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You’re listening to the Balanced Bites podcast episode 277.
Diane Sanfilippo: Welcome to the Balanced Bites podcast. I’m Diane; a certified nutrition consultant, and the New York Times bestselling author of Practical Paleo and The 21-Day Sugar Detox. I live in San Francisco with my husband and fur kids. I love seeing all of your excitement when you open up your shipment of the brand new Balanced Bites spices.
Liz Wolfe: I’m Liz; a nutritional therapy practitioner, and author of the Wall Street Journal best-seller Eat the Yolks; The Purely Primal Skincare Guide; and the online program Baby Making and Beyond. I live on a farm in the mystical land of the Midwest, outside of Kansas City, and I’m so excited for the spices!
We’re the co-creators of the Balanced Bites Master Class, which is now officially open for enrollment, and we’ve been bringing you this award winning podcast for 5 years and counting. We’re here to share our take on modern paleo living, answer your questions, and chat with leading health and wellness experts. Enjoy this week’s episode, and submit your questions at Before we get started, let’s hear from one of our sponsors.
Diane Sanfilippo: Pete’s Paleo has opened a new location on the East Coast. Since they’re still operating out of San Diego, as well; this means local produce and meat coming from both coasts. And drastically reduced shipping prices. Check out their new and improved website, to take advantage of low shipping rates; and be sure to use coupon code 1FREEBACON. That’s the number 1; free bacon, and receive a free half pound of bacon with the purchase of a meal plan. Go to
Liz Wolfe: Hey everyone, it’s me Liz, here with Diane!
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} I’m just going to start talking over you.
Liz Wolfe: That was good!
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Ok.
Liz Wolfe: You should.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok good. Hey!
Liz Wolfe: Ok good. Hey! So, I’m really excited about these spices. You may have noticed I’m coincidentally being able to jump on your, whatever, live Instagram videos to harass you while you’re educating people.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} Yes, I've noticed. It’s always fun when you see people you know; whether it’s closer friends or just folks that I know from just out there. Lots of my 21-Day Sugar Detox coaches hop on to live videos, and friends from high school. It’s like a whole array of people, and it’s fun. I don’t know. The Instagram live thing is funny. Some of you guys probably; well, there was like 20 people, maybe. On Christmas day I was like, I’ll bet there are some people who are sitting in a living room with their family not watching the football game and feeling bored; because that would have been me. I just would have been sitting there kind of like; ok. Waiting to digest so I can go eat dessert.
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: I hopped on Instagram live and was basically cooking Christmas dinner and drinking grapefruit mimosas, and it was pretty funny. But it was a moment that now is gone; you can’t watch the replay. It’s just like, we have a moment, and now it has passed.
Liz Wolfe: That’s so sad. Do they let you download them?
Diane Sanfilippo: Nuh-huh.
Liz Wolfe: They’re so mean!
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s almost like real life in that way, you know. {laughs} It’s like, you just had to be there.
Liz Wolfe: I suppose. I guess the internet is coming away from the whole, if it’s not on the internet immortalized, it didn’t happen?
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
Liz Wolfe: And now they’re making you live your life on the internet the same way you live your actual life off the internet?
Diane Sanfilippo: Maybe. A little bit. We’ll see what happens.
Liz Wolfe: Terrible.
Diane Sanfilippo: I bet Instagram will add the ability to download it at some point, but we’ll see. Anyway.
Liz Wolfe: I guess so.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
1. News and updates from Diane & Liz [3:52]
Liz Wolfe: So other than that, what are your updates?
Diane Sanfilippo: For those of you who have seen me posting; I’m not sure where all I’ve posted about it, but our little pup had a cone for a while. Which, the cone is like, don’t lick the things that are trying to heal, because {laughs} it does not help them heal, contrary to what probably every dog believes. “If I like it, it will get better.” {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Mm-hmm. {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: No. Not the case. But she just had some seasonal allergies. Some people were concerned that she was having food allergies. I’m like; Listen. We’ve been through all the food testing. It’s really just seasonal and I guess here in San Francisco there are a lot of dogs having that issues. Scott took her to the vet several weeks ago, and they were like; yeah, it’s pretty common. And we live right near a park, so.
Anyway, she’s on the mend for anyone who was concerned. But I think it’s like; infinitely cute looking at her with the cone than without, which is kind of weird.
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s like that sad, helpless, but totally endearing look. I don’t know. Anyway. I think it’s adorable, so there’s that. What else? Spice blends are officially for sale now. You can go to; they’re sold via exclusively, but that will take you right there. And I know people are really excited and sharing pictures; #BBSpices just to keep it simple. It gets me really excited to see you guys cooking with things; you know with all the spices that have come out.
A lot of the recipes in Practical Paleo, second edition, they’re marked with an icon, it’s a red icon that says spice blend. So it will tell you if you can use a spice blend, it might be identical or it might be something that you can swap that’s pretty similar to what’s already in the recipe. So if you’re like, “I don’t know what to do with them,” definitely flip through the book and you’ll see a bunch of different recipes that are using the blends. But I’m using a lot of them just in my cooking and posting Instagram, wherever, so you guys can see what I’m doing with them.
I’ve got a chili recipe coming out really soon that I made in my Instant Pot; which you don’t have to make it in an Instant Pot, but I was pretty pumped because I kind of nailed it on the first try, and for me with the Instant Pot to nail the flavors on the first try is kind of revolutionary, because it’s just a whole new endeavor. Seriously, credit to Michelle Tam for this whole Instant Pot revolution. It took a while for people to kind of catch on; but I feel like as soon as I committed to getting one, all these other people who were like; “Ok, I wasn’t going to do it, but if she’s going to do it, I guess I will.” Because I definitely see Michelle Tam as a way better cook than I am; and I think people were kind of not convinced that they could handle it. And as soon as I’m like; “alright, I’ll try it,” lots of other folks were like; “alright I guess if she’s going to do it, we’ll do it.” So I’m excited.
