Ask the Doc: Chiropractic & Self Care with Dr. Scott A. Mills - Diane Sanfilippo, Liz Wolfe | Balanced Bites

Podcast Episode #229: Ask the Doc: Chiropractic & Self Care with Dr. Scott A. Mills

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Podcast Episodes 1 Comment

Topics: 1. News and updates from Diane [2:06] 2. Something new that I’m into: facial hair [3:04] 3. Introducing our guest, Dr. Scott A. Mills and chiropractic [4:02] 4. What is subluxation and is it treatable? [12:20] 5. What is that popping noise? [15:47] 6. Best sleeping position and bed [20:47] 7. Best exercises for low back and sacrum [23:49] …