Book Talk Nation video interview with Diane & Liz

Diane Sanfilippo Uncategorized 2 Comments

Hey everyone!

booktalk_logoIf you missed last night's interview that Liz Wolfe and I did live with Book Talk Nation, here's the replay!

I wanted to make sure you all know that you can order personalized signed books via the Book Talk Nation website through midnight tonight, March 26th.

These books will be sold via our respective local independent booksellers (Watchung Books here in NJ and Rainy Day Books in KS), so you'll be supporting fantastic small businesses if you decide to go for it!

Plus, we'll promise to personally hug each book after we scribble in it before it gets shipped – so you'll get some extra love in the mail.

Thanks for tuning in – and enjoy!

(Note: the freeze-frame default on this video is pretty awesome, don't you think?! Ha!)

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