5 Tips for Snacking On-the-Go l | Balanced Bites

5 Tips For Snacking On-The-Go

Diane Sanfilippo Balanced Bites Spices, FAQs, Lifestyle & Mindset, Real Food 101 4 Comments

5 Tips for Snacking On-the-Go Heading on vacation? Starting a commute back into an office? Shuttling the kids around from one camp to another (with a swim practice thrown in for good measure)? Being away from home​ can be challenging, so I’ve compiled my top five tips for snacking healthily while on-the-go. 1. Eat Before You Go Sounds easy, but …

Why Balanced Bites Spices are Different | Balanced Bites

Why Balanced Bites Organic Spices are Different

Diane Sanfilippo Balanced Bites Spices, FAQs 4 Comments

I get this question a lot. “Diane, what makes your spice blends different from what I can find on the supermarket shelf?” Or, sometimes, I’m asked why and how they are different even from other specialty organic spice blend brands that aren’t in most stores. And it’s a great question, as we pour a lot into making our organic spice …