Adjust your way to new PRs… and a big giveaway!

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Fitness, Giveaways, Health & Wellness 245 Comments

Let me paint a picture of you.

You eat Paleo, you’re a CrossFit athlete and life is good. Actually, it’s great! You’ve discovered a way of living that feels so right. You are feeding your genetic blueprint with the raw materials required for outrageous health. You tell everyone you know because you are altruistic and this stuff really works!


One of the following pictures is also you.

You have reached a strength or performance plateau… or you are injured.

[Insert expletive here.]

You scour the best that the web has to offer trying to find solutions. What food am I missing? Why is this injury nagging? Why haven't I broken a PR in months? Why do my glutes feel like horrible, mushy rice pasta? Why can’t I explode through that movement? Why is this WOD kicking my above mentioned muscular group?

Let me introduce a new concept that might just be the missing link in getting you over that plateau or injury.

It’s called force absorption and it’s what I help people restore every day in my chiropractic practice.

Force absorption is a concept from the world of chiropractic neurology and applied kinesiology.

The concept goes like this: From birth to present, we often suffer disruption to the balance in our nervous system. More specifically, the brain which should integrate both efferent signals (from brain to body) and afferent impulses (from body to brain) becomes less able to keep your body functioning optimally. This often occurs through trauma, toxins and chronic or acute mental stress. The result of this neural imbalance is a loss of the body’s ability to absorb force into the tissues that are most capable of handling these demands – mostly the muscles. Instead, forces are translated into tissues like joint capsules, ligaments, tendons, fascia, bone and cartilage (to name a few). This can often lead to injury or dysfunction.

Lindsey Valenzuela, CrossFit Games Competitor, on her experience with chiropractic care:



Let me put this into a more practical scenario.

The anterior-cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee is one of the most commonly damaged ligaments in sports. The cause of the ligament tear is the body’s inability to properly absorb the force placed upon that knee joint in that moment of athletic demand. I can hear someone out there saying “if your knee is hit in a certain way, there’s nothing you can do about it!” True. However, the majority of ACL tears are non-contact. The foot is often planted and the athlete turns and “POP”. The ligament is torn, but they were never touched. If the nervous system were in balance and coordinating signals properly, the forces would be absorbed into the appropriate tissues and the injury would likely be avoided. This scenario is true for extreme examples as well as everyday sprains and strains. Think about the last time you were doing box jumps and your ankle gave out (or felt like it might) in the landing phase. You might chalk that up to fatigue or a shift in weight or even loss of equilibrium. But using the concept of force absorption described here, maybe the problem is more accurately described as a loss of balance in the nervous system.

Now, what if you are suffering from unmet expectations as opposed to injury?


Dr. Scott Mills adjusting a patient.

This could be a plateau in strength or stamina or even another physical goal that you are having trouble achieving. Imagine you build a house with the best material and the best contractor following the best building methods known to man. Now imagine you hire cousin Joey to do the electrical. He is family and he needs work. Whatever. Just play along. You move in and a few months later the circuit breakers are constantly tripping and the garbage disposal turns on when you flip the switch for the light in the basement. This is your unbalanced nervous system. The wiring is all there but the signals are not being properly integrated. You’re doing everything right on the diet and exercise side of things, but the neural impulses controlling and coordinating everything are not quite right. There is a reason that CrossFit athletes like Lindsey Valenzueala get adjusted and it isn’t just for non-complicated low back pain or muscle work. It’s because they know that when their nervous systems are in balance, their bodies function better.

The really encouraging part of all of this is that it is very correctable.

You’re making so many good decisions for your body. If you’re struggling, have a chiropractor check your nervous system for any imbalances. It could be just what you’re looking for!

With the proper assessment and adjustments, nervous system balance and force absorption can be restored and injuries are healed. Plateaus are destroyed. PRs are made. Smiles abound.


Lindsey Valenzuela is under the care of Dr. Lindsey MatthewsYou can find Dr. Matthews in Beverly Hills, CA or online.

Find Lindsey Valenzuela on Facebook.

Find Dr. Scott Mills at his office's website, on Facebook, or on Twitter.


And now, for the giveaway!

We're offering up a $200 Tropical Traditions Gift Certificate to one lucky blog commenter!


Tropical Traditions is a leading online retailer of amazing coconut oil (my favorite is their green label), coconut products, grass-fed meats, and other organic groceries like olives, maple syrup, vinegars, and spices!

