I had the pleasure of intervening Jaclyn this week and I am thrilled to share it with all of you. Diane, Liz, myself and the rest of the Balanced Bites team are HUGE fans and advocates for Bone Broth. We could not be happier to introduce this great new book and resource to you. Jaclyn not only is offering up a FREE copy of Bone Broth: A Recipe for Health to one lucky reader but she as also given us a sneak peek to share – enter the contest and get the FREE recipe at the botom of this post.
How did the idea for a book solely based around bone broth come about?
To be honest, it was my Dad’s idea! My husband and I started following a paleo diet about 2 ½ years ago when we got engaged. My husband was intrigued due to its reported health benefits, but admittedly I followed suit to lose weight. Every girl wants to look her best at her wedding! What we didn’t know was that my Dad (who lives on the other side of the world from us) was doing the very same thing
To make a long story short, soon after “going paleo” we all decided to incorporate traditional nutrient-dense foods into our paleo diet, using the Weston A. Price and GAPS recommendations as a guideline. We made bone broth a staple and saw incredible health improvements. My Dad pointed out that although many members of the paleo community (including you and Liz!) advocate bone broth, there was a need for a single source of comprehensive information. We thought we’d help spread the word about bone broth’s wonderful healing properties and perhaps help others benefit as we did. Bone Broth: A Recipe for Health was born!
How has the addition of bone broth changed you and your family’s health?
I’ll rewind to the start of 2012. After following the paleo diet for over a year, I experienced major improvements in my health with the most significant change being my weight and physique. Having struggled with weight my entire life, I was thrilled to slim down and gain muscle, especially in time for my wedding. However, as many people report, I was still suffering from several symptoms, including post birth control syndrome (as Chris Kresser calls it), GI symptoms and a sluggish liver, among others. It’s possible these symptoms were persisting in spite of the paleo diet, but they also may have been because of the paleo diet (at least in part) – also a common occurrence in the community!
Under the care of Chris Kresser, I started following a modified GAPS diet full of nutrient dense foods, including loads of bone broth. My husband did as well (because I am the cook!) and so did my Dad (at my urging). Well… we all saw incredible results – for symptoms we were trying to treat as well as others. We were floored! For me, all of the aforementioned symptoms were resolved in less than six months. My husband effectively treated his GI symptoms as well as adrenal and skin issues, and my Dad at the age of 65 has never looked or felt better. We’re working on my Mom now!
What can our readers expect to find in Bone Broth: A Recipe for Health?
Anything and everything related to bone broth! In my opinion, the most eye-opening and valuable takeaway is the explanation of broth’s seemingly magical healing properties.
As you must know, it’s not magic at all. The healing is a result of the powerful minerals and nutrients found in the bones, which are leeched into the broth as a result of a simple preparation method (described in the book). Calcium, magnesium, collagen, glycine and proline are just a few of the nutrients critical to healing.
In Bone Broth: A Recipe for Health, we’ve covered the basics, including preparation methods, tips and tricks for maximum nutrition, and recipes from paleo and whole foods experts including Mark Sisson and Sally Fallon Morrell. But we’ve also covered more obscure topics such as recommended cooking utensils for minimal toxicity and how bone broth helps certain populations such as children and pregnant women (including me! I drink 2-3 cups/day) as well as sufferers of adrenal fatigue and athletes. In fact, we think bone broth should be the next Gatorade! Did you know that it enhances performance as well as recovery from exercise? Oh, and it has none of the “nasties” such as high fructose corn syrup or artificial flavors and colors that Gatorade-like products contain!
What are some of the major benefits from drinking bone broth?
Some say, “Good bone broth can resurrect the dead!” While I can’t vouch for that, I can tell you that there is extensive research showing that bone broth has some pretty incredible health benefits. Here are just a few that might be of interest to your readers:
- Heals the gut lining
- Supports healthy digestion and nutrient absorption
- Bolsters the immune system and helps ward off illness
- Strengthens bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and aids arthritis
- Promotes healthy, supple skin and strong teeth
- Helps eliminate autoimmune disorders such as celiac disease, diabetes, Crohn’s and multiple sclerosis
In fact, the health benefits are so varied and extensive, that we created this snapshot of the health conditions that benefit from bone broth.
What suggestion do you have for someone who does not like the smell or taste of bone broth? 
