The 21-Day Sugar Detox – Official Book Trailer!

Diane Sanfilippo 21-Day Sugar Detox 2 Comments

Hey guys! Just a quick update to let you all know that the official trailer video for The 21-Day Sugar Detox is now up! The book releases in just about two weeks – I can hardly believe it's getting so close. Be on the lookout for some reviews from bloggers around the web (we'll be sharing some here as they come in), and stay tuned for an official FAQs guide to the 21DSD in the next couple of weeks as well.

And, of course, to pre-order the book and get my free Sugar Detox Quick-Start Guides, head on over to Amazon to place your order (or any other online retailer!) and then drop by to grab your free downloads.

I'm going to be running a video scavenger hunt later this week into next week with some awesome prizes for the winners. Check this out, “favorite” it on YouTube, and stay tuned for more details.


Buy the book:
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Book Depository   |  Books-A-Million   |  Chapters/Indigo


And here's a quick preview look-inside!

Buy the book! 

Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Book Depository   |  Books-A-Million   |  Chapters/Indigo

Comments 2

  1. Ordered mine today and can’t wait to start. Need changes and hope this jump starts me and I am an example of a consistently successful paleo eater…I need sugar detox and wt loss.

  2. Super-excited – just pre-ordered my copy a few days ago, as well! I’ve been marathoning the Podcast for the last few weeks (LOVE!), and can’t wait for the book! Thanks for all you do!

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