To enter, do both of the following:

  1. Like Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook.
  2. Comment on this blog post below telling us that you've completed step 1 AND tell us how you take care of your body's recovery and performance outside of your workout and nutrition. 

This contest is open to US Residents only and will end on Monday, January 21, 2013 at 5pm Eastern.

Comments 245

  1. I liked Livewell Chiropractic! I take care of my body’s recovery and performance by going to the chiropractor at least once a month. I also do daily stretching and meditation.

  2. I liked live well chiropractic on Facebook! I like to do Epsom salt baths if my muscles are really sore, and sometimes I’ll use a heating pad or roll ice on sore muscles, especially my hamstrings and IT band which can get really tight!

  3. Step 1complete. Outside of exercise and nutrition I practice spiritual health, get plenty of sleep, and practice stress management.

  4. Liked on FB! I take care of my body by through stretching and mobility, massages, and rest days. I was shocked to find I got stronger and faster in CrossFit, by doing less of it. (Six days/week was clearly too much for me!)

  5. I liked your page on FB!

    The most important thing for me is sleep. If I am not sleeping enough my mental and physical performance suffers. I used to work a swing shift, and it could be hard to get more than 5 hours some nights. I noticed when I got 7 or 8 hours, my energy shot up. So now? I make time to sleep!

  6. Liked! I have a local chiro near my home who I see bi-weekly while doing Crossfit…my wellness has been great…highly recommend the right chiro to keep you on a wellness track!

  7. Step 1 completed.

    I’m still pretty heavy so recovery, rehab, and prehab is something I focus on. Lots of foam rolling, leper, voodoo floss bands. Also fixing up nutrition has helped a lot. I also like Epson salt baths and get massaged often. I get chiropractic care for my Achilles tendon and elbows as well. Anything I can do.

  8. I liked on FB. I have a wonderful chiro that practices active release on my knees IT band problems. Helps me so much!

  9. “Liked”!

    I never have considered chiropractic care until I just started getting more involved in Crossfit in the past month. In the past, I’d just have my boyfriend give me mediorce massages, or I’d foam roll the heck out of myself, but it sounds like a logical thing to leave it to the professionals!

  10. Done! Try to get good quality sleep in a dark room, get away from electronics the closer it gets to bedtime, and the Grid roller to loosen up tight muscles.

  11. I liked Livewell Chriopractic on facebook when started there as a patient about a year ago or so, but I recently deactived my facebook account so I hope my entry still counts. We take care of our recovery and performance by visiting Dr. Scott at least twice a month and spending time together as family

  12. I liked live well chiropractic on Facebook. I am lucky enough to work from home so, other than nutrition (gluten free)and exercise, I take care of my body by being able to stretch when I need to and rest when I need to.

  13. I liked Live Well on FB. I stretch every morning after I hit the snooze. Then I do an in-shower massage, and massage in coconut oil ointment after I am 70% dried off. (if only I could get a second set of hands for my back EVery morning!!) In the evenings, I stretch before getting into bed, drink loads of water, do deep breathing exercises and play binaural meditation music while I sleep to relax and unwind.
    I have not yet explored regular chiropractic treatment!

  14. Liked LiveWell on Facebook. I take care of myself outside the gym by sleeping, a diet that fuels my activity and taking regular rest days!

  15. Step 1 complete! Outside of eating Paleo and doing Crossfit, I try to stretch, use a foam roller, turn off the tube 1 hr before bedtime and get adequate sleep, and take long walks with my dogs and husband! Bliss!

  16. step 1 completed! outside of crossfit/fitness, i focus on a good sleep routine (hard to do with adrenal issues), foam rolling and some occasional yoga.

  17. I liked Livewell Chiropractic! I take care of my body’s recovery and performance by doing stretching, yoga and no cheating on eating.

  18. I liked Livewell on FB! I take care of my body’s recovery and performance by taking yoga at least 4 times a week. Yoga is more of a spiritual/mental thing for me, at least I am trying to make it more about that. Learning to meditate is something I have always wanted as part of my daily routine!

  19. Liked! I take care of my body by foam rolling, recognizing when I need to cool my jets and take a rest day, restorative yoga, and allowing time for injuries to heal. I have sought chiropractic and acupuncture care as well!

  20. Liked on FB.

    For me, I have realized how important things like sleep, rest days, and foaming rolling are when you’re working out a lot. Also, lesson learned, never. skip. stretching. ever!

  21. Completed step 1.
    I always get a full nights sleep and allow my body to rest between large extraneous activities, mixed with good stretching and sometimes a massage.

