Podcast Episode #102: Candida, Paleo Bread, Nightly Pee Breaks and FODMAPs

Anthony DiSarro Podcast Episodes 7 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Do anchovies have the same health benefits as sardines? [20:11] 2. Struggling with postpartum weight loss [23:23] 3. Are middle-of-the-night bathroom breaks such a big deal? / Liz’s fancy, grass-fed mattress [26:45] 4. Candida and die-off symptoms [32:56] 5. Egg-free, whey-free protein powder …

Podcast Episode #101: Cholesterol Clarity with Jimmy Moore

Anthony DiSarro Cholesterol, Podcast Episodes 8 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Welcome, Jimmy Moore! [3:23] 2. The Sally Fallon issue and keeping an open mind [5:38] 3. Jimmy’s new book, Cholesterol Clarity [12:44] 4. Busting myths:  Does fat or cholesterol in our diet raise the level of cholesterol in our blood? [20:13] 5. Worthwhile …

Podcast Episode #100: Ask Us (Almost) Anything!

Anthony DiSarro Podcast Episodes 3 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Active rest activities [10:29] 2. Finding a likeminded partner [12:19] 3. Movies [16:00] 4. Cave babies? [18:04] 5. Diane’s romantic life [19:20] 6. How scary is homesteading? [21:30] 7. Tick update & why Diane doesn’t want to live on a farm [24:13] 8. …

Podcast Episode #99: Non-Paleo Loved Ones, HIV, Footwear & Blog Etiquette

Anthony DiSarro Podcast Episodes 3 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Opening Discussion Topic: Friends/family who sabotage or are unsupportive of those who are trying hard to make healthy changes. Topics: 1. Diane’s Rant of the Week: Unsupportive Loved Ones & Whether to Argue or Walk Away [10:48] 2. Losing weight and I don’t want to. Help! [23:04] 3. …

Fermentation 101 with Jill Ciciarelli, author of Fermented (and a giveaway!)

Diane Sanfilippo Book Reviews, Books, Events, & Programs, Contests & Giveaways, Food & Recipes, Real Food 101 7 Comments

Hello Balanced Bites fans! I’m Jill Ciciarelli and I’m the keeper of the blog, firstcomeshealth.com and the author of the just-released book, Fermented: A Four-Season Approach to Paleo Probiotic Foods. I am really grateful to Diane for asking me to write a little something for her readers. (Thanks, Diane!) So, in thinking about what to write for all of you …

My take on: Flax, chia, juice cleanses, green smoothies & juicing

Diane Sanfilippo FAQs, Food & Recipes, Most Popular, Nutrition Myths, Real Food 101 27 Comments

Those of you who follow my blog and listen to my podcasts know that I am not particularly dogmatic about what is “allowed” and “not allowed” on a Paleo/Primal/Real Foods type of diet. My approach is to help you understand how food should work in your body and empower you to choose foods that provide optimal, nutrient-dense fuel for your body.  …

Podcast Episode #98: Fermented with Jill Ciciarelli

Anthony DiSarro Podcast Episodes 2 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks!   Topics: 1. Introduction to Jill Ciciarelli, health coach and author [13:25] 2. Historical Relevance of Fermentation [20:15] 3. Best Ferments for Beginners [24:46] 4. Quality Materials & Nutrient Bioavailability [30:55] 5. Kombucha Crash Course [34:22] 6. Healthy Skin Though Fermented Foods [48:42] 7. Common Fermentation …

Troubleshooting Your Digestive Issues: Tips for Common Digestive Issues in Pregnancy (part 4)

Diane Sanfilippo Digestion 5 Comments

Hey everyone! This week’s installment of the Troubleshooting your Digestive Issues series is written by a paleo Registered Midwife, Meghanne Reburn. I figured it’s best to leave this topic to her, since she’s an expert – enjoy!  – Diane  Pregnancy can be an all around awesome time a woman’s life. I always find it magical to watch the body change, as …

Podcast Episode #97: A Rebuttal to Sally Fallon’s Take on Paleo

Anthony DiSarro Podcast Episodes 31 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Discussion Topic: MYTH: THE WAPF DIET IS LIKE THE PALEO DIET Links: The Paleo Mom (Sarah Ballantyne) has a fantastic rebuttal post as well on her blog to this anti-Paleo information from the Weston A. Price Foundation. Also see Liz’s post on Dietary Domination! I created …

Troubleshooting Your Digestive Issues: Specific Recommendations for Constipation & Diarrhea (part 3)

Diane Sanfilippo Digestion 13 Comments

In Part 1 of Troubleshooting Your Digestive Issues, I covered some signs and symptoms (diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, etc.), potential causes of disrupted digestion, and why it’s important to address these issues right away – most notably, to calm systemic inflammation. In Part 2, I detailed a top down approach to Improving digestion function. Following those recommendations alone will take your …