Liz Wolfe: It’s a little bit of hubris; a little bit of hubris there over your Instant Pot influential power, but whatever.
Diane Sanfilippo: But I mean, I think it’s like;
Liz Wolfe: I got it because you got it. {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: Did you? No, you had it, didn’t you?
Liz Wolfe: Yeah. I did?
Diane Sanfilippo: I think you already had one, didn’t you? When did you get it?
Liz Wolfe: I don’t know. I don’t know. Are you serious; you’re asking me to tell you when something happened that happened within the last two years; I don’t know.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} I just mean that, people know I don’t do slow cooking and I haven’t had one, and it was like; if I’m going to cave and get one, then alright.
Liz Wolfe: It’s got to be worth it.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah. It’s kind of like; alright, if she’s going to get one of these things, then she’s going to show us how to use it, and whatever. Anyway. Well I’m happy to do so, so we’ll see what happens. And there you go. I was pretty psyched about making broth in it, too, but I’m just going to stop talking about this thing for now because some people are like; “What are you going on about? Let’s just not.”
{laughs} The only other big update I have for you guys is that there’s a big chance for the 21-Day Sugar Detox program. So this episode is going to air on January 5th initially; so the January 21-Day Sugar Detox will have already kicked off. We’re changing things up. We’re not kicking off an official group every month for the New Year; we’re going to be kicking them off in January, March, May, and October. So it’s going to give people a little bit of; I don’t know, a little break or mentally if you didn’t want to jump in for January, you don’t have to feel like there’s pressure every month that there’s a new one starting; we’re just going to support you guys through it 4 times a year. Our 21-Day Sugar Detox coaches might be running groups other times; so if you really want to do it in February if you weren’t ready for it this month, there’s probably a coach who is running a group. So just go to, and click on the coaches’ button. You’ll see lots of coaches; some of them in your area, and if not, most of them are doing groups online, as well. They don’t need to be local to you. But we have so many people who are helping all of you guys do the program; and I know a lot of you guys listening are my coaches, so thanks for being part of the team. And that’s it. Lots of updates, but we’ve got a lot to talk about today in this episode. So what’s going on over in farmland? {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: I wrote a blog post.
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s big! {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: I know! I’ll talk about it later. I’ll talk about it at the end.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok.
Liz Wolfe: It’s parenting related, so we can talk about that at the end.
Diane Sanfilippo: Ok that’s cool. How was your Christmas?
Liz Wolfe: It was lovely. It’s not over yet.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Well right now; so it’s December 29th right now, and I basically block the entire month of December into the first couple of days of January to continue celebrating Christmas. Because I just; I realize it made me so sad to just let it be over on the 26th, and I would be sad for like a week. But guess what? It’s my world; I’m living in it.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: And so I decided that Christmas goes on for a full week. That’s just how it is. And we have 3 families to deal with, since Spence’s parents are divorced and have been for a very long time. So we have one family here, two families from out of town, and we’re juggling everybody.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah. That’s a lot.
Liz Wolfe: All at their own separate ties. It’s just a lot so I’ve decided to continue enjoying it. I’m still watching Christmas movies, we’ve still got the lights on; all of that stuff. So I’ll let it go when I’m ready. My holiday; my choice.
Diane Sanfilippo: Well I feel like it also sneaks up on you; and you’re like, “Shoot, it’s Christmas in like 3 days?” And then you didn’t get to do all that the 3 weeks ahead because it’s like; who even knew it was coming.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: So now I understand why when I asked you about doing something, basically other than recording the podcast this week you’re like; “I do nothing until January.” {Laughs}
Liz Wolfe: There is no way in H-E double hockey sticks I’m doing anything until January. A part of that too is because, one family comes then we’re preparing for the next family to come; and then when the family is here we never see them. So we’re going to spend all the time.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, of course.
Liz Wolfe: But yeah, it’s kind of my favorite time of year, it kind of makes me sad because we’ve got, you know, January is a little sad and then February, valentine’s day I guess is fun. I’m kind of excited, though; there’s some really cool stuff coming up with Beautycounter and with some of my skincare work that I’ve been able to just; not create anything new but put together a lot of different things that I’ve floated out there over the last year, kind of trying to gather them in one place. I’ve had some help with that, so I’ll be able to hopefully help some people with skincare stuff in the New Year without actually having to produce anything new, because that is next to impossible, as people know.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
2. A new thing I’m digging: Framebridge [11:42]
Diane Sanfilippo: Alright, why don’t you tell us something you’re digging lately?
Liz Wolfe: Well, this is completely random, but I’m really digging this company called Framebridge. I don’t know if people have heard of it; but as some people might know, if you so much as think something, your phone will know.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: And they’ll start serving you ads about it. I swear to you
Diane Sanfilippo: I turn that off, on my phone.
Liz Wolfe: There is some kind of crazy;
Diane Sanfilippo: You can turn it off.
Liz Wolfe: Well I don’t even; I’m telling you, I have never once mentioned anything in front of my phone; I don’t know, my house is listening. Something is in my head.
Diane Sanfilippo: Big brother.
Liz Wolfe: Maybe the human genome project was actually also this attempt to map probability of this person does this, then the next thought will be this, and 10 years down the line this is what will happen, and Liz will be thinking about how she wants to frame some things.
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughing}
Liz Wolfe: But doesn’t want to go to Hobby Lobby to do it. {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: Well she had a kid this long ago, so now they’re ready to print those pictures and get them framed.