  22. I liked Livewell!

    I try to remember to take stretching breaks. I also regularly see a local chiropractor and a massage therapist.

  23. I liked Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook. I currently see a chiropractor and get massages to help me recover. I would also like to try acupuncture.

  24. Done! I live in Minneapolis and go to Lyn-Lake Chiropractic for adjustments, as needed; however, I have gotten into a solid routine of working my muscles over on a foam roller pre- and post-workout — It makes a tremendous difference!

  25. I liked the page!
    Outside of exercise, I like to incorporate yoga and stretching to help undo any damage that box jumps and pullups may have done to my muscles. It helps me to feel more centered and refreshed.

  26. I liked live well. I take care of my body by doing mobility 3 times a week sometimes just yoga or a full mobility wod. I also see a chiropractor and massage therapist when needed.

  27. I’ve liked Livewell Chiropractic and I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night and go to sleep and wake up at the same time. Restful sleep=healthy me.

  28. I see a Chiropractor every week in Austin, TX! She’s absolutely fabulous and has helped me recover from a stress fracture. Every workout, I use trigger point tools and stretch out!

    1. Leslie, Thanks for the comment. I have family in Austin and have been trying to find a Doc to refer them to. I hope you could share the name of the office so I could get the info to them. Thanks!
      -Dr. Scott

  29. I liked Livewell Chiropractic. I get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, drink lots of water, stretch daily and foam roll, take rest days, and get massages and chiropractic services every so often as well.

  30. Step 1 done! In addition to Crossfit and running, I am a stickler on stretching and foam rolling for at least 30 minutes every night. It has helped improve both areas of my regular exercise routine.

  31. I liked Livewell Chiro.

    I just started seeing a neurological chiro who not only helps with bodily adjustments but also has “brain” exercises to keep everything in balance and make sure everything is working correctly neurologically. She’s totally awesome.

  32. liked on FB.

    I’ve been working on improving my sleep quality and reducing stress. I have recently started seeing a chiropractor in my area that is helping me.

  33. Step one complete! I try my best to take care of my body through spiritual health, adequate sleep, and proper nutrition and exercise!

  34. I already liked Livewell Chiro.

    I start CF tomorrow. I’m hoping yoga and ballet and lots of baths help me out with recovery until I can afford to add in Chiro care again.

  35. Liked on FB! I do mobility and go to the chiropractor regularly! I started going when I was 15 and my back got so bad I couldn’t even walk for a couple days. I’ve been going since and know I wouldn’t be able to continue Crossfit without it!

  36. I liked Dr. Mills page on Facebook! I focus on my vitamins and trying to get enough rest and sleep between workouts. This article was great and has me considering what a visit to the Chiropractor could do to help me reach me fitness goals! Thank you 🙂

  37. Liked on FB. Foam rolling, quality sleep, regular chiropractic care and acupuncture when I can get there! I’ve had scoliosis all my life so it’s a necessity.

  38. Liked! I take care of myself by watching my diet and (trying to get) plenty of sleep. I also have regular chiropractic adjustments and massage.

  39. Liked LiveWell on FB – I use ice on specific problem areas after WODs, I try to get enough sleep and I use the foam rollers to roll out sore muscles.

  40. I liked Live Well and currently see a chiro that does Active Release (ART)and I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my strength and recovery! I highly recommend finding an ART practitioner.

  41. Liked Livewell on FB! I try to meditate throughout the week. I also focus on Sleep, Sleep, Sleep for recovery. I also get the occasional Reiki Massage for my aching feet.

  42. Liked on Facebook 🙂 I started seeing a new chiropractor for a shoulder injury, and am incorporating more stretching/mobility work on a (closer to) daily basis. And, yoga nidra.

  43. I liked Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook. I do Pilates and have started to try to meditate. Have never seen a chiropractor since there were not any with positive reviews in my area, until now. I am hoping to try the new one that moved in close to my place of work.

  44. I liked Livewell Chiropractic! Outside of my workouts and nutrition, I practice yoga, use the foam roller, and use massages to help alleviate physical and mental stress. I also focus more on sleep, both in quantity and quality (turning off electronics way before settling in for sleep, making sure the room is completely dark, etc.)

  45. Liked Livewell on FB. I recently started yoga again and it always has seemed to help. I also recently integrated a foam roller.

  46. I liked Livewell Chiropractic! I actually go to a Chiropractor monthly and it helps me a lot – what also helps is helping others stay on track. Like giving my mother my extra broth when she runs out. Somehow, helping others inspires me to do better. Its win win!

