Even, you know, we're kind of calling top-shelf olive oil, where you can check the labels and a lot of those don't even have a, you know, a press date or…

TONY KASANDRINOS:Most oils will..I say, well over 80% don't have a press date, which, you're not even giving the…because here's the thing. When they put an expiration date, I've seen anywhere from at least 18 months from the day it's pressed til the expiration date. Generally olive oil will last longer than that, as long as it's stored in a dark space, not on the top of the grocery store shelf, in the light. But a lot of times, you can see up to 36 months expiration date, and then there's still not even giving you the day it was pressed, let alone when those olives came off the tree. They could have came off the tree 2, 3 weeks prior to that. You know, so I mean, the biggest thing to look for is the actual press date and expiration date. But even then, unfortunately, you really don't know how long those olives have been sitting around prior to getting turned into olive oil.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Yeah, so one of the things that we kind of teach about with the whole nutrition perspective of what are healthy fats and oils to be eating or to be cooking with, we talk a lot about things like seed oils, canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, being unhealthy, not only because we don't really love what they come from, but the processing that they go through, essentially damages that oil before it ever hits the bottle, so you know, we don't even want to be eating soybeans, just you know, our little community here. It kind of shuns soybeans for the most part, but then turning them into oil requires a really rigorous processing. Same thing with canola oil going through a chemical processing and degumming and bleaching and deodorizing, all that stuff. So one of the reasons why we like olive is that it does have a much simpler process. Obviously there is some processing involved, but I think probably most people have heard of, you know, cold-pressing. Can you tell us just a little bit about, you know, the basic steps that kind of happen from tree…?

TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, well, one thing is that this has been happening for…when did Paleo start? What Paleo time?


TONY KASANDRINOS:We've been squeezing olives for probably about 5 or 6 thousand years. But I mean, it's pretty much similar to what was happening, you know, a few thousand years ago. I mean, the olives come off the tree. You know, they pretty much grind them into mush, and you know, you make kind of …it's pretty much a mush, and then what happens is you press that and you actually get the olive oil. And that's the first press, which is extra virgin olive oil. It's done. It's a pretty slow process, so you don't eat up the olive meat itself, you know. But…

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Are they pitted first?


DIANE SANFILIPPO:So they're pitted first. This is one of the things, too, when I teach people about this stuff. Like when you think about olives, you can tell that that's the fruit that, I mean, you can kind of imagine how oil comes from that fruit. It's not this like little tiny hard seed that you know, the canola seed, for example. We have to use chemicals to extract more of the oil from that seed. We're not talking about getting oil from a seed in this case.


DIANE SANFILIPPO:It's actually coming from the fruit itself.

TONY KASANDRINOS:Yes. You're pressing the fruit pretty much. A lot of things…I mean, some things a lot of people don't realize is you would never take an olive off a tree and just eat it. It's actually pretty bitter and it's not something you would want to, even the olives that you eat, they go through…they've got to be washed and there's a process that takes a few months, you know. You let them soak in water and then, you know, then you'll eat them. But as far as with the olive oil, your first press is what is your highest quality olive oil. That's your extra virgin in most cases, and then you know, they also…they'll use the meat that's left over and they'll press it again, and that's where you get your lower quality olive oils, that second press. Then after that they'll even use the leftover and turn it into a pate that you might find in your grocery store.

LIZ WOLFE: Like a tapenade?


LIZ WOLFE: if you will. My pinkie is up in the air.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Is that because it's fancy?

LIZ WOLFE: Very fancy.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:I was like, does that mean you want to say something? Do you want to quietly raise your hand, but you're so afraid to..?

LIZ WOLFE: Um, no.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:So the olive oil, the olive oil that your family makes…


DIANE SANFILIPPO:Let's kind of talk a little bit just specifically about that. What you're selling currently, you know, and we want to use this time to just educate people on the whole, you know, general process and help them understand what this is all about? You know, not to scare people and make them think they can't find something good out there because there, you know, there are a handful of really good options, and I think, I like for people to take the fat that they're eating very seriously. You know, that's where I want people to spend good money, don't buy poor quality fats if you have some money to spend on it. So, yeah, why don't you tell us kind of some of the reasons why what your family is doing? You know, you've mentioned a little bit, but just kind of why it's a different level than what most people are getting now?

TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, well I mean, pretty much it's a very..we're small. I mean, it comes from our village, Niata, which is located about an hour south of Sparta in Greece. We're definitely not any huge corporation, I mean, it's all local families that live in that region. We gather our olives, they're pressed in our village literally that day. We bottle them. Send them back here to America and a few other places in the world, and we sell it. You know, it's pretty much we're a small operation, local…



DIANE SANFILIPPO:So one thing that's kind of cool I think in that, you know, I tell people about this oil all the time. One thing that I really like is that the prices that you have on your website are not, I don't think, anywhere near what people would expect to pay in a grocery store like they're actually like even lower than some of those top shelf in a grocery store because basically you're importing this stuff directly from your family and selling it, and one of the things that's happened is kind of within the Paleo community because, you know, I know you were selling it at your…just to your friends in the CrossFit gym…


DIANE SANFILIPPO:CrossFit Center City in Philly when you're out there, and just people kind of wanted it more and more…



TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, I mean, generally I mean, you know, you both have tasted it and once you try it, you know, you got to definitely want to keep using it, but, you know, there's a lot of times when you'll get a more expensive bottle in the grocery store. Well, one, you're paying the grocery store. Obviously they've got to make their money, so you're going to be paying a little bit more. So, I mean, we cut out the middleman. But a lot of times you're paying for the bottle's in, unfortunately. So I mean, as sad as that is, a lot of times you'll have a $40 bottle of olive oil in Whole Foods or you know, whatever grocery store you have, and generally you're paying for a nice looking bottle and label.


TONY KASANDRINOS:Well, we keep it simple. Put a good product in a normal little green bottle. It's funny. Sometimes you'll see a $40 bottle of olive oil in the clear glass bottle.


TONY KASANDRINOS:Never buy olive oil in a clear glass bottle.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Yeah, if anyone who's been to the Balanced Bites workshops so far, that's like one of the things I touch on pretty…

TONY KASANDRINOS:If it is sitting on the top of the shelf, in the light all day long at the grocery store.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Yeah, that's poor quality…

TONY KASANDRINOS:Don't buy that.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:I see a lot of that at Trader Joe's even. You know, they're…I love that they're doing the coconut oil thing right now, but I see their olive oil, and I know there are some really expensive olive oils there, and I know people are trying to kind of be on a budget sometimes, but that's just not really the place to save money, in my opinion. I would…I just wouldn't go for that kind of thing. So I've definitely noticed between the different oils, you have two different kinds. There's an organic and a, you know, non-organic, which, you've explained to me that coming from Greece that sort of, it's sort of a moot point. They do everything what we would consider organic.


DIANE SANFILIPPO:But those two oils actually taste really different and I found the organic version, I was surprised, it was just so so spicy and peppery for me that it was like whoa, I couldn't even. I put it on a salad and it was almost overpowering, so can you explain like some of the differences of why the flavors come out like that, and you know, just kind of how that happens?

TONY KASANDRINOS:Pretty much the difference in the tastes of those two olives that are olive oils is that they were pressed at a different time and they're grown not a much further area. They come from about 20 minutes away; geographically, it might not sound like a lot, but you know the soil from where those trees are planted can make a difference, even if it's a few mountains over.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Like where the wine is?

TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, same thing. I mean, you can have wine from one side of an island to another, same kind of grapes, but the soil is different and it will taste different. Every one of our oils, it might have a slight difference in taste, season to season, just, you know, anything from the temperature to it's a different time, and it's a different crop, you know. It's not a standardized recipe that is the same all the time, you know. Sometimes it'll taste different, but the reason we have the organic is some people like organic, but I'll be honest with anybody and tell, our non-organic olive oils are very hardy trees. Pretty much all they need is sun and a little bit of water, very little water, surprisingly. I mean, those trees literally, they'll stand there for 5, 6, 700 years with..


TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, they last forever. And sometimes even older, but yeah, the non-organic oil would definitely be considered organic here in America because all they get is sun and water.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:And that's, you know, for people who like the really kind of spicy..

TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah. Well [xxx 22:37]

DIANE SANFILIPPO:like really pungent olive oil, the organic has that to it. If you're using it all as like a salad dressing recipe or just you're used to something that's a lot milder. For my taste, I use the regular one. I pretty much drown life in that.

TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah. Yeah. I like marinating olives in the organic oil, juts because it is spicier, and then you know, I'll use the Katinos, the non-organic for salad. But yeah, I like them both. They're just a little bit different taste.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Sure. So you were going to tell us before we even started this podcast, but how much, like how many olives, how much kind of picking goes into maybe like one bottle. You know, you've got…how big is the bottle?



TONY KASANDRINOS:Well, we've got a one liter bottle. We've also got a 750 milliliter bottle for anyone who's not too good with the European conversions chart, like Diane with her kilos and pounds [laughs]

DIANE SANFILIPPO:I did it without my calculator. I was like, I need to know how many pounds that was.

TONY KASANDRINOS:Okay, well, 750 milliliters is 3 quarters of a liter. You got 1000 milliliters in one liter, but the typical olive tree in Greece will make anywhere from one point five to 3 liters of olive oil. So our 3 liter can, that's pretty much one entire tree right there.



DIANE SANFILIPPO:That's kind of amazing.

TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, a lot of…I mean, olives don't…unfortunately they don't have a lot of juice. I mean, it takes a lot of olives to actually make the oil that you're using.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:How quickly does the tree grow back those olives?



TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, once a year. They're pressed once a year.

LIZ WOLFE: [laughs]

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Now I feel a little bit badly for using so much oil all the time.

TONY KASANDRINOS:No, we've got a lot of trees, so…the biggest threat, honestly, to olives, olive trees, unfortunately, is fires. And Greece is very dry, hot, arid. A lot of great beaches, but it is hot and people smoke cigarettes, and they'll flick them on the side of the road and start a big brush fire. Kind of like in California.


TONY KASANDRINOS:Same thing, but that's the biggest threat to our olive tree. Yeah, I mean, it takes about it. I mean, well, literally one bottle of oil, that's like a tree like there, or close to it.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:That's kind of cool. But it's cool that they, you know, stick around for as long as they do and you know, we're not really depleting the resources by doing that. They're going to grow back and that's kind of the whole deal. So that's definitely pretty cool.
Yeah, so what else, you know, what else do you want people to know about what your family's doing and you know, some of the reports back that you've heard? I know you've been at a couple of my workshops, sampling and whatnot.

TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, everyone seems to love it so far. I mean, I'll tell anyone, just give it a try. Try it out. Well, I didn't even tell you yet, but we'll do a 25% discount for anybody listening right now.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Whoa! Whooooa! All right

TONY KASANDRINOS:I've got a really cool discount code.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:All right, so here's what we're going to do.

LIZ WOLFE: [laughs]

DIANE SANFILIPPO:All right, I honestly like I don't…I'm not big on kind of promoting products that I don't really love and I don't use in my kitchen. I mean, anybody who's around me eating, cooking, whatnot, you know, I'm putting this stuff up on my salad all the time and Tony makes fun of me, calls me a rabbit as I'm eating salad so often.

TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, she literally eats a lot more than I do.


TONY KASANDRINOS:No, the olive oil.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Oh, the olive oil. So yeah, I really got hooked on it. I wasn't eating a ton of olive oil at all before I started eating this because I think, you know, I was in California, so I was getting some local stuff, but I just…I actually honestly didn't really trust it. I was like, I don't really know, and feeling like, okay, I know this person. You know, his family is there, and you know, you guys don't all know Tony, but I bet like at least 50% of you know Tony. [laughs] No. But the like 6 people who are out there, yeah, so where can I get a really sick deal?


