Balanced Bites Podcast | Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe

Podcast Episode #280: Muscle Building with Jen Sinkler and Kourtney Thomas

Diane Sanfilippo Athletic Performance & Athletes, Featured, Fitness, Health & Wellness, Podcast Episodes Leave a Comment

Topics  1. News and updates from Diane [1:30] 2. Introducing our guests; Jen Sinkler and Kourtney Thomas [3:56] 3. Something I’m digging: self care [9:56] 4. Strength training and women [19:53] 5. Myths of cardiovascular training [24:32] 6. Differences in strength versus cardio training [31:30] 7. Training for aesthetics [40:32] 8. Hypertrophy training [49:41] 9. What hypertrophy training looks like …

Points of Performance: Speed & Strength (Part 1) – How do your lifts stack up?

Anna Hunter Athletic Performance & Athletes, Featured 3 Comments

In this Points of Performance blog post series, we will look closer at the relationship between strength and speed, help you identify if you have in fact struck a balance between them, and what to do about if you have not. Step into any CrossFit gym and you’ll likely see the “10 General Physical Skills” stenciled on a wall. You …