  47. Like on FB!

    Besides Paleo and Crossfit I usually do yoga and stretching. i also realized that good massages and plenty of sleep help my body to recover 🙂

  48. I am “like” #336 🙂

    I have been regularly going to the chiro for years to keep my system aligned.
    I have also been taking my 2 year old there since she was 5 days old. Yes, it is safe for kids too! <3 She has had only 1 cold her entire life (for about 2 days). I attribute this to our nutrient dense diet and preventative care like chiropratcic <3 <3 <3

  49. I’ve been a Livewell liker for a while! I live about 15 miles away from the office – I need to make an appointment soon! 🙂

  50. Liked! Well for me taking care of my body is very important. My mother has Ankylosing Spondylitis and it also runs in my family. For me prevention of this life-damaging disease is vitally important.

    Along with including real food and immune and healthy gut supporting foods and liquids into my diet, I also get regular sports messages at our gym. We are lucky enough to have a couple who set up shop right in our lobby, and I find it helps a lot.

    I also mobilize every day. I am an avid follower of Kelly Starrett and we make sure to dedicate a lot of time to making sure our joints are healthy.

    And of course I stretch, roll out, and get a lot of sleep.

  51. Facebook like: DONE!

    I love going to get massages to take care of my body’s recovery and performance. The massage therapist I see does a really great job of working out knots and tension, especially in my gluteus and hips. It really makes a difference in my workouts. I also see a chiropractor from time to time to straighten things out. I grew up with my grandpa as my personal chiropractor, so I know what a difference it makes!

  52. Liked on FB! And I visit my local chiropractor twice a month to keep my body properly aligned. I also do lots of yoga and stretching each week.

  53. I liked Livewell Chiro on FB. My journey to health and wellness is just beginning, but I do see my chiro several times a month.

  54. I’m doing my best to get a handle on nutrition. I also see a chiropractor that’s helping me work through an autoimmune disorder.

  55. I work with a chiropractor at @KineticSportsRehab. He uses Active Release Therapy, Grastin, PT, and other techniques to keep me working towards my goal of being as strong as I can be. Additionally I roll out before and after workouts with a foam roller. If needed, I’ll even spring for a massage. Mobility! Massage! Movements! = more lifting!

  56. I “liked” livewell chiropractic. I got away from paleo but will be going back soon b/c my body misses it!! I’m also going to start zumba and go back to the chiropractor once a month or every other. Amazing how much better your body can feel after an adjustment!

  57. Liked on FB- I have been terrible about recovery and have issues with my SI joint. To date, I have only treated with hot compress,some stretching and a day or so in bed during flare-ups. I am new to my area which is just outside Pittsburgh, buthad never heard of Livewell Chiropractic until now-thanks!

  58. LIked on Facebook! – I frequent a physical therapist for an old hand injury, and they give me extra tips for foam rolling/stretching other parts of my body. I also try to see a chiro/massage therapist as often as i can.

  59. Liked on FB! I’m one of those people you talked about. I have a team behind me – a physical therapist and a chiropractor, plus my general practitioner, all helping me to regain my physical health and beat this horrible case of PF (it’s been about 18 months of work thus far with little improvements).

  60. Liked Livewell Chiropractic on FB 🙂 Outside of my workout and nutrition I take care of my body by stretching and foam rolling as well as by relaxing and reading to reduce stress and using laughter as my ultimate go-to medicine.

    1. I just liked Livewell Chiropractic! Each week I get adjusted by my chiropractor and we work on different stretches that I can be doing to ease different pains I’m having after my WOD. I also make it a point now to incorporate yoga/pilates/meditation into my routine at least onces a week to offer my body a more gentle way to work the muscles and my spiritual health.

  61. I have completed step 1! I take care of my body’s recovery and performance outside of my workout and nutrition with regular chiropractor and massage therapist appointments. This of course is only to take care of what rolling out with a foam roller, lax ball, or softball cannot fix on its own 🙂

  62. I “liked” Livewell Chiropractic on FB… outside of workout and nutrition, I take a weekly yoga class and make sure to get daily stretching exercises in. I tend to feel more stress in my lower back from my workouts and if I don’t do daily stretching (specifically for my back) I find it’s really easy to tweak it and that puts me out of commission for a week.

  63. I liked livewell chiropractic on facebook 🙂 Oh and i also like a nice stretch after a hard workout not before because this hinders performance!

  64. I liked it! While I haven’t seen her in a while, I got hooked up with an awesome chiropractor back when I played roller derby. Unlike many chiropractors, she is not solely focused on my back, but realigns my entire body, including ankles, wrists, fingers and toes.