Really? I can’t imagine! My favorite way to consume broth is as chicken soup – I add chicken, carrots, celery, onions, garlic and dill to my chicken broth and voila, it’s a delicious and nourishing meal. My second favorite is ‘as is’ or ‘Meat Tea’ as we call it in the book. My husband and I sip on a huge mug of chicken, oxtail or lamb broth each morning – I warm it on the stove with some Celtic sea salt, fresh parsley and garlic. It’s both energizing and soothing at the same time. Oh, and I love making creamy butternut squash or pumpkin soup with chicken broth as the base!
But for those who do not like the taste, we include in the book a ‘Top 10 List’ for ways to easily incorporate it into your diet. The options are endless, from stews to curries to chili. One way to “hide” it is to use it in place of water when cooking or reheating meals – i.e., use it to stir-fry vegetables, cook rice, or reheat meat dishes. The nutrients in the broth will be absorbed into the meal, providing you with all of the benefits without the taste. The smell is a tricky one! How about banishing your crockpot to the garage or laundry room?
Kitchen tip:
In Bone Broth: A Recipe for Health, we include many useful kitchen tips for saving money and time, maximizing nutrition and flavor, and storing and serving broth of all types. It’s hard to choose just one!
I guess the most valuable tip when it comes to preparing, storing and consuming homemade broth is to label your containers. I can’t tell you how many times I thought, “I’ll remember when I made that” and later found myself agonizing over when I made it. If you want to be fancy, you can buy storage labels. Or, if you’re like me, masking tape and a felt pen will work just fine. I tend to include the type of broth, whether it was seasoned and salted, and the date of preparation on my labels. This saves time and eliminates the risk of consuming expired broth.
Oh, and make HUGE batches at a time. It doesn’t take any more effort to make a large batch than a small one, and you’ll be happy when you have it on hand. Broth can be stored in containers or ice cube trays in the freezer for up to six months.
You can download FREE recipe from the book here > Brown Beef Bone Stock Recipe.
TO ENTER THE “Bone Broth for Health” BOOK GIVEAWAY:
1. “Like” Bone Broth on Facebook.
2. Comment here letting us know you've completed one or both of the above, and tell us why you want a copy of “Bone Broth for Health.” If you've already ordered a copy, tell us who you'd give a second copy away to and why.
NOTE: Only one comment per person will count as an entry. Posting more than one comment will disqualify you from the contest, so please just post once! Thanks!
That’s it! No purchase necessary.
This contest will be open for entries until 6 pm Eastern on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013. One winner will be selected using random.org and emailed and announced here on the blog. If you do reply to the winning announcement email to claim your prize within 48 hours of the announcement, a new winner will be selected in your place.
Comments 170
“Liked”. Feel the need to add rich broths to our diet. Sounds wonderful.
After going to the emergency room 3 times due to GI tract pain this past October, and appointment after appointment with different specialist on why I am experiencing hormonal, stomach, and GI issues even with a “healthy” diet – I have made the change to become “strickly paleo”. Although it is tough at times because I am on the road a lot, making conscious choices about what I ingest are now everyday. After searching for easy sources for healthy meals, I believe this book would be one of the tools to assist me in including nutrient dense items in my diet regime and get me back on track physically and mentally.
Thank you for compiling easy to follow information.
I would LOVE a copy of the Bone Broth for Health book because I’ve tried making it several times and it never turns into gelatin & I did not like the flavor. I have gut issues, adrenal issues, sleep issues, hair/skin-nails issues that I’m trying to heal and I know that bone broth would help SO much!!!!!!! I just want my health back!
I forgot to say that I liked the Bone Broth for Health FB page as well!
I liked your facebook page! This book sounds incredible and I would love to have it. I’ve just began my paleo journey (Whole30 in January) and I am amazed at how my life is changing, not just my body, my whole life! Most of all I want to share this with my parents and get them on a healthier journey. Thanks! Laura
I liked your facebook page and tried to download the beef stock recipe. Could not get it downloaded so I sent a link to myself to try again later.
I have liked Bone Broth on FB. I would love a copy of the book for myself to learn more about the benefits of bone broth, as well as having more recipes to work with. Thank you for the opportunity:)
Liked on fb. I too am experiencing the same thing with the initial improvements in my health but cannot seem to rid myself of many other issues. Sounds like this is just the addition I need to add to my health care regime. I will buy it anyway but sure would be nice to get a free copy.
I would love to have a copy of the book” BONE BROTH a recipe for health”.
I know how good BONE broth is for health and guts however, I have failed 5 times to make The bone broth Which I have seen like Balance bite blog and Nomnom.
I am ready to make a broth like GELATIN!!!
Thank you!!
Liked on Facebook. I’ve recently invested in a crock pot and have been diligently trying to make broth in an app empty to heal my gut and would love to learn more! Your book sounds amazing!
