5 Questions (and a Giveaway!) with “The Million Year Meal” author, Ian Lucas

Anthony DiSarro Books, Events, & Programs, Five Questions With 28 Comments

Check out this interview with Ian Lucas author of The Million Year Meal  now available for sale on Amazon.

And… Ian has GENEROUSLY offered up a softcover copy of The Million Year Meal to one lucky reader here! See details to enter to win at the end of this post!

1. Who inspired you to follow a Paleo lifestyle?

The Million Year Meal

I first discovered the Paleo concept while deployed to Iraq at the end of 2009.  At the same time, I found Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb program, which really clicked given what I’d been going through. Jimmy and his fantastic line up of guests helped me a ton while I finished out my Iraq tour and my following year in Afghanistan.

In early 2011 I ran across the International Paleo Movement Group and Karen Pendergrass. Thanks to IPMG, the community-like (okay, I’ll say it:  tribal) qualities of being Paleo became quite meaningful, and it was no longer a solo journey. Also, Karen’s mission with her farm certification and food labeling opened my eyes to the importance of food quality, farm sustainability, and the social/economic implications, which are now driving my efforts in the Paleosphere.

2. How has Paleo impacted your personal health and the health of your family?

Ian, Landon and Reese

One of the biggest benefits of Paleo for me personally is that it makes the old yo-yo paradigm a thing of the past. It enabled me to eat to my heart’s content while continuing to lean out.

Thankfully, my children, Landon and Reese, have never really been sick even when they were SAD. However, I recently enrolled them in a new kindergarten and they ate some awful stuff in school that first day. When they came home, they were not my children. It didn’t take me long to realize that they were drugged by sugar and wheat, and I used it as a teachable moment.  I believe being Paleo from such a young age will enhance their lives and help them reach their potential.

My parents have both adopted Paleo and benefitted immensely.  For my dad, he simply effortlessly lost about 20 pounds and was never hungry. My mom saw a dramatic improvement in her sleep, chronic pain, hunger, and other areas.

3. What moved you to write a children’s book?

These are the concepts I have been sharing with my own children. We visit farms, grocery shop, cook and eat nearly every meal together.  I wanted to capture that and distill these big ideas into something fun.

But it’s really about more than my immediate family.  I’ve seen such amazing transformations in others who were profoundly sick, and there is so much good still to be done in the world.  I hope The Million Year Meal can make a difference and reach a larger audience of all ages, while serving these ideas in an easily digestible, inviting format.

4. What has been the most surprising experience with following a Paleo lifestyle?

The most surprising has been my concern with other areas of Paleo beyond the first-hand health effects.  This encompasses all aspects of the modern food chain, from the types of foods produced and how they are grown, to the logistical distribution, marketing, selling, and consumer choice.  Then there are the knock-on effects, environmentally, economically, and our health.  I now see the world altogether differently and the great potential of Paleo.

5. What advice do you have for other parents on keeping the kids Paleo when away from home or at school?

A little planning and a few minutes of preparation go a long way.  Slicing, dicing, wrapping, bagging, simplicity, and keeping it mess-free are key.  Beyond the act of providing snacks and lunches, I consistently explain things to the kids about where their food comes from and why it will make them smart and strong, so they feel good about the wholesome things they pack.  Finally, I realize I can’t control everything, so I don’t sweat the small stuff, like today when Landon got home and told me he ate a little marshmallow.

Click here and here download a FREE PDF preview of  the book pictured within the post above!


Do the following, then come back here and add a comment letting me know which you did!
NOTE: Only one comment per person will count as an entry. Posting more than one comment will disqualify you from the contest, so please just post once! Thanks!! 

1. Like the  The Million Year Meal and Balanced Bites Facebook pages.
2. Follow Balanced Bites on Twitter.
3. Subscribe via email to the Balanced Bites newsletter/blog updates.

Then add a comment below about which you completed! That’s it! No purchase necessary.

Note: This contest will be open through Monday April 16th 8pm Eastern time on  and ONE WINNER will be selected using random.org and announced here on the blog, via Facebook and on Twitter. If you do not email me to claim your prize within 48 hours of the announcement, a new winner will be selected in your place.

Comments 28

  1. Thank you, Diane! I’d just like to let everyone know the copy to be given away will be a hardcover edition, and I will sign it with a message to whatever kiddo will be the recipient.

  2. I liked “The Million Year Meal” and I already follow Balanced Bites on Twitter and Facebook!! Bonus …..I watched the “Paleo Declaration of Independence” On YouTube

  3. Liked the MM page, already a fan of BB, and have now subscribed to her newsletter! I’m excited to read MM. My kiddos and I are making big changes in our diets. Books like this are icing on the cake!

  4. I’ve been on Paleo since 2005, but sporadically. I always felt better when I ate Paleo. I am 69 years old and will eat this way forever now.

  5. I already get the newsletter and “like” Balanced Bites on Facebook, now I “like” The Million Year Meal as well! Great job!

  6. Done! Love that there are some great books coming out helping the discussion about healthy food more relatable for my kids!

  7. I already liked Balanced Bites FB page and subscribe to the newsletter as well, so I liked the Million Year Meal and am now following balanced bites on Twitter. Random draw pick me!

  8. I already followed balanced bite so I did the rest! Paleo change my life…I am now able to handle healthy fats including nuts and seeds without being bed rest for the whole day! As well as allowing me to eat a bigger variety of food! I’ve got my boyfriend and mother on the Paleo diet now too! It’s been about 6 months! 🙂 there’s no going back now! I was gluten free for 3 yrs n this just improvemed my health greatly!

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