  65. I liked livewell chiropractic! And would love it considering im only 30 min away. Im a really busy person who works around 60 hrs a week on my feet and crossfit. its really hard to find time to take care of my body besides being paleo and doing crossfit. I use a foam roller for my muscles time to time but an alignment couldnt hurt either 😉

  66. I like Livewell Chiropractic on FB (I grew up in western PA also-live in NC now)! I get a massage about every 2-3 months, practice yoga about once a week, and enjoy steam rooms to relax!

  67. Consider yo’self liked!

    I am a recent graduate of chiropractic school, so I also understand the value of a healthy spine. I get adjusted at least once a month, in addition to walking my dog Ralphy around the neighborhood once or twice a day : )

  68. I’ve completed step one, and I try to take care of my body by focusing on proper rest and doing mobility work at home. Also I see a Massage Therapist to help when needed.

  69. Liked Livewell on fb! And LOVE my chiropractor!! I go to her and a massage therapist on a very regular basis to stay in balance! 🙂

  70. Livewell Chiropractic liked. To take care of my body’s recovery and performance outside of workout and nutrition I get at least 7 hours of sleep, listen to my body’s signals, take time each day to be still & meditate, daily stretching.

  71. I liked Livewell Chiropractic. I take care of myself by going to the chiropractor and getting a deep tissue massage about twice a month. I also foam roll and use lacrosse balls to work on the crunchy parts. And get tons of sleep!

  72. What’s up!

    I liked LiveWell on FB (:

    I take care of my body’s recovery and performance by getting my ass to bed no later than 10:30 every night!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  73. I liked Livewell Chiropractic’s FB page!
    I receive chiropractic and physical therapy treatment 2x/week. It has turned my life around hand helped diagnose an old rotator cuff injury that I assumed was muscle weakness. After PT, I do stretches and drink Cal Mag tea just before bed which helps my muscles relax and I sleep more soundly. It is much healthier and safer than pharmaceutical sleep aids!

  74. I liked Livewell on Facebook. I wish your practice was just a wee bit closer to home! Outside of workout and nutrition, I manage to maintain a low-stress life by keeping struggles in perspective. Getting a good night’s rest is the most important part of that and then spending time with those who make me smile the most! 🙂

  75. I liked the page on Facebook! Outside of nutrition and exercise, I manage stress through focusing on my spiritual health and relationships with people who help me to unwind and relax! I also try to get enough rest. I love your blog!

  76. I liked the Chirorpactic facebook page! And outside of my nutrition and exercise, I too see a chirpropractor, get regular massages, and make sure that I factor in regular “play ” activities unrelated to my workout routine. I may volunteer at my local Church, hike/bike around this awesome city of Pittsburgh, or simply read something at leisure. I find that tuning out from the world sometimes help me tune in with myself, which always lowers stress! 🙂

  77. I liked Livewell Chiropractic! I take care of my body’s recovery and performance by using a foam roller on a regular basis.

  78. Done! I have been seeing a Chiro a minimum of once per months for years to help with recovery and general well being. I also practice yoga and pilates and use a foam roller and stretching exercises as needed. ( all provided by my Chiro!)

  79. Liked on Facebook!

    And I try to sleep at least 8 hours a night (nearly impossible right now because I just had a baby!) and drink TONS of water!!! Also…alone time when I can get it! Just 15 minutes of quiet rejuvenates me so much!!!

  80. Step 1 done!
    I stretch the bits and pieces that have always been problematic (hip flexors!) but also listen to the bod when it tells me that somewhere else needs a little TLC. Foam roller and tennis balls are a regular accessory, and yoga is on the horizon.
    Also, naps, when the body needs one. Naps are good.

  81. I liked Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook! (Step 1 completed) I take care of my body’s recovery by stretching in between workout sessions, using a foam roller to release tension and knots in my fascia and I also use an Inversion table to readjust and get oxygen and blood flow to my vertebrae and spine.

  82. I liked Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook. I take care of my body by getting enough sleep, regular chiropractic care, and am working on fitting more yoga and stretching in.

  83. I LIKED Livewell Chiropractic and I take care of my body with infrared sauna, baths, yoga and body massage/reflexology.