I found the family crock pot… have not tried it yet… this would be a good starting place! would love to get a copy! LIKED…CHECK!
Liked! I need to start incorporating more bone broth to my diet!
I liked your page and would love to learn how to make my own bone broth the right way!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Liked. I would love to learn how to make bone broth. I have heard of this a couple of years ago a speaker came to my job and was promoting and talking about it. I have joint/muscle ache and arthritis pain for a couple of years now in my neck/shoulder area and I’ve learned to live with the pain but some days its unbearable. I also have terrible gas & bloating. I am ready to learn and take control. Thanks for the opportunity.
Just liked Bone Broth on Facebook! My broths used to be gelatinous, but lately they haven’t been. I don’t know what changed. I’d love to get this book so I can fine tune the process.
I “liked” your page! I’ve tried making bone broth a few times and can’t get the hang of it. I need to learn how to make meat jello! I know this will be a healthy addition to my diet. Thanks for writing this book Jaclyn!
I’m already a fan on Facebook! So excited about your book. It’s just the guidance I need to get on track with making broth. My daughter has many gut and skin issues and I know she needs bone broth to heal. This book would be such a great resource for learning how to make, store and use broth. Thanks!
Yep, a FB fan. Without writing a full post/blog of my own, I need this book. Need ideas. Encouragement. Deeper knowledge. And so does my mentee. So I’ll get my copy and a second.copy will go to Kelly.
Liked. I already use some bone broth, but would like ideas to incorporate more into my diet.
Liked. Even Tweeted. I’ve made bone broth for years, but I’ve never been fancy about it.
I’d like to be fancy.
Liked Bone Broth on FB – and happy to have found this! I’d love a copy of this book as I was recently diagnosed with leaky gut and adrenal fatigue. I’m working at incorporating more bone broth into my diet, but need some new ideas. And I’ve yet to have a batch successfully gel!
Liked on FB. I currently make bone broth and thought it was good for you, but am excited to learn more about why!
Liked on facebook. I would love this book! I made a beef bone broth last week that tasted SO good just out of the fridge like jello. (But I really need motivated to do broth more often; and help my husband learn to like it. 🙂
I’ve “Liked” it on Facebook and love bone broth anyway. Just had some with lunch. Always looking for more information in this area.
I like Bone Broth on Facebook.
I have started making my own chicken bone broth but indeed more advice/tips on how to improve it and have it actually “gel”.
I also would like to start making beef bone broth .
Big thanks to Diane and Charissa for your support! And to everyone who’s commented above. I truly hope this book helps you all to make bone broth a regular part of your diet. It helped me and my family tremendously in our healing, and I’m confident it will do the same for you. Looking forward to announcing the winner!
I liked Bone Broth on Facebook. I would love to read this book to find all of them many ways that bone broth can improve health. I have a hard time remembering to drink it. Maybe if I read about the benefits it would me remember.
I’m expecting our 4th child, and this is the first I’ve eaten following a paleo approach. Very curious to read how bone broth further helps me as a ‘special population’. Also, pleased to read you’ve admitted even after following paleo for a year, you were still having issues. Refreshing!! Diane just admitted the other day she’s not in fact a super hero either and the two of you gained more of my respect by saying this as a result.
Heidi, congratulations! I’m actually pregnant as well – I’m 25 weeks with my first. I’ve followed a paleo diet my entire pregnancy. I’ve also incorporated broth into my daily routine. I think both have contributed to my lack of morning sickness, nausea and other commonly reported pregnancy symptoms. In addition to providing nutrients and hydration, broth (the collagen in particular) also helps to prevent stretch marks and support healing post pregnancy. Good luck with everything!
I liked the page and am excited to have it in my news feed, whether I win a copy or not! I would love to win a free copy for purely financial reasons – we’re very low income so I just can’t afford to buy the book. I love broth, though, since it is so inexpensive and nourishing! And I would love more ideas for what to do with it. Thanks!
I liked it on facebook and would love a copy. After struggling to keep paleo for almost 3 years I had begun researching the gaps diet and how I needed to take Paleo one step further to cure constant fatigue and constipation. I have started drinking bone broth and am alreading noticing a difference – but I would love more info, especially recipes, etc.
I liked the page on FB and am extremely intrigued by this book. I would love to win this book as it seems remarkable what bone broth can do. As a newby to the paleo lifestyle, I want to try this and see for myself.
Liked on Facebook.
I have been making broth for a while now, but I don’t do it regularly enough. Plus, I’d like to find ways to make it taste better so I don’t feel I always have to hide it other recipes like soups and stews.