Liz Wolfe: Yes! Oh, it’s so true. But anyway; I really like this company, because you know, decent framing is expensive and it’s a lot of effort. So you can really; you upload your picture, you pick your frame, you upload your pictures, you choose the size, and they send you a beautiful framed picture. And I tried it once with one picture.
Diane Sanfilippo: Mm-hmm.
Liz Wolfe: And it looked great, so what you can do now is you can pay, like a pretty small fee, I think it’s like $99, and they will design a whole picture wall for you.
Diane Sanfilippo: Whoa!
Liz Wolfe: And then your fee goes toward the picture wall. And it’s very affordable; we got a huge framed picture for $85, which is pretty good, because I’ve paid $200 at Hobby Lobby for the same types of things. They ship it to you really quickly; and yeah, I dug it.
Diane Sanfilippo: You know, I’ve heard about this on other podcasts, where it was an ad; and I’m like, we probably could have taken a sponsorship for that sponsorship right there. {laughs} But you know…
Liz Wolfe: Framebridge.
Diane Sanfilippo: But totally, #NotSponsored, but also I’m going to add on to you, then, because we recently did something super similar. We used Canvas Pop, again not sponsored, but we’ve used them before for printing stuff from Instagram, actually. We had a bunch of concert pictures and selfies we did at Guster concerts, and we have a little wall of like 6 of those square canvases. And then we recently printed a big photo from our wedding, and one from our trip to South America last winter or two winters ago. I don’t know, it was a while ago {laughs}.
But yeah, we printed those out on huge canvases; and same kind of thing where it’s like, click, click, done. You know? Pretty cool.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: Awesome.
Liz Wolfe: Love it.
Diane Sanfilippo: Love it.
Liz Wolfe: Our podcast sponsorship today comes from Vital Choice, an online purveyor of the world’s best wild seafood delivered right to your door; because juggling a busy life shouldn’t mean you have to forgo healthy meals. At, you’ll find wild Alaskan salmon, halibut, tuna, sable fish, and cod, as well as prawns, crab, and scallops. You’ll also find grass-fed organic Wagyu beef, free range heritage chicken, fresh frozen organic berries, and dark organic chocolates. Make a vital choice by eating the highest quality food you can. Vital Choice; come home to real food. Use code BALANCEDBITES to save on your first order at
3. FAQs for the Balanced Bites Master Class [15:13]
Liz Wolfe: Alright, so let’s get on to today’s topic; very exciting. For this weeks’ episode, we wanted to share all the details about the Balanced Bites Master Class, which is officially open for enrollment as of, when this episode goes live, and we also want to answer some of the most frequently asked questions we’ve been getting all over social media. All over both of our social medias. So do you want to throw a little note in there about asking questions on social media? {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} I see what you’re doing here.
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: You’re making me put out the note that’s like laying the smack down.
Liz Wolfe: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: So, you guys…
Liz Wolfe: If I did, nobody would take me seriously.
Diane Sanfilippo: Alright, well maybe they’ll take me seriously. No, it’s not a big deal, but I definitely noticed a handful of people; it’s not any one person in particular, so don’t get all upset; this is what always happens. But a lot of you guys are posting exactly the same question on multiple posts. So Liz and I made a similar post, and then I noticed a couple of people posting the same question on both of them. And I get it; you’re really excited, and you want the answer to your question. Totally grateful for your excitement; do not get me wrong. But we will answer you wherever you ask it, and it’s really the best way to approach it to not ask both of us, because then we would both be spending time answering the same questions and it’s really just not fair. Just ask in one place. Maybe Liz won’t do this; but I will definitely be reading her thread, so if she doesn’t get back to you quickly, I will.
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: I do not have a year and a half plus year old, however many months people like to explain them as. But you know, just asking in one place. I promise you, we are tracking all of that stuff. And if you’re not sure where the absolute best place is going to be to ask a question that will not get lost, it’s always going to be as a comment on one of my blog posts. So for today, we’ve got today’s episode. If you want to post a question to the episode show notes, it will not get lost, I promise you. Sometimes on social media it is a little trick because; you guys may not know this, but those comments; there’s no tracking for it. It’s really not easy to track. So anyway; there you go. {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: Why does internet; {laughs} internet. Why does internet not have a way to look at your comments? Why does Instagram not have a way to look at the comments only, and not the likes and the follows? Why?
Diane Sanfilippo: I know. So, they have it now via Facebook; because Facebook owns Instagram.
Liz Wolfe: Ugh!
Diane Sanfilippo: Like, through your Facebook page you can see it, but it’s still not an easy way to just tap on this button that’s like; “Show me all the comments.”
Liz Wolfe: Yeah.
Diane Sanfilippo: And you know, if you’re just on Instagram as a user, you don’t have thousands of people who are reading and commenting, it doesn’t seem like it would be a big deal to find all the comments, but multiply that out, and all of a sudden you’re like, “I can’t find them and I’m trying to help you!” Anyway, blog commenting is always going to be the absolute best way. That’s like coming to our house and ringing the bell and asking the questions {laughs}. So, there you go.
Liz Wolfe: {laughing}
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s true. But as of the time this is airing, we will just have done a live video yesterday addressing a lot of these questions. So if you are listening to the episode today, you can ask questions, you can watch that video and ask questions there as well. That’s another good place. They will track, and we can sort them chronologically on Facebook now. So that does help where I can see what’s the most recent comment or question, so that’s helpful too.
Liz Wolfe: Very good. So I think we should start out with just the very bare basics.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
Liz Wolfe: Because we’ve been talking about this for a super long time, but we have also probably gotten a lot of new listeners in the course of that. So fundamentally, what is the Balanced Bites Master Class?