  84. Hi! FB step… done! I never took Chiropractic care very seriously until pretty much last week. I hurt myself doing snatches… and i’ve been out almost 2 weeks now! I went to visit a chiropractor and i’m following his treatment. He explained to why it’s important to do it and it finally clicked for me. I want to live a healthy life and i want to perform at my best at the box and in my day to day… i see now Chiropractic care is an essential part of that. I already eat healthy, and have the practice of stretching… this is now going to complete my self-care program and i’m really happy about it!

  85. Step 1 complete 🙂

    Outside of workouts and nutrition…I meditate, read, and walk my dogs. I always make sure I get off all electronics in the evening so I can fully rest and de-stress. And I follow a healthy diet using my Practical Paleo book!!! 🙂

  86. I ‘liked’ Livewell Chiropractic on FB! Rock on! I would love to see a chiropractor and do hope to make that part of my mind-body care routine when the time is right. For now, with 3 small children to take care of, a very part time job as well as starting up my own business taking care of my mind is crucial. I aim to get AT LEASY 8 hours of sleep every night – that often means going to bed right after the kids at 8pm to get up with my husband at 4 or 5am. Also, I do a lot of meditation-type things throughout the day and especially at bedtime. I went to school to learn massage therapy and one of the things we learned to do (and learned how to make it part of a daily routine whether you’re a bodyworker or not) is to become ‘grounded’. This means being in tune with your mind, body and soul and really being able to focus on the job at hand whether that’s cooking a meal, working or going to sleep! I have the best sleep after I’ve envisioned breathing in positive energy into every part of my body and breathing out all the negative. It’s amazing!

  87. Liked on facebook!

    In addition to nutrition and workouts, I try to take care of my body by getting a massage every 1-2 months! Need to treat the body and mind 🙂

  88. Liked Livewell Chiropractic and love my own personal chiropractor who I see weekly. Actually I think the best thing that I have done is to get my kids chiropractic care. My daughter has never had an antibiotic or prescription drug of any kind at almost 5 years old! My son suffers from enlarged adenoids and tonsils and even with his incredible sinus drainage he has only had 1 set of antibiotics – our pediatrician said most kids in his situation would have had many rounds of ear infections and antibiotics. And compared to other kids they are rarely sick. So this isn’t just for my health, but for my families. Beyond that we eat paleo, have found a source of free range eggs and just bought a grass-fed cow. Love feeding my family healthy food!

  89. I ‘liked’ Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook. I’m new to working out so recovery care for my body is new, but highly needed as I’m very sore and inflexible right now after rigorous activity. I love soaking in epsom salt baths with essential oils, lots of water, mild stretching, sleep, and sombra gel for muscle ache relief.

  90. I like livewell chiropractic on FB.

    I listen to my body when it comes to food and exercise. If I’m feeling low on energy I scale back on the exercise and with my diet I avoid processed foods and eat as clean as I can. I also have a chiropractic adjustment very 2-3 weeks to help keep my scoliosis from becoming a problem

  91. I’ve Liked Livewell on Facebook! To help my body recover from intense exercise, I enjoy foam rolling. I also indulge in the occasional massage or a visit to my chiropractor. I’d like to also start doing yoga about once a week to help balance things out as well.

  92. I liked Livewell on FB.

    Besides nutrition and exercise, I try to concentrate on good sleep and relaxing! I don’t stretch nearly enough and probably should go to a Chiropractor, and now your post makes me really want to get checked out!!

  93. i did step 1.
    to help in recovery i use stretching and a good herbal componant to diet to help reduce inflammation and utilizing the herbs externally is also key.

  94. 1. Done
    2. Definitely sleep. But also I am wholly enamored with chiropractic care. I was raised on it, and not to treat an injury but just for general wellness and I can’t say enough fantastic things about it!

  95. Step 1 completed! In addition to nutrition and a few supplements, I aid my body by visiting my chiropractor regularly, getting massages, doing yoga and sauna.

  96. I liked the page, and I focus on getting enough sleep (sleep always comes before workouts). I also try to do a few yoga poses or foam rolling everyday to help relax, as well as work through tight spots in my body.

  97. Hi Diane,

    I completed Step 1, and I emphasize sleep in a big way after 10 years of insomnia and the accompanying adrenal fatigue. Zzzzzzzzzzz! I also love reading with a cup of ginger or licorice or tulsi tea.

  98. Liked!
    I stretch and use a foam roller or lacrosse ball after crossfit. Yoga once a week and active release therapy as needed.

  99. I liked them on facebook (I’m “Dare You To”), and I take care of my body and recovery by daily stretching, regular yoga, and always aiming for a quality night’s sleep!

