Podcast Episode #75: Mira & Jayson Calton Talk “Rich Food Poor Food”

Diane Sanfilippo Podcast Episodes 3 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Episode #75: Mira & Jayson Calton Talk “Rich Food Poor Food” In this episode I talked with Rich Food Poor Food authors Mira & Jayson Calton (who also happen to be friends of mine and very lovely people!) about their new book. We covered some great topics …

What’s on My Plate, 4/5/09

Diane Sanfilippo Direct from Diane, What's On My Plate Leave a Comment

Brekkie: 2 hard boiled organic eggs with Real Salt & organic chipotle habañero hot sauce 1 fuji apple coffee with coconut milk & stevia (yes, I caved! wanted to have it pre-workout!) Lunch: 2 cups of kale/carrot/avocado salad (recipe to follow in another post!) 1 organic chicken thigh (for the recipe, click here!) strawberries for dessert! water