Announcing: The Balanced Bites Podcast

Diane Sanfilippo Paleo and Primal, Podcast Episodes 11 Comments

I've been searching high and low for the right co-host to tackle a podcast with me. Well, the day has come and now I have some VERY exciting news: The Balanced Bites Podcast is getting ready to launch!

Liz WolfeLet me introduce you to my fantastic co-host, Liz Wolfe.

Liz runs the popular blog, and was first introduced to evolutionary nutrition through her training at CrossFit Kansas City working with Coach Rut. When she and her husband moved to New Jersey, she continued to study the scientific and practical applications of Paleo nutrition and nutritional therapy. In addition to her blog, she is also a regular contributor to the Steve's Original blog. If you haven't read any of Liz's blog yet, well get on over there! She is smart, witty, knowledgeable and, best of all, has a very balanced approach to applying Paleo principles in our daily lives.
Find Liz around the interwebs: blog  |  facebook  |  twitter

About the Podcast.

Liz and I are lining up the questions that we'll be answering from you, our readers, followers and fans. We're also going to be offering up something that is totally new in the Paleo-podcast-sphere: a live call-in segment. YES! You will be able to call us, live, with your Paleo nutrition related questions! Keep your eyes here and on the Podcast page for more information and updates. Our first episode will probably not include call-ins, but once we're up and running, it'll be game-on!

Are you excited?! WE ARE!

Already have a burning question? Submit it here >

Diane & Liz

Comments 11

  1. Im so excited to have another avenue of education for the Paleo Diet. Ive lost 55 lbs since February on my way to my goal of 100 lbs.! I feel great and started TSAC Crossfit and love it! Looking forward to hearing you guys! Thank you Thank you! Keep us posted when it starts, I have a group of 60 on facebook who are working toward a healthier life so I will share it with them!

  2. Hey gals. You know what I need? Meat education. I was a vegan since 15 and totally missed any education about meat and how to deal with. I don’t know what the different parts of the cow/pig/sheep, etc. are, which are better for what purpose, how you cook them.

    There’s something to sink your teeth into 😉

  3. I recently watched the documentary Food Matters and found it fascinating. With regard to fruits and vegetables, it really stressed that we should try to eat them in their raw state. I eat lots of fruit raw, but veggies I tend to steam or roast, with the occasional salad or snack of raw veg. Should I be worried that I am not getting enough of the correct nutrients and supplement?

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