  100. I liked Livewell on FB. I am a chiropractor, my father was a chiropractor and I have been under Chiropractic care my whole life. I also think proper diet is important and recommend the Paleo Solution to my patients. Sleep is also very important.

  101. Liked Livewell on Facebook. Currently enjoying an Epsom salt bath on my rest day. Better not drop the phone in the tub! Planning to see a chiropractor after this article!

  102. I liked Livewell on Facebook! I take care of my body by doing corrective exercises, and also focus on stretching and mobility work outside of my usual workouts. I am currently in physical therapy and will certainly consider a chiropractor if I don’t see results soon!

  103. I liked Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook and I take care of myself by sleeping as much as I can and by seeing a chiropractor weekly.

  104. I completed step by liking Livewell Chiro. Since I have really just started on my exercise. I walk a lot and am just starting yoga to build flexibility.

  105. I’m a fan! I take care of my recovery by making sure I get at least 7.5-8 hrs of sleep per night. I also wake up to a hot mug of bone broth instead of coffee these days 🙂

  106. Step 1: I liked Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook
    Step 2: Sleep is probably one of my most potent recovery tools. I try to get at least 7 hours a night; 9 is optimal. I’m an athletic trainer and a CF-L1 trainer, so I know how important working on movement and mobility is. I recently attended the Movement and Mobility course by Kelly Starrett, and have been practicing these techniques daily to improve my mobility and performance both before and after my workouts. I’ve been using lacrosse balls, Voodoo bands, and the rumble roller mostly. When I was in high school I observed a chiropractor for a semester. However, I must admit, I have never been to a chiropractor myself. After reading this article, it’s clearly something I need to consider adding into my proper recovery regimen. I have an open mind and enjoy learning for both myself and my patients. Thank you

  107. Step 1: I liked Livewell Chiropractic

    Step 2: I go in for twice a month Massages. I hold all of my stress in my neck and shoulders, and deep tissue work is the only thing that works to release it.

  108. Step One Done! And my favorite way to recover and take care of myself is simple…SLEEP! A good 8-9 hours! It’s rare, but it works.

  109. I totally liked Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook! To recover, I sleep 8+ hours per night. I also work on my mobility almost every night (either by doing what my coaches tell me to do or doing something of Mobility WOD). It can be a little painful, but I think it’s a good investment in my body.

  110. Completed #1. I recover by occasionally geting treated by a TCM doctor and getting acupuncture and I also do a great yoga class: the Mighty Body Band which really complements Crossfit.

  111. I liked them on FB. I foam roll, do yoga, jacuzzi, do self myofascial release and trigger point, and get massages from my husband!

  112. Liked!
    I keep my body moving well by seeing my awesome chiro regularly and getting massage as often as needed, while working on my mobility at home

  113. I liked Livewell Chiropractic on FB. I practice meditation daily, make sure I get enough sleep, drink plenty of healthy fluids, and STAY OUT of conventional medical (MD) offices as much as possible!!

  114. Liked the FB page! And, I am a true believer in using the Chiro and yoga to aid in recovery. After playing rugby for 14 years, both help to keep my body intact after workouts.

  115. Completed step 1. I participate in yoga, foam roll, eat Paleo, take rest days, and sleep at least 8 hours/night to help with my recovery.

  116. Like…done. As far as my recovery, I foam roll, ice, practice yoga and stretch, as well as take recovery days and get lots of good sleep!!

  117. I liked Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook! I live too far away to be a customer but I do regularly see a local chiropractor who uses the graston technique and works on a lot of my fellow Crossfitters. For anyone in Western MA I highly recommend Lange Chiropractic.

  118. I liked Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook. For me outside of fitness and nutrition, quality sleep and managing stress levels are the most important things for my recovery.

  119. I liked Livewell Chiropractic. In order to keep me healthy along with exercise and proper nutrition I take epsom salt baths, yoga a few times a week, mobility/stretching and make sure to get plenty of good sleep at night.

  120. I like Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook. I recently went to a chiropractor who explained my back pain from my new sit down desk job and I am now on my way to get that worked out. I also do some daily stretching and yoga with some meditation to relieve back pain and prepare myself for my day ahead.

  121. Step one done! Found this through the Balanced Bites FB posting. I do go to a chiropractor through Life Time Fitness. He has alway been one to tell me new information and other paleo blogs to look at. I think the combination of whole foods and a holistic approach to your health is the best thing you can do for yourself.

  122. I liked Livewell! I have scoliosis and go to an advanced rolfer about once a month to align my body. I also go to a sports massage therapist about once a month to work out those sore muscles!

