BIRTHFIT | Diane Sanfilippo | WUW

BIRTHFIT, Fitness, & Chiropractic | What’s Up Weekly with Diane | August 29, 2017

Diane Sanfilippo Health & Wellness, Pregnancy & Babies, What's Up Weekly Leave a Comment

Here’s what was up last week! Quick Links: Diane: Direct Vlog Dr. Scott – Upcoming Events! Balanced Bites Podcast – Episode #310 New Book – 21DSD Daily Guide – releasing January 2018 Balanced Bites Spices – Update! New 21DSD Recipe Roundup – Sheet Pan Chicken Highlights from Instagram Diane: Direct Vlog Have more than 5 minutes to get ready? I’ve …

Balanced Bites Podcast | Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe

Podcast Episode #280: Muscle Building with Jen Sinkler and Kourtney Thomas

Diane Sanfilippo Athletic Performance & Athletes, Featured, Fitness, Health & Wellness, Podcast Episodes Leave a Comment

Topics  1. News and updates from Diane [1:30] 2. Introducing our guests; Jen Sinkler and Kourtney Thomas [3:56] 3. Something I’m digging: self care [9:56] 4. Strength training and women [19:53] 5. Myths of cardiovascular training [24:32] 6. Differences in strength versus cardio training [31:30] 7. Training for aesthetics [40:32] 8. Hypertrophy training [49:41] 9. What hypertrophy training looks like …

All About Carbs with Christine Hronec - Diane Sanfilippo, Liz Wolfe | Balanced Bites

Podcast Episode #228: All About Carbs with Christine Hronec – Part 1

Diane Sanfilippo Carbohydrates, Featured, Podcast Episodes 3 Comments

Topics: 1.  News and updates from Diane [2:07] 2.  Something new that I’m into: weighted vest and sashimi [4:22] 3.  Introducing our guest, Christine Hronec of Gauge Girl Training [7:22] 4. Introducing the carbohydrate [11:06] 5. How eating carbs helps you lose fat [14:58] 6. Where to start, how to monitor and tweak [22:38] 7. Why a longer time frame …

Podcast Episode #200: Ask us anything! Get to know Diane and Liz better

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Podcast Episodes 3 Comments

Topics: 1. Can you speak in an accent? [4:54] 2. What personality trait would you want from the other? [6:04] 3. How hard would a “Freaky Friday” be for you guys? [7:18] 4. Choice of cheat food without consequences [8:30] 5. First sardine experience [9:56] 6. Unloved paleo food that you now love [10:55] 7. Favorite vegetable [12:41] 8. Least …

Monday Motivation: Strength & Flexibility

Diane Sanfilippo Fitness, Health & Wellness, Monday Motivation 3 Comments

I don’t get to yoga very often. In fact, I almost never go unless I’m visiting my family and friends in New Jersey. I like it mostly for the quality time it affords me with my mom (and often my dad, too) and the mental and spiritual introspection that happens while I’m on the mat. It’s something I love to …