What We've Been Fed: The Recommendation for Cholesterol | Balanced Bites

What We’ve Been Fed: The Recommendation for Cholesterol

Diane Sanfilippo Gluten and Gluten Free, Health & Wellness, Nutrition Myths, paleo, Paleo and Primal, Real Food 101 1 Comment

In this series, I’m sharing some excerpts from my book, “Practical Paleo” with you. You may or may not choose to follow a paleo style of eating, it isn’t required to be healthy. But, many of you have told me you’ve benefitted from eating paleo for a short or long period of time, so these posts will explain more of …

Cholesterol: Inflammation, Statins, & Hormones | What’s Up Weekly with Diane | June 14th, 2017

Diane Sanfilippo What's Up Weekly Leave a Comment

Here’s what was up last week! Quick Links: Diane: Direct Vlog Balanced Bites Podcast – Episode #299: Female Hormones with Dr. Jolene Brighten Vancouver Trip Recap Balanced Bites Spices – Easy Recipe New 21DSD Recipe Roundup – Instant Pot Chicken New 21DSD Recipe – Buffalo Shrimp Lettuce Cups New 21DSD Blog Post – When The Going Gets Tough Highlights from Instagram …

Podcast Episode #101: Cholesterol Clarity with Jimmy Moore

Anthony DiSarro Cholesterol, Podcast Episodes 8 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Welcome, Jimmy Moore! [3:23] 2. The Sally Fallon issue and keeping an open mind [5:38] 3. Jimmy’s new book, Cholesterol Clarity [12:44] 4. Busting myths:  Does fat or cholesterol in our diet raise the level of cholesterol in our blood? [20:13] 5. Worthwhile …

Paleo Magazine (September / October) – Feeding Kids: What the USDA Recommends vs The Paleo Diet

Diane Sanfilippo Lifestyle & Mindset 142 Comments

As a contributing author to Paleo Magazine, I’m excited to share a peek at my article in the upcoming September issue. Check out exclusive articles by subscribing or finding issues on a newsstand near you. Enter to win a FREE year’s subscription to Paleo Magazine by posting a comment below within the week (through 10/1/11)! An excerpt from my article in the latest …