LIZ WOLFE: Holy crap!


TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, yeah. And the discount code…

DIANE SANFILIPPO:We're shocked. What's the discount code?

LIZ WOLFE: I'm like, I'm poised to go on right now. what is it?

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Shit, Liz is about to order this right now.

TONY KASANDRINOS:It's just the title of your podcast.


LIZ WOLFE: Woooooooo!

TONY KASANDRINOS:It's real original.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:I know, really original, so all right. We'll put a link up to, it's just Kasandrinos.com. We'll put a link up to it, and we just want to make sure that, you know, if you guys are concerned about what kind of olive oil that you're eating because you're not sure that you can get something good near you locally. And obviously, and I really love the stuff. He's even got some little 2 ounce like BPA-free plastic travel bottles, which I wouldn't say, you keep it in there all the time, but when you're going to travel or you're going out to a restaurant.


DIANE SANFILIPPO:Yeah, for on the go. Like I carry that stuff all the time. I want to make sure if I'm going to a restaurant, I have my dressing. I don't care what people think. I just take that out. I know I have something really good. You know, you can get lemons and have your good olive oil. So it's Kasandrinos.com and he's going to give you guys 25% off of, I guess, any…

TONY KASANDRINOS:Anything. Orders.



DIANE SANFILIPPO:I would not hesitate to order more than one bottle with that deal.

TONY KASANDRINOS:Yeah, it's ten dollars, flat rate shipping whether you order one, two, six, ten bottles, whatever.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Yeah, so he's got flat rate shipping, so…awesome deal. I'm really glad that we kind of just stayed and yeah, is there's anything else you want to tell people or be like? That's everything?

TONY KASANDRINOS:That's all that I can think of.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:We enjoyed some Greek salad tonight.


DIANE SANFILIPPO:With tomatoes, like amazing heirloom, super ripe heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, rigani lettuce Tony picked from Greece last summer.


DIANE SANFILIPPO:So that was amazing with some beef meatballs for dinner. All right, Liz.

LIZ WOLFE: All right so, the web address: Kasadrinos.com. That's K-A-S-A-N-D-R-I-N-O-S.


LIZ WOLFE: Dot com. Discount code: Podcast. 25% off. You better hurry because right now I'm going on the website and buying everything.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Buying all of it?

LIZ WOLFE: Yes. So that's all we've got. Tony, thanks for hanging out with us. Hopefully we'll see some of you listeners at the CrossFit Frisco Balance Bites workshop here pretty soon. And…


LIZ WOLFE: I think Diane has something else to say.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:We're not even usually in the same room, so this is funny. People think, you know, if we talk over each other, it's because we're not in the same place, but I'm like, we're in the same place, and I'm still kind of doing it. No, I was excited, I just posted up on Facebook and Twitter recently, tonight, like an hour ago, that we announced a new event in Oregon City, at CrossFit Oregon City, so it's really close to Portland, right?


DIANE SANFILIPPO:We decided it was only like less than 20 miles away. So Pacific Northwest, look out! We are coming…

LIZ WOLFE: Woo hoo!

DIANE SANFILIPPO:To a workshop on May 19th, so come out and see us. If it's a bit of a drive, that's cool. Come out the night before, bring a friend, make a night of it, and yeah, it's going to be a great time. I'm really excited. I'm really excited for Jen Cereghino, she's going to be getting up pretty…

TONY KASANDRINOS:Former Ft. Worth girl.

DIANE SANFILIPPO:Former Ft. Worth girl. That's right. You know, I met Jen here last year at I don't remember, Omega CrossFit, something like that. I taught here and I met her and that was awesome. So I'm really excited to go up there and see her new gym. They actually even moved to a new space within less than a year of opening, so I'm psyched for them. So yeah. I'm psyched to go up there and teach and so if you're in that area, definitely come see us May 19th.
Close us out until next week?

LIZ WOLFE: All right, until next week, I'm Liz, that's Diane. Peace out.

Diane & Liz

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