Wired to Eat | What's up Weekly with Diane Sanfilippo

Wired to Eat | What’s Up Weekly with Diane | March 22nd, 2017

Diane Sanfilippo What's Up Weekly Leave a Comment

Here's what was up last week!

Quick Links:

Easy Recipe: Fresh Blueberry Crumble

When you’re looking for a quick and easy dessert, baking fruit with a nutty topping is probably the easiest thing you can do.

In an effort to help you transition away from the prepackaged desserts and treats (see why below), I'm sharing a reader favorite recipe from Practical Paleo (1st & 2nd Editions!): Fresh Blueberry Crumble

This delicious crumble uses nature's sweeteners – fruit & maple syrup – and can be adapted for the 21DSD with a few tweaks.

Get the recipe >

Fresh Blueberry Crumble | Practical Paleo | Diane Sanfilippo

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Wired to Eat is released!

I can't wait for you to read Robb Wolf's new book, Wired to Eat, which released this week! It will set so many people free from the guilt and shame felt around “failing” on diets.Diane Sanfilippo and Robb Wolf | Wired to Eat

The truth he reveals is simple in theory, but complex in its roots in our evolution.

And that truth is this: it's not your fault that you can't stop eating chips.
Or cookies.
Or anything else you're finding in the snack aisle, for example, of the grocery store.

You aren't failing your diet if you can't stop eating those things.


And food companies know that wiring better than most doctors and health care providers out there.
And they've CREATED their products specifically for you to pop and never stop.
And so you can't eat just one…

The way our entire lifestyle is set up today, if you're not overweight, type 2 diabetic, or otherwise have health challenges of the like, “you're doing it wrong.”

Our current environment is set up perfectly for humans to eat more and move less – what our genes tell us to do.

The idea that we can eat everything in moderation is a lie.

Sure, some folks can eat certain foods in small amounts, but to claim that everyone should simply moderate their intake is telling them to ignore the hard wiring that governs our human brain.

In fact, to even tell yourself you can moderate is probably a lie with foods that are hyper-palatable like those found in the snack aisle.

Buy Wired to Eat >

Wired to Eat | Robb Wolf

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Balanced Bites Podcast Episode #287 – Wired to Eat with Robb Wolf, Appetite Control & Carb Tolerance


  1. Shout out to the Master Class students [1:37]
  2. Introducing our guest: Robb Wolf [2:33]
  3. Something Robb is digging lately [4:36]
  4. Wired to Eat [5:51]
  5. The importance of sleep [20:42]
  6. The Paleo diet not for aesthetics [29:37]
  7. Intermittent fasting for women [35:00]
  8. Carbohydrates and thyroid function [42:52]
  9. Keto and thyroid function [48:04]
  10. Hyperpalatability, overindulging, and paleo ancestors [51:06]
  11. Helping parents with healthy diet [59:19]
  12. Preorder bonuses for Wired to Eat [1:04:35]

Tune in or read more >

Balanced Bites Podcast | Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe
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New Vlogs Coming Soon!

Finally, I'm going to be making new videos in the coming weeks in the form of vlogs (video blogs) for my website.

It's much easier for me give thoughtful answers this way rather than tracking and responding quickly on social.

So… what are you wondering?! What would you like to see in the videos from me?

Drop your questions below >

Vlog Questions | Ask Diane | Diane Sanfilippo

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New on the 21DSD Blog

21DSD Recipe | Pesto Deviled Eggs

Add some pesto to a classic deviled egg for a flavor-packed snack! Recipe from The 21-Day Sugar Detox Guidebook

Get the recipe here >

Pesto Deviled Eggs | The 21-Day Sugar Detox | 21DSD

21DSD Recipe Round-up | Veggie Sides #2

Don't get stuck in a veggie rut! Choose one of these vegetable side dishes to liven up any meal of the day.

