Benefits of Broth | Balanced Bites

The Benefits of Bone Broth

Diane Sanfilippo Balanced Bites Wholesome Foods, Gut Health & Healing, Health & Wellness, Real Food 101 3 Comments

Bone broth is a super-food for so many reasons. To name a few, it’s been shown to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and improve the quality of your skin. Bone broth provides our bodies with bio-available (very easy to consume, digest and absorb) forms of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and other trace minerals that are so lacking in our diets today. While we …

10 Ways to be healthier (inside & out) in 2012

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Lifestyle & Mindset 17 Comments

1. Sleep more, sleep better and start sleeping EARLIER. Make the commitment to yourself to get in bed an hour earlier than you normally do. It’ll be dark outside, no doubt. If it’s not dark in your room, MAKE IT DARK. Use blackout curtains or, if you must, cover the windows with cardboard or foil. Notice what happens when you …