5 Questions with Marin Sun Farms

Diane Sanfilippo Beef, Pork & Lamb, Five Questions With, Food & Recipes 1 Comment

I had the pleasure of taking a tour of the Marin Sun Farms Butcher Shop with the NorCal Paleo Meetup Group back in December of last year and I’m finally getting around to sharing some tidbits from that experience with you! Let me being by saying that I probably fuel myself on protein that’s roughly 50% sourced from Marin Sun …

A Week’s Worth of Wellness vs The Cost of Illness

Diane Sanfilippo Health & Wellness Leave a Comment

I go the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market here in San Francisco nearly every Saturday morning. I love it. It’s sort of my thing. It’s not only my grocery shopping trip and a chance to just get some air and be around bustling crowds excited about food, but it’s also my way of providing myself with that extra bit of insurance …