Diane Sanfilippo: So I’m going to back it up a tiny bit before I get into what the class is, and kind of explain where it came from and why we even did this. Because as you said, there are probably a lot of new listeners who haven’t been with us for 2 to 5 years who don’t know that you and I used to travel. Well, before you and I traveled on the road, I was teaching seminars by myself out there, just kind of paleo nutrition seminars that started as maybe a 3-hour seminar, it became a 4-hour seminar, then it became an all day, 8-hour seminar because all the feedback I was getting was; “this is great but I want more. I want to dive deeper, I want to learn more.” And then you and I started the podcast sometime during when I was doing the teaching, traveling and teaching seminars.
And then it started to become; “Well, where’s Liz?” {laughs} It was like, no longer was I enough as the teacher. And so I basically dragged you, Liz, on the road and we traveled to teach seminars. I’m not sure how many you and I taught together, but probably at least around 20 seminars. Different states all around the country; and you know, it was a full day interactive experience, and even with 8 hours, folks were like; I still want to know more. And also, we couldn’t get everywhere, obviously, right? Even with book signings; I just can’t be everywhere. Traveling is really exhausting and it’s expensive. And you know, it’s never going to please everybody.
So years ago, you and I were like; wouldn’t it be cool if we could put this online? Well then, of course, {laughs} something that seems so simple morphs into something much bigger than we ever thought it would be. So rather than simply record ourselves for the day, we took it kind of to an exponential level of; well, let’s record ourselves teaching but let’s make it super graphic intensive, which is kind of everything that I do because I’m an audio/visual learner, and I think having pictures to go along with this stuff is so powerful.
And let’s face it, Liz, when you and I used to teach a seminar; and I’m sure a lot of people listening have been to one. When you guys see what’s in the Master Class, it looks nothing like what was in our slides. Our slides were pretty; you know, we thought they were nice, but they were pretty rough at the time.
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: Just a PowerPoint. And now it’s all done in very rich graphic videos. So we really wanted to take this way that we were reaching you guys and teaching; it’s beyond what’s in the podcast, because in the podcast we can answer a question here and there, but when we can sit down with a seminar, and in this case with a 10-week multimedia course, we can dive deeper on each topic. You have time to sit and review; and there’s so much more.
So I’ll get into what’s included with each module, but that’s kind of the back story on where it came from. We haven’t been traveling to teach seminars for a couple of years now, so a lot of you may not know that we even did that. But a lot of you are like; yeah, I remember not being able to come to one because you weren’t in my town, or I missed it that weekend, or what have you. So this is our way of being able to more closely connect with all of you, and create a place where we’re teaching but also engaging with you to answer questions and all that good stuff.
So, what is the Master Class? It’s a 10-week, multimedia guided course. It’s 9 modules; so one of the modules, that’s pretty big, goes over 2 weeks. And it takes the information we used to teach in our full day seminar, expands on it, creates super informative and fun class. So each module includes a video with accompanying audio download, so you can listen to it after the fact, which is something I would totally do; and a transcript. So if you are someone who wants to watch it, but you also want to read it, you can totally do that.
You get a workbook that you can use to apply what you just learned. It’s filled with objectives, so you understand what’s expected of you to understand with each video; fill in the blank questions, a little bit shorter for our students, and I would say a little bit easier for the student track versus our practitioners where we have a little bit more in-depth demand of what you're going to get from each video. And then action items to make sure you’re understanding the material and able to really grasp it.
There’s also a complete 10-week journal that allows you to track your health progress and keep you accountable through the course. So this is where we’re taking the next step up. You’re learning the information; but then what you’re doing in the workbook is kind of fleshing out; what have I learned, and then what have I learned that can apply to my life to help me make changes to see this progress. And then you take it from the workbook and you go work in the journal. This is where you can track your nutrition, track your movement, your sleep; all of that to see what your progress is throughout the 10 weeks. So it’s not a set, “here’s what everyone is doing.” It’s about learning the information and then being able to apply it to your life.
Which is kind of, you know, what we try to do with this podcast, is teach you from different angles and different situations; but we all have our own situation, right? Everyone’s got their own set of different circumstances. So this is where you’re taking the information and making it practical.
And then of course, private Facebook community. So if you’re in the student group, you’re with other students, and if you’re a practitioner you’re in with other practitioners. Live interaction from us every week in the groups as well as for this first time that we’re going through it, live calls. So each week hopefully we’ll be able to do them as videos; we’ll see what happens if something kind of goes awry and videos become too complicated with all of the media we’re using and all of that then we may have to move them to phone calls, but we’ll see what happens. So there you go. That’s kind of everything that’s just practically in the class.
Liz Wolfe: I want to jump in right there and say one of the things we’ve very, very conscientiously did with this is to keep in mind that’s it’s not just about the information we wanted to cover, but also how we covered it. We’ve been very intentional about designing this for information retention and application as much as putting it together for the sake of the information itself. So these are things we want people to know. These are the things that folks have asked us about. We’ve put it all together, in context, to really give you a broad picture of nutrition; not just from the biochemical sense, but also from the social sense and how we got here, and where we’re going, and all of these things to make compliance easier, but also to help you retain it.
The worksheets, and the Q&A, and the journaling, and the presentation, are not just something we did to add content. It’s very much about how you’re going to retain the information and be able to recall it in order to educate your friends and family, or to repeat it to yourself when you’re in the midst of making a tough decision. It’s all about the retention and your ability to apply it to your life. It’s not just a presentation that you’re going to leave and think; “What did I learn? Yeah, I think that makes sense but I can’t really remember what they said.” So it’s very much we want you guys to be your own gurus. We don’t want you to have to rely on us or on anybody else; which is probably terrible for business, but it’s the way we do things.
I guess I’ll give a couple of details on what we talk about, Diane, if that’s cool.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, sure.