  123. Liked on FB!
    I’ve been seeing my chiro for about 5 years and he’s amazing. It’s the only thing that keeps my headaches away. If I have a little injury I know he will be able to fix me up. I have a pretty advanced scoliosis so I know I have to take care of my body, and I do that through my chiro as well as daily yoga and stretching. And massages every once in a while don’t hurt either 🙂

  124. I liked livewell chiropractic on fb. I take care of my body’s recovery and performance by getting enough sleep, listening to my body and its needs, and visiting a chiropractor in town.

  125. I have liked Livewell Chiro on FB. I incorporate mobility, chiropractic care and massage as often as possible to help with recovery and performance. Getting good quality sleep also helps, as does taking a short term break from CF when my body tells me I need to.

  126. Liked the page. Mobility is the big thing I work on. That K-Starr and his videos have easily upped my quality of movement and recovey from lifting.

  127. Liked Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook! Yoga is my way of taking care of myself. It really does makes my body feel a thousand times better when I do it consistently.

  128. Liked on Facebook

    I stretch a lot. And try to get as many Epson salt baths as I can. Both seem to get the blood flowing so well.

  129. I liked Livewell! For me, it’s stress control. I’m very “Type A” and still learning not to leap into full-adrenaline mode at the slightest hint that all is not well with the universe. In addition to enjoying favorite pastimes, positive activism is crucial to my state of mind (and thus, overall health). Volunteering with causes that matter to me and doing random acts of kindness probably helps me more than it does any of the recipients.

  130. I like Livewell Chiropractic on facebook! I am trying to make sure I am getting a good night’s sleep every night to allow my body to recover, in addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Thanks for the giveaway!

  131. I completed Step 1. I stretch every day, regardless of workout. I see a manual therapist twice a week to work on proper muscle use and work out the kinks. I also make sure to get enough sleep and manage stress in other parts of my life.

  132. I liked Livewell Chiropractic on facebook. To take care of myself I use a foam roller to help with upper back tightness and I try to get enough sleep.

  133. I like Livewell Chiropractic on Facebook! Even though I’ve got a firm grasp on nutrition and exercise, I’ve realized I still am not taking care of myself as I should be. I have been shorting myself terribly in the sleep department for many years, and relaxing at night to ready myself for a good night’s sleep has become a priority. The stress of keeping up with four kids, college courses and a home runs me down physically as well, so once or twice a month, I take a Me Day and see a movie, go shopping, visit a friend out of town, etc.–all by myself. I always come home feeling refreshed, emotionally and physically!

  134. I liked Livewell Chiropractic! I also go to bed early every night, take epsom salt baths regularly, sit down to a home cooked family meal every single night AND my whole family gets adjusted 2-3x a week. Love it!

  135. I liked Livewell Chiro on FB! I try to turn off the stimuli (internet/tv) before bed, sip hot tea and relax with the hubby. That helps me get ready for a restful and restorative sleep.

  136. I “Like” Livewell Chiropractic on FB. I eat real unprocessed food, exercise and get regular chiropractic adjustments to stay healthy.

  137. I like live well on fb. I use accupuncture and massage therapy to treat my chronic foot issues. I also have used my chriropractor for radio wave therapy to help heal my foot.

  138. Liked LiveWell Chiropractic! I just started seeing a Chiropracter about two weeks ago and I am loving it. I will continue to do this. I also started to take baths with epsom salt. I am also looking into starting Yoga for my physical, mental and emotional health. Paleo and crossfit have helped tremendously and I am excited about everything else to come!

  139. I liked the Facebook page (Elizabeth Lynch Garland) and one way that I take care of my recovery is taking a nice soak in the hot tub, the new house that we are renting (our 10th house in 11 1/2 years might I add, military life is crazy sometimes!) has one and it is SO amazing after a tough workout! I will miss it when we eventually have to move again in a few years.

  140. I liked LiveWell Chiropractic on fbook! I use a foam roller to help with recovery after exercise! Makes for less soreness the next day!

  141. I liked LiveWell Chiropractic. Outside of diet and exercise, I have had non pharma treatment through Advanced Allergy Solutions SF and have used dry and steam saunas for detoxifying.

  142. I liked Livewell Chiropractic and as for recovering. I do mobility every other day and I go to the Chiropractor every 1-2 weeks depending how I feel. I know that without my chiropractor I wouldnt be the crossfitter I am today.

  143. I liked Livewell Chiropractic on facebook. I help my body recover from a tough workout with a epsom salt bath. Thanks!

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