Chronic Lyme Disease: Kevin’s Inspiring Practical Paleo Testimonial

Anthony DiSarro Lifestyle & Mindset, Testimonial 6 Comments

Hello! My name is Kevin Sherriff and I am a 30 year old elementary school teacher from the bustling metropolis of Whitby, Ontario Canada. For the past two years I have been forced to put my life, and my families lives on hold while I have battled with Chronic Lyme Disease. I would like to start my post today by …

Real Life Changes – Lori’s Story “Small Tweaks Matter… Go Paleo”

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Lifestyle & Mindset, Testimonial, Weight Loss 2 Comments

This is a recent testimonial from one of my clients, Lori, who lives in Ohio. When Lori first came to me, she was still eating along the lines of what many consider to be Conventional Wisdom (CW) around what is healthy food: low fat and whole grains. She had already begun to make shifts towards Paleo, but was certainly experiencing …