4. Details on the modules [26:25]
Liz Wolfe: Ok. Well, of course we go through our backgrounds; that’s probably the, I guess that’s the introduction to the whole deal. We go through our backgrounds, how we got here, and then when we dive in to the meat of the modules, we’re talking about what real food is. We’re talking about the history, the psychological factors that actually influence the choices that we make and why. One of the most powerful things in my journey has been the psychological shifts. I think folks that have listened to the podcast in the last 6 months or so will probably pick up on that, but a lot of times it’s less about what we know about the food and more about how we understand ourselves and the choices that we’re making. So we go through that. What influences our decisions.
Then we get into fat and cholesterol, into protein, into good carbs, bad carbs, fiber, blood sugar regulation, which is one of Diane’s sweet spots. We talk about sweeteners; how your digestion should work, and what to do if it’s not. Inflammation, stress, sleep, hormonal balance. We talk about, one of our most popular topics in the workshops that we used to do were topics about superfoods and supplements.
Diane Sanfilippo: Mm-hmm.
Liz Wolfe: Folks really tended to gravitate towards those. And what else?
Diane Sanfilippo: That’s what’s in there, but the fat and cholesterol module is module 3; and that’s where we cover information on reading blood work, and honestly, I’ve said this before, but as I’ve seen folks put that to use, the entire cost of this course, whether you’re a student or a practitioner. So as a practitioner, you’re going to learn how to help your clients read and understand that material. But as a student, just seeing how to read that and how to not be afraid when your cholesterol numbers come back whatever they come back as, and your doctor is saying XYZ to you.
And this isn’t a replacement for medical interventions; however, there is so much misinformation out there about that very specific thing. So you guys are going to get a really in depth; it’s numbers. It’s; here’s what the numbers are telling you, here’s the ranges that are actually healthy, and that’s some really nitty gritty stuff that I know people are really dying to get your hands on and really apply it to your own life. So that’s one of the modules. That’s the module that’s probably the biggest, and it takes up two weeks because it’s so much information.
But I wanted to point out to you guys, too, that module number one, which is introduction in just our backgrounds; module number one is actually free for you to access right now. So if you’re not sure what the whole thing is going to look like; module one is not nutrition information to start out. One of the reasons why we wanted to start it with just introductions; well, first of all, some of you are coming into it, and you might know some of our background, but not all of it. And we think it’s important for you to know where we’re coming from. But we want you guys to see what this system looks like where you’re going to be sort of logged in and what the video looks like.
You’re not getting access to everything that you would see if you were paid as a student. You’re not getting full access to every module and all of that with the preview, but that video is a free preview. So you can get an idea of just what I’m talking about with; what are these graphics like? And what is this experience going to be like. So if you want to see that, and you want to hear a bit about our backgrounds and our stories, that module is totally free for anyone to access.
And if you are enrolled, then you have time now to watch that module, because week 1 releasing January 20th, we’re releasing the rest of the material that goes with that module; so you can kind of get a jump start, which is cool.
And as a little practical note here; modules release every week on Friday. The reason we’ve done that is in our beta testing that we’ve done for the last several months, we have noticed that people do tend to be able to put aside more time on the weekend, and we do estimate each week around 3 hours of work. This isn’t an easy breezy, you know, “Oh I’ve read the books, I already know this information.” It’s not like that, you know. It’s not hard to the degree that you’re not going to learn and as Liz said retain the information; but this is a real course. It’s kind of like enrolling for 10 weeks in a college course that’s 3 hours a week. It really will take your time and attention. But as a practitioner it will probably take a little bit longer than that because there’s more work for you. But if you’re going in as a student, it will be a little bit less time.
But we set it up so each module releases on a Friday. You can watch it whenever; you have access to it as it releases, and you’ll have the time to do that and then we’ll come in with some more live conversations. The video or the call will be towards the end of that lessons’ week. So we’re not going to hop on on Saturday and you haven’t had the chance to watch the video yet; you’ll have time to watch it. But you can plan things out that way, and we do have the whole; I believe we have the schedule dates listed either on the info page; you can map it out though, starting January 20th it’s 10 weeks. So that’s kind of how the practical side of it works. And that was one thing I just wanted to throw out there for folks to hear.
5. Who is the Master Class for? [31:46]
Liz Wolfe: Ok, so on that note, who is the Master Class for? This is the most commonly asked question.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, most commonly asked question. And we’re tackling a bunch of FAQs on it today. So first I’m going to mention who it’s not for, because I think that will help. If you’re listening and you’re not; this isn’t for me. Maybe it’s not for you right now. It might be for you the next time enrollment opens, which won’t be for about another year. But the class is not for you if you’re completely new to a real food way of eating or living.
So if you found our podcast 2 weeks ago; and you’re like, oh my gosh, this stuff is really helpful, maybe you just got Practical Paleo or you haven’t read it yet or you haven’t read Eat the Yolks yet. If this is all really new for you, then the class is probably going to be too much information for you, and you don’t need to go this far yet. So not for you.
If you’re trying to use it as your only nutrition certification, then this isn’t really right for you. It’s not going to give you the credentials to get started working with clients. What it is going to do is a little bit different. So let me get into the two different tracks and who the tracks are right for. So, there’s a student track and a practitioner track.
So, as a student, this is for anybody who wants to learn more about real food nutrition. So if you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you enjoy the information, and you're getting it, you’ve been implementing it in your life; then this class is for you. And it really is taking; I mean, you’re going to be sitting down and listening to me and Liz throughout the class and learning from us. So if you’ve loved learning from us thus far; this class is perfect for you as a student.