  • Paleo Creamed Spinach
  • Oven Roasted Broccolini
  • Zucchini Carrot Fritters with Paleo Sour Cream
  • Blistered Green Beans with Crushed Almonds
  • Sauteed Asparagus with Shallot + Lemon Zest
  • Spicy Yogurt Pan Fried Cauliflower
  • Quick and Simple Stir-Fried Kale and Bacon
  • Easy Roasted Mushrooms with Rosemary and Garlic

Get the 8 recipes here >

Veggie Sides Recipe Roundup | The 21-Day Sugar Detox | 21DSD

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Highlights from Instagram

It bears repeating. . I want to remind you all that where someone is today is not likely where they have always been. And that you truly don't know the pain someone has been through in their life from across the Internet. I've been much leaner than I am now, and I've been heavier. And I've bounced between bigger and smaller sizes many times. So before you judge someone, or assume they don't know how *you* feel, take a deep breath and know we are all more the same than we are different. . On the left: (2001, about a size 14) the year after I graduated college and was visiting the Jelly Belly factory as a fun thing to do here in the Bay Area (hence the hat!). . Most of you wouldn't even recognize that as me. In the past, when I've shown the photo to new friends, they've asked, “is that your sister?” No, in fact, my sister is quite petite. . It was me. I gained weight steadily in college and didn't exercise. I was unaware of what healthy eating really meant, and I'm not immune to emotional eating. We all have our stuff, ya know? I recall doing some cardio on elliptical machines here and there at the time, but that was it. The photo is fuzzy because it was printed and I took a picture of it, but I wish you could see it more clearly. There's more to my story that I'll share when I'm ready, but for now, this is the layer of the onion I'm peeling back. . On the right: (2016, about a size 6) On my most recent book tour – eating well, lifting weights, and taking care of myself. Not much more to say about it other than about two years before this (when I mostly looked the same), a popular (marginally) Paleo food company called me fat on the Internet because I said I didn't like or recommend their products for several reasons. So there's that. (Sorry for cropping you out of the pic, Cassy😘.) . Don't compare yourself to someone on the Internet. You don't know their journey or their pain. Let them inspire or motivate you, but don't let them make you feel less than – because I promise you that even the most perfect looking person out there has their own pain.

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While working on filming some clips for an upcoming vlog (hoping to have these for you guys once a week on my website coming up soon!!!), I decided to snap a few photos of new products at my local Trader Joe's. Swipe to see them all and their ingredients! Hooray for multiple photos per post! . ☕️I have no idea what I'll do with the coffee flour but I did bring a bag home! Has anyone tried this?! I hear you can bake with it. . There's a huge COFFEE trend going on at TJs right now! I spotted it in at least 10 new items there, it was nuts! I wonder why…? Maybe just because we all LOVE COFFEE?! . See more of my TJs finds by tapping this tag #dianegoestotraderjoes 🙌🏻❤ . #paleo #traderjoes #tjsfinds

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In case there was ever any doubt. . When someone you follow on the Internet has something to sell – whether it's a book, a program, a product they created or one they choose to promote as an affiliate – it's not about the thing being sold. . It's never about that. And you'd be wise to only follow and support those who you simply like and trust based on whatever it is that makes you like and trust them. Hopefully their past ability to help you in some way and their integrity in doing so with recommendations that meet a certain standard of efficacy build that relationship. . But it seems that a lot of folks who think in a scarcity, “have not,” or victim mindset translate the fact that someone might recommend that you buy something to mean that they're “shilling” or “pushing” that thing. . False. (Read in your best Dwight Schrute.) . It takes YEARS to gain trust with an audience of folks who you likely don't know personally. And the truth is, most of the people who follow someone on the Internet have never even purchased something to support their work. BUT, if someone (like me) on the Internet recommends something that you can buy (or not, no one is forcing you), you'd better believe that it's something we LOVE and USE and BELIEVE IN ourselves. If we have the integrity you know us for, then that's where we stand. . This is our livelihood. We need to earn money. We can do that via products or sponsorships or both. But we have to earn a living somehow or we can't do this work. . So, the next time someone you love to follow has a recommendation of something that you might want to purchase to help you (or maybe it isn't for you *that* time) solve a problem, instead of feeling like it's about selling something, realize that it's simply about us wanting to help solve problems. Make life easier. Show you exactly the solution we use to solve that same problem in our own lives. . We don't wake up in the morning because of something we sell. We wake up in the morning excited because we can help you solve problems, make life easier, and help you to live a better life. That's all. . #Repost @simonsaysinspire ・・・ #quote #inspire #passion #why #startwithwhy #simonsinek

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