Podcast Episode #66: The 21-Day Sugar Detox – FAQs and Questions Answered!

Anthony DiSarro 21-Day Sugar Detox, Featured, Podcast Episodes 11 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: Intro to The 21-Day Sugar Detox [15:40] 1. Can I use vinegars like balsamic, apple cider, etc.? [18:00] 2. What can I substitute for my gum/mints? [21:42] 3. I’m super hungry – is this normal? What should I do? [26:00] 4. Is becoming extra cranky …

Podcast Episode #65: Wild Fish, Probiotics, Cancer & Rosacea

Anthony DiSarro Podcast Episodes 8 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Opening chat: CleanEatsSF Kickstarter! Help to fund a Paleo kitchen/hub for San Francisco and the Bay Area – learn more here. Upcoming workshops, Liz’s skin care guide, Diane’s new Autoimmune Paleo Recipes eBook, updates to The 21-Day Sugar Detox… Topics: 1. Bone broth fat – …

Paleo recipes for autoimmunity

Paleo Recipes for Autoimmune Conditions

Diane Sanfilippo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), Featured 28 Comments

Since the release of Practical Paleo, the response to the section on eating for autoimmune conditions has been overwhelming. By popular demand, I am developing a downloadable cookbook with brand new autoimmune-friendly recipes, more meal plans, and tips for following this difficult way of healing your body through food. We asked you to tell us what type of recipes you’d like to …

Podcast Episode #64: Surviving the Holidays – Indulging, Family & Cocktails!

Anthony DiSarro Featured, Podcast Episodes 1 Comment

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Opening chat: Overall mindset when it comes to eating around the holidays Topics: 1. How do I stay on the wagon? [12:24] 2. Best time to eat sweets? [25:37] 3. & 4.  Recovery after indulgences [29:39 & 33:20] 5. How to handle judgment from family …

FAQs: How can I eat Paleo without a gallbladder?

Diane Sanfilippo 30 Day Meal Plan, Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), Digestion, FAQs, Featured, Health & Wellness, Troubleshooting 37 Comments

My maternal grandmother, who many of you read about in my book, has no gallbladder. My father has no gallbladder. I’ve said it many times over, when I talk about my background and motivation to study and teach nutrition, that I live and eat in a way to do the best I can to prevent not only ailments like cancer …

Podcast Episode #63: Dizziness, Adrenal Fatigue, Tourette Syndrome, HCG Diet

Diane Sanfilippo Adrenal Fatigue, Featured, Podcast Episodes 12 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks!  Opening chat: Updates on projects, events, and a few words on nut butter consumption and acne. Topics: 1. Dizzy since a Paleo Challenge? [9:00] 2. Dizzy, could it be adrenal fatigue? [19:30] 3. Tourette Syndrome [30:45] 4. HCG Diet [36:05] 5. Gut healing [47:20] Show Links: Mary Vance’s post on HCG …

2012 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Gift Guides, Holiday, Lifestyle & Mindset, Paleo and Primal 5 Comments

The holidays are nearly upon us, so now’s the perfect time to start scoping out all of those fantastic gift ideas for your loved ones this season. You may also want to check out my guides from 2011 and 2010 as they’re also chock full of ideas and goodies! Practical Paleo: A Customized Approach to Health and a Whole-Foods Lifestyle I couldn’t …

Podcast Episode #62: Vampire Hands, Thyroid, Binge Eating Recovery, Ex Vegan & Not Menstruating?

Anthony DiSarro Adrenal Fatigue, Featured, Podcast Episodes 3 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Opening chat: Quick thoughts about the Western A. Price Foundation Wise Traditions Conference  Topics: 1. Vampire hands [10:45] 2. Thyroid support [19:47] 3. Life long binge eating and drinking, can I recover while going through menopause? [33:10] 4. Ex raw vegan, Female MMA Fighter wants less …

Keep “Practical Paleo” in Costco stores

Diane Sanfilippo Books, Events, & Programs, FAQs, Featured, Practical Paleo 27 Comments

First off, let me thank you all for the amazing support of Practical Paleo via Amazon and in stores all over the country – and world! After making the New York Times Bestseller list 4x already, Practical Paleo has surely gained traction and some more mainstream exposure to those who may not previously have heard of this whole movement. I recently received …

Podcast Episode #61: Tattoos, “Chicken Skin”, Raw Foods & Blood Sugar

Anthony DiSarro Featured, Podcast Episodes 6 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. Brewers Yeast? [13:52] 2. Coconut oil for Tattoos? [22:13] 3. Gaining weight to help fatigue? [26:05] 4. Keratosis Pilaris, what foods to add what food to avoid? [34:35] 5. Paleo vs. Raw Foods [44:00] 6. Small meals vs large meals and controlling blood …