Now also for the students, if you’re somebody who has been toying with the idea of becoming a practitioner, you maybe haven’t yet enrolled in a course, you’re not sure which one to enroll in, and you’re also not sure about investing anywhere from $5-10,000 in a nutrition program, then the student track is perfect for you because it’s an amazing bridge between what you know just from reading books and blogs and the internet; to diving deeper. So you’ll see what it’s like to really study this stuff and try and apply it over 10 weeks. And if you go through that, and you’re like; “Yes, I still want to learn more. I want even more science; I want even more information,” then you know that becoming a practitioner is right for you. And not only that; we are going to be giving you guys the option, the next time enrollment opens, to upgrade from student to practitioner.
So let’s just say you’re not a practitioner right now, and you do the student track; and then maybe you go and get your NTP certification. We’ll allow you to upgrade so then you have access to more materials, and the community of other practitioners who are kind of in it with you, and using these materials and supporting your clients with it. So there’s that about the student track.
It’s also; it’s probably too much. Some people have asked me, “Can I send this to my dad, he’s curious.” And I’m like; well, if your dad has read Practical Paleo and wants to learn more, then yes. But if not, then again, stick with Eat the Yolks, stick with Practical Paleo; read the books first. Because you really; those are the foundation. And honestly, they’re the only two other required purchases that you have with the course. Because obviously they are our books; so it’s almost like those are our textbooks to go with the course, and we do refer you to them.
So for the practitioners; if you’re working one on one with clients in your practice, or you’re working group settings in health and wellness at all. So this could be also personal trainers who do a lot of nutrition work with your clients. It could be NTPs, NTCs; NCs; DCs; nutrition educators; IIN health coaches; Crossfit coaches. We’ve had acupuncturists, we’ve had registered nurses, we’ve had registered dieticians. Anyone who already had a practice going, the practitioner track is right for you.
Because not only are you having; we’re getting more information and we’re demanding more of you in terms of your comprehension, but we’re also giving you resources to use with your clients. And the value of that is just exponential. I mean, it’s myself, my team, Liz’s knowledge and expertise all coming together to give you these resources that I know you guys for so many years, you’re like; well I want to give you a handout about this, but I’m not really here to create it; I don’t have the money to pay a designer to do it. The resources will be pretty endless for you. There’s so much there; and you’ll have, again, that community of other practitioners. So it’s kind of invaluable.
And also just as a side note about practitioners; those of you who are 21-Day Sugar Detox coaches kind of know this as well; but I haven’t done business coaching independently in many years, and I used to do it a lot. But when the time comes for me to do things like offer a group that’s going to meet here in San Francisco or have any kind of business event or some kind of closed group of people that I’m going to work on with business coaching; anyone who is in one of my programs has first access to that; hands down.
If you’re one of my 21-Day Sugar Detox, or you’re one of our Balanced Bites practitioners; you have access to all of that first before anyone else. And other people may be left out, because if you guys take the opportunities and take the seats for that stuff, you guys are my first priority with that stuff. So I just want you to know, if that’s something you’ve been looking for; support in a business sense as well, you are going to get that within our practitioner group.
So, in terms of what’s different between the student and practitioner tracks; practitioners have extra work to do every week, so it’s a little e more comprehensive, a little more challenging, as I mentioned. You dig a little bit deeper, and we give you additional questions to answer; case studies to discuss and analyze. So, the module itself in terms of the video is the same; but what you’re going to take from it and do with it is different. So hopefully that is pretty clear.
You’ll be listed on under our practitioner directory, so that’s kind of a huge one. You’re getting our stamp of approval of, you know and understand this content, and we recommend you to be able to coach some other people. Also, handouts as I mentioned; one on cholesterol, monitoring blood sugar, aids for digestion; all kinds of handouts that we know you guys will put to amazing use. And, what else? I think that’s pretty much it in terms of what’s different in the two tracks. I think it’s as you come into it, we’re supporting you very differently depending on who you are.
6. When does it open now; when will it open again? [38:28]
Liz Wolfe: Alright; so, some important housekeeping details then. When does the Master Class open, and when will enrollment be open again?
Diane Sanfilippo: So as you guys know, enrollment is open right now and the doors close Monday, January 16, 2017. So probably the end of the day on the 16th. Class official begins on Friday the 20th. This is the only planned class we have for 2017. I know a lot of you are just getting to know what this class is about; a lot of you are figuring out how to budget into your calendar, and if it’s not going to happen for you this year, it’s going to be a year from now.
This takes us a minimum of 3 months, start to finish, and we have lots of other projects that we’re working on and bringing to you guys over the course of that time. So we cannot launch it again until another year from now. So here’s the thing; if you, well I get into that with the next question. So a year from now is really when the next launch will be. Probably that will be it.
Liz Wolfe: My goodness. Well that is certainly motivating, is it not?
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs}
Liz Wolfe: {laughs}
Diane Sanfilippo: I mean, it’s kind of now; not really now or never, but it’s now or in a year from now, so there you go.
7. How is the course set up? Can I take the Master Class from a different country? [39:52]
Liz Wolfe: Alright, so let’s talk a little bit about the structure and the set up of the course.
Diane Sanfilippo: OK.
Liz Wolfe: From how it’s delivered and how they’ll experience it.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah, I talked about this a little bit in terms of when the modules release and all of that. It’s completely virtual. So those of you who are like, “Well I’m in this other country, can I do it from Australia or England, wherever.” Absolutely. Fully online; you can access it from a laptop, an iPad, a phone. There will be something that you’re going to print. You’ll be printing your; you’ll probably print the workbook and the journal, because those are really best utilized pen to paper.
As I said, one module per week, except module 3 will be two weeks. If you don’t think you can keep up with about 3 or 4 hours a week as a practitioner; if you don’t think you can keep up with that, then it’s ok for you to self-pace. So if you’re like, “I want to do this. I don’t want to wait till next year, but I’m just not sure that I can be doing all of that each week right now,” it’s ok. We release it on that schedule, and we keep up with you on that schedule. We know you can maintain that; our beta testers have maintained that fairly easily. A couple of people have, you know, life happens and are not able to keep up totally with it every week. But you are completely welcome to pace it out if you need to.
