Interviewed by Leah Salmon of The Natural You Network

Diane Sanfilippo 21-Day Sugar Detox, About Me, Books, Events, & Programs, paleo, Press and Media Leave a Comment

I was recently interviewed by Leah Salmon of The Natural You Network on several health and nutrition related topics.

The interview covers:

  • how my journey into health and wellness began
  • the reasons why I wrote The 21-Day Sugar Detox Manual
  • my thoughts on why sticking to a whole foods diet is hard for people
  • the basics of a Paleo Diet
  • my take on the choice to eat a vegetarian or vegan diet
  • my top 3 tips to living and eating more naturally
Here is a video clip of just part of the interview, but the full audio of the interview is available here. You can also enter to win a FREE copy of my 21-Day Sugar Detox by answering one question based on the interview.

Here is a link to the video on YouTube if it's not playing above.

Don't forget to check out the contest Leah is running and the full audio interview here.

Enjoy & be well!
Diane Sanfilippo
BS, Certified Nutrition Educator, C.H.E.K. Holistic Lifestyle Coach
San Francisco Nutritionist & Paleo Nutritionist serving the Bay Area and beyond via phone & Skype consultations.

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