Chronic Lyme Disease: Kevin’s Inspiring Practical Paleo Testimonial

Anthony DiSarro Lifestyle & Mindset, Testimonial 6 Comments

Hello! My name is Kevin Sherriff and I am a 30 year old elementary school teacher from the bustling metropolis of Whitby, Ontario Canada. For the past two years I have been forced to put my life, and my families lives on hold while I have battled with Chronic Lyme Disease. I would like to start my post today by …

Real Life Changes – Emma’s Story: A yoga teacher gone Paleo

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Lifestyle & Mindset 6 Comments

This is a recent testimonial from one of my readers and a yoga teacher of my mother’s, Emma, who lives in New Jersey and runs a fantastic studio called South Mountain Yoga. I’ve had digestive problems for years. I remember leaving the dinner table when I was a kid, using the excuse of going to the bathroom, and then just …

Real Life Changes – Emily’s Story: “Every choice matters.”

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Lifestyle & Mindset 9 Comments

This is a recent testimonial from one of my clients, Emily, who lives in San Francisco. In the middle of my 29th year, obviously anticipating the big 3-0, I found myself fat, unhappy, depressed and battling chronic ‘stomach issues’ (to put it tactfully). I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I had become. The scale was tipping 181 pounds …