Topics: 1. [NEW] What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [3:22] 2. [NEW] Something new that I’m into: Hike it Baby and a new carrier [6:54] 3. What should I eat and macros [8:22] 4. Integration of Weston A. Price principles [21:04] 5. Superfoods and budgeting [27:54] 6. Breaking the rules and cheating [37:45] 7. Lean meats and canola …
Podcast Episode #206: The great FCLO debate
Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [3:20] 2. A new thing I’m into lately: not lifting heavy (gasp!) [12:21] 3. Response to fermented cod liver oil report [20:08] 4. Approach supplements in general [44:04] 5. #treatyoself: Primal Kitchen Mayo [51:24] Additional resources: Chris Kresser’s recent post on the topic. Chris Masterjohn’s recent post on the topic. …
Balanced Bites Podcast: Episode #26 Yersenia Infection, Sprouted Grains, HCI & BRAT
Remember! If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes, thanks! Topics: 1. Clearing up some “Useful Guides” recommendation confusion on sweeteners, fats & cooking fats. 2 Yersinia bacterial infection. 3. Are soaked/fermented/sprouted grains okay? 4. Effective female mass gain? 5. How to take Betaine HCl. 6. An oil for skin when coconut oil isn’t enough? 7. …
Balanced Bites Podcast: Episode #19: Paleo 101, Part 2
Remember! If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes, thanks! A follow-up to part 1, Diane & Liz answer more specific questions from listeners/readers about the Paleo diet, macronutrient ratios, cheating/going off-plan, canola oil & saturated fat in the original “The Paleo Diet” by Cordain, expense of Paleo, how to incorporate Weston A. Price (WAPF) principles …