Natural Cold Care - Portfolio

Natural Cold Care

Moriah Rieger Uncategorized Leave a Comment

When a cold tries to knock me down, this is how I fight back!

Learn about some of the natural cold care products I like to use, including a bonus tip from my Balanced Bites podcast partner, Liz Wolfe:

Get in the fluids you need: water, broth (add tons of freshly smashed garlic cloves), and herbal teas… or even try swallowing smashed garlic with some raw local honey.

Try some natural remedies. My personal triple threat includes some kind of oregano, colloidal silver (I use both this throat spray and a nasal spray at times depending on my needs), and vitamin D (outside and/or supplementally). I chat about these in the video below.

And use a humidifier if you have one – and get one if you don’t have one. I use one that I’m sure is from the 1970s, but find one without a light on it if you can, those are annoying to try to cover overnight.

Listen or read the transcript of a Balanced Bites Podcast episode about Natural Cold Care here.

This was recorded LIVE on Periscope! Download the app and join me: @dianesanfilippo.

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