FAQ: How do I treat (or prevent) a cold or flu naturally? [with video]

Diane Sanfilippo Cold Care, Health & Wellness, Most Popular 4 Comments

10 Ways to treat (or prevent) a cold or flu naturally It happens to the best of us. You’ve been eating clean Paleo or maybe you’re on the 21-Day Sugar Detox and you’re feeling amazing. Then suddenly you feel like you’ve been hit by a ton of bricks. Ugh. You’re coming down with a cold. Or even worse–the flu. If you’ve …

My Top 3 Easy Tips for Boosting Immunity

Diane Sanfilippo Cold Care, Health & Wellness 2 Comments

It’s that time again. It’s getting darker earlier. It’s getting colder. And yes, colds and flus are spreading across homes, schools and work places like wildfire. The spread of germs is inevitable, but you can prepare yourself to combat the germs so that when they hit your system, your system is in top fighting-back condition! Here are my Top 3 …