Any of the videos or calls that we do will always be accessible to you after the fact. It won’t be, as we were joking about with Instagram live video; it won’t be like, if you missed it, you don’t get access to it. Of course you’ll have access to that. So if you’ve got something that’s coming up; you’re taking a trip, what have you, you can always just jump back in. or you can just jump into it and start it any time you want down the road, if you can’t start it until April, but you really want to do it; don’t worry about it. You can totally do that. It’s totally fine for you to do that.
And you’ll have access to these materials as long as this course remains living as an active program. I can’t promise in 10 years from now what will happen, but I can promise you that for the next couple of years, several years at the very least, you’ll be able to access it. So even if you go through it for 10 weeks; and you’re like, I want to rewatch and relisten to the fat and cholesterol module; which I can guess a lot of people might, and that’s something that I would totally do, you have access to that. No sweat; you’ll be able to go back to it.
And as I mentioned; module one is available for free right now at, or if you want to read about the class, what’s in it, what’s in each module as we highlighted a little bit, but if you want to get more of that and there’s a link on there if you’re a practitioner right at the top, and then a little bit down the page. It says if you’re a practitioner, click here, and you can read a little bit more about that specific program.
8. Discounts, scholarships, and payment options [42:47]
Liz Wolfe: So here’s the most important question; are there any discounts or scholarships?
Diane Sanfilippo: {laughs} So, the only discount that we offer right now is for those who are active military or the spouse of someone who is active military. So please email us at [email protected] if that is you. And we don’t have scholarships right now. What I have found in years of working with people is that we value what we pay for, and we don’t value what we don’t pay for. And while I totally understand that for some folks, this might be out of reach at this time; hopefully thinking about next year will give you enough time to save up for it. Currently the price is $497 if you pay it up front. That’s about $50 a week if you think about it, and that’s for our student track. Our practitioner track is $1497.
So, if you need to pay that in two payments, you can do so. It does cost more total to do that; just like any credit situation would because we’re basically giving you things before it’s all paid for, but you can totally do that. That was something that I heard from a lot of you as practitioners about my coaches program for 21-Day Sugar Detox, that I heard that you really wanted a payment option. So we have that option for you; you can check it out on the page.
And as another quick note; this is a completely separate course from my 21-Day Sugar Detox coaches program. That program is very specifically supporting you through coaching folks on that program. That program isn’t a nutrition education program the way this is. This is much deeper, much more comprehensive in that way, but it’s not the same. In that program, I give you information on how to physically coach people through sessions for that program exclusively.
9. Is the practitioner track right for me? [44:36]
Liz Wolfe: Ok, how about this question. “I’m currently working on a nutritional certification, but want to take this course. Should I take it as a student and upgrade to practitioner later?”
Diane Sanfilippo: So that’s a big one I’ve been getting, and I know a lot of folks are enrolled for NTA programs this coming year; I think February is the start date for a lot of folks. For you, I would say depending on where you are with your certification. So if you’re just starting one in February, then I might not say right now is the best for you. If you’re going to be finishing up a certification soon but you’re not there yet; then if you’re going to finish up your certification around the time that this course would finish, then you can go through the practitioner track.
If you are going to take, or not sure if you’re going to take a certification, and you want to do this first; yes you can do this as a student, and then upgrade later as a practitioner. So it really depends on the timing because I had somebody ask, she said she was going to be certified with her other program around April or May, to be seeing clients, and I said then this program is appropriate to do now as a practitioner, or to enroll now and go through it at your own pace so you have this and the practitioner resources.
Because I’ll tell you; practitioners; especially when you're new, it can be hard to think about how to translate what you just learned, and that was one of the biggest pieces of feedback we got from our beta testers. They’re like; you know what, I actually knew a good amount of this. I learned a lot; but now, I know how to explain things I already knew but couldn’t explain in easy to understand terms. Now I can explain that a lot better.
And to me, I think that’s the power, and that’s what so many nutritionists are missing. How do we take what we know and make it easy for other people to understand; easy for our clients to understand. So that’s where we’re really taking your education and turning it into something that’s applicable to becoming a career. Because unless you can communicate what you know, you’re kind of stuck. And so we’re really helping those of you; especially if you’re newer in your practice, this is really going to give you that little push. But if you’ve been doing this for a while and you still feel like there are more resources you could offer, it’s definitely going to help you out.
I would recommend any practitioner read our practitioner testimonials, so you can hear a little bit from them, because that’s going to help you out a little bit, too. We’ve got some videos from some of our beta testers who; they’ve learned a lot for themselves, as well. One of our practitioners, she was able to increase her sleep by like an hour, hour and a half a night just by being reminded of the practices that maybe she learned years ago, and we’re giving her the reason why, like you were saying, Liz. It’s about really having that deep understanding, and then applying it. So it’s not just going to help you with your clients; it will help you as well. But that’s kind of what I would say.
And if you need to ask about your specific situation and timing and all of that; feel free to post as a comment on this blog post; the show notes for this episode, and we’ll be happy to look at that and give you advice. And I’m not going to tell everyone right now is the right time for you. You know, because it’s not. But if it is the right time, I don’t want you to miss out and have to wait for another year if this will be the right time for you.
10. Is enrollment limited? [48:01]
Liz Wolfe: OK, so how about seating. Virtual seating. Are there a limited number of seats?
Diane Sanfilippo: So we are limiting it. We don’t have an exact number that we’re going to share at this time, because I just want to keep that as something a little bit private. Because its’ all kind of relative. To you, you may think it’s a lot or not a lot. And it’s not really relevant. But we’re going to have live calls, so we can’t make it unlimited. But trust me that I will tell you when and if it’s getting close to full. And I do imagine it is going to get there.
