Balanced Bites Podcast: Episode #27 Carbs, Cortisol, Caffeine & Acne

Diane Sanfilippo Podcast Episodes 4 Comments

Remember! If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes, thanks! Topics:  1: Carbs, cortisol, thyroid – hot topics (from a breastfeeding mom) – also is caffeine reversing weight loss? 2: Stating the word “chemicals” properly 3: Tips for acne/breakouts 4: Should I listen to my body, or not? 5: Help for teeth grinding? Click here to download …

Balanced Bites Podcast

Balanced Bites Podcast: Episode #14: Healthy Holidays, Diabetes, Supplements & Calories

Diane Sanfilippo Podcast Episodes 2 Comments

Episode #14   Discussion Topics: Keeping the holidays healthy- Thanksgiving dinner, parties, etc. Shout-outs: Radiance Nutritional Therapy, Diana Rodgers Ancestralize Me, Laura Beth Schoenfeld Healthy Urban Kitchen, Antonio Valladares “Cardio Conundrum 2″   Topics: 1. Keeping the holidays healthy- Thanksgiving dinner, parties, etc. [ 12:47] 2. Diabetes (Type 2) and protein consumption [25:50] 3. Paleo success, then weight gain/creep [36:38] …

Balanced Bites Podcast

Balanced Bites Podcast: Episode #11: IBS After Fasting, Paleo & Vegetarianism, Indulging in Paleo Friendly Treats, Salt & Iodine, Healthy Weight Gain & Ketogenic Diets

Diane Sanfilippo Podcast Episodes 9 Comments

Episode #11 Announcements: Upcoming Practical Paleo Seminars in 2011/2012 Opening chat: Liz will be at the 12th Annual Weston A. Price Foundation Wise Traditions Conference. Check out Liz’s new nutritional therapy website here. Topics: 1: IBS after an intermittent fast. [5:22] 2. Paleo & vegetarianism [19:18] 3. Indulging in Paleo-fied treats [28:45] 4. Salt, sea salt, table salt & iodine  [37:45] …

Balanced Bites Podcast

Balanced Bites Podcast: Episode #7: Soy, Goitrogens & Hypothyroid, Injuries, Emotions & Elimination Protocol, Paleo Crossfit, Autoimmune Thyroid Supplementation, Willpower and Family

Diane Sanfilippo Podcast Episodes 10 Comments

Episode #7 Opening chat: The Food Lovers new amazing cookbook is available now on “Make it Paleo.” Check out preview/review posts on Balanced Bites here and on Cave Girl Eats here. Topics:  1: Soy, goitrogens & hypothyroid. [5:26] 2: Injuries in an endurance athlete, weight gain & stalled progress. [17:00] 3: Emotions & diagnoses; elimination protocol [24:05] 4: Paleo/CrossFit at college – how to make …