We had a really amazing response immediately the first couple of days. Probably by the time we do the live video on Facebook, which will have aired yesterday, and this episode goes out, I think a lot more seats will be taken. You’ll have from the time this airs, about another 10 to 11 days to sign up. It will fill up. I’m pretty sure it’s totally going to fill up. We want to limit it in that way. We don’t want it to be so many people that you don’t get a chance to ask your questions. That’s why we’re doing this class, because we want to be able to give you a place to be able to have that support.
11. Refund policy [49:14]
Liz Wolfe: Ok, so let’s touch quickly on refunds.
Diane Sanfilippo: So, we have a pretty in-depth refund policy. I want you guys to take the time to read the information about the class; ask your questions for sure, before you enroll and purchase it. But if you head to or to you’ll see the refund policy. I need you to read that and be very familiar with it before you go ahead and enroll so that you can feel confident with what you're doing; and also know that we take it very seriously. When you enroll in the class, we are demanding that you do some work. But remember, there’s not a time limit on the work that you’re doing, so you will continue to have access to the materials.
Liz Wolfe: Alrighty. I think we covered it.
Diane Sanfilippo: It’s a lot, but I think we got to all of it, so hopefully you guys can listen to this episode, hear what you need to hear in terms of our frequently asked questions. But if you need more information, please head to There is so much information about what is in the class right there. An actually a bunch of questions we’ve answered today are answered there at the bottom of the page in the FAQs, and we will definitely update those as more questions come in. and if you’re a practitioner, make sure you click on the practitioner link so you can read all about the extras you’re going to receive there, as well as the FAQs for practitioners.
Liz Wolfe: The Balanced Bites podcast is sponsored in part by the Nutritional Therapy Association. The NTA trains and certifies nutritional therapy practitioners and consultants (including me; I’m an NTP), emphasizing bio-individuality and the range of dietary strategies that support wellness. The NTA emphasizes local, whole, properly prepared, nutrient dense foods as the key to restoring balance and enhancing the body’s ability to heal. Nutritional therapy practitioners and consultants learn a wide range of tools and techniques to assess and correct nutritional imbalances. To learn lots more about the nutritional therapy program, go to There are workshop venues in the US, Canada, and Australia, so chances are you’ll be able to find a venue that works for you.
12. Parenthood tip from Liz: Getting kids to eat organ meats [51:33]
Diane Sanfilippo: Alright, Liz, before we go; do you have a parenthood tip for us today? You mentioned something earlier on about a blog post.
Liz Wolfe: Sure do. We might have to repurpose this parenthood tip for a blog post where we’ve qualified our listeners; because at this point who knows how many people are actually here looking for that, if they’re here looking for information on the Master Class. But we can do that.
So, my parenthood tip for today. One of the biggest, most urgent questions I get from people is; how do I get my kid, my toddler to eat organ meats? And I actually wrote a little blog post about this yesterday. So if you go to I wrote all about this, and I also have a little discount code to share with folks. I don’t know how long the discount code will be active, but so long as it’s described on the blog post, it is active. So you can kind of count on that.
My number one counsel for folks is to; man. I mean, I understand that we want to make things at home; I totally get that. But what I’ve found over time is that I would slave over my organ meats, making something that the kiddo would eat or; not necessarily hiding them, but just preparing them. And it takes a lot of time and sometimes the kid will reject them, and that’s just terrible for your self esteem. So what I’m recommending to people now is order the liverwurst, the Braunschweiger, or the head cheese from US Wellness Meats. It is so convenient; it’s fully cooked. You can just slice off pieces, add a little extra flavor by cooking them on either side briefly in butter, and hand it over to the kid.
My kid loves it; she asks for it all the time, and it’s been so successful for us in getting her to eat different organ meats. Liver, which is amazing for folate and vitamin A; vitamin A is so critical for the immune system, especially this time of year. Kidney has amazing selenium content, which is great. And heart is incredibly high in co-Q10. All of these are really tough to get in those quantities from other foods; so to the degree you can get those foods in, if you can get your kiddo to eat this liverwurst, which is kidney, liver, and heart; braunschweiger, which is just liver and beef; or head cheese which is heart and tongue, you will not regret it, it’s totally worth it. So go check out my post about getting your kid to eat organ meats at, and look for that discount from US Wellness Meats.
Diane Sanfilippo: Love it. I’m a kid who was fed organ meats via liverwurst when I was little, and now I like the taste of it, so testimony here.
Liz Wolfe: That’s so good. I don’t; I don’t like the taste of it. And that’s probably because I was never given anything like that as a kid. And that’s one of my other points of advice for people; start them early, and don’t wait. Because I think once you get a taste for it, it’s a lot more normal. And then once you’re older; I had a lot of baggage around that stuff.
Diane Sanfilippo: Yeah.
Liz Wolfe: So definitely start them young.
Diane Sanfilippo: I’m sure I rejected it for many years; like my adolescent years, and then came back to it again. So, it won’t be for nothing, I promise.
Liz Wolfe: The US Wellness Meats liverwurst is just so amazing because it’s fully cooked; you don’t have to combine it, you don’t have to cook it; you don’t have to concern yourself with any of that. It’s basically like a really fine grind meatloaf, but it’s in a little cylinder but you can cut off little slices. It is so convenient, and it’s actually pretty affordable. Add that to the convenience, and it is so worth it.
Alright, cool. So that will do it for this week. You can find me, Liz, at and you can find Diane at Join our email lists for free goodies and updates that you don’t find anywhere else on our website or on the podcast. While you’re on the internet, leave us an iTunes review. Thanks for being here. See you next week.