Liked on FB. I would love a copy of this because I love bone broth and could use some creative ways to use it!
I Liked Bone Broth on facebook. I would love to make rich looking broth like the jars pictured. I have many bags of bones from last grassfed cow we purchased. It gets thick and full of gelatin, but never that brown and yummy looking.
I liked the Facebook Page.
I just began making bone broth and want to learn more about it’s benefits. My sister-in-law’s family is on GAPs and that’s when my interest begain. Also, we raise our own pigs (pasture-raised, non-GMO fed) and we just roasted a half pig, so I’ve got plenty of bones to make broth with! 🙂
I liked the Facebook page! I want to get more nutrition out of the broth I’m making, so some of those tips would come in really handy!
I liked the FB page as well. Ironically, I put out marrow and neck bones to thaw this morning before I received the email regarding Bone Broth. This will be my first batch of beef bone broth. I finished up the first batch of chicken bone broth earlier this week. The book would be a huge help as I am a ‘newbie’ to this art. Growing up on a farm, my grandparents didn’t waste any part of the animals they slaughtered for food. I still remember the day when I found out that my favorite ‘cheese’ (head cheese) was actually made from pig heads! Looking forward to this book. Thank you for the interview.,
I liked the facebook page. I would like a copy of this book because we changed our diet last year but I’m still having health issues and I would like to see if this would help.
Question – why not use ball mason jars for freezing bone broth. Does pyrex make canning jars? I could not locate any if they do.
I would love to have this book- I’m 3 weeks into paleo and when I hear the words “healing” I am looking into it for various symptoms. Thank you!
I’ve completed the prereqs and with this book I would educate myself of how to best utilize bone broth so that I may educate others!
Hi! Thank you for the giveaway!! I would love to win this book to learn as much as possible about bone broths to improve our health. My DH and I are in our 60’s and we’d like to be strong and vibrant for many, many more years. I’ve done one broth session, and although it was edible the first “pull” tasted like it was burned. My crockpot was on it’s lowest setting, but…it sure seemed “well done”! lol (couldn’t have been the cook could it???? LOL)
I liked you on facebook!
Thanks again!
I totally “liked” the Facebook page! I’ve made bone broth once, but I need to learn more about it and understand better what to use, ways to make it, and what it can do for me. I have Hashimoto’s and want to avoid developing any other autoimmune diseases, and bolster my immune system and especially my bones, after undergoing chemotherapy and drug therapy for breast cancer. Thanks for the opportunity, and for all that you are doing!
Liked on Facebook. I would like this book so I can learn how to make bone broth come out and turn to jelly when refrigerated! I haven’t had much luck with this the last few times I’ve made it. I also want to get more other wonderful ideas about what I can do with bone broth!
“Liked” I need this book because I’m horrible in the kitchen and havent attempted making broth yet but I’m trying new things everyday!
LIKED on FB and I would love a copy of this book – I feel as if my bone broth is “good” but not nutrient dense excellence.
Love bone broth and make with grassfed beef knuckle and marrow bones; also save leftover chicken bones, add feet for more goodness. I either simmer either long and slow or recently am using my stainless steel pressure canner.
Would love to win a copy of the new book to add to my knowledge! Thanks.
So happy to LIKE Bone Broth on facebook.
I would love this book because everyone in my home needs to heal their gut and I haven’t a clue on how to accomplish this task with this wonderful book!
I would LOVE a copy of the bone broth book! It’s the one category I have not yet dived into in regards to food and nutrition, and I would REALLY like too learn more. Thank you!
I’ve only recently begun to get into bone broth, but I can’t seem to get it right. I’d love to get some tips and tricks from the book as well as enjoy the recipes that are in it! Thanks for the 5 questions, Charissa and Jaclyn!
I would love to win a copy of this great book, because I need all the help I can get in the kitchen when it comes to creating nutritious AND delicious meals!
Also, thank you so much for the free recipe download. Those tips will definitely make my bone broth more flavorful!
I just like the FB page. My local grocer meat department often puts turkey backs and necks out for sale as well as pork necks. I buy them because of the price and use the slow cooker. I separate the meat from the bones, save the broth, and then reuse the bones once more for a second serving of broth.
I want to improve my technique. This book will help me understand why this is good for me and help me become more than a one trick pony with how I use these bones, I hope!
I liked on FB! Would love a copy of this, since my broth doesn’t come out right….
I always have homemade broth on hand but it never gets gelatinous 🙁 I need a book like this to help my broth making skills!
I have liked your Page and left a comment: “Would love to win a copy of the book! Trying to heal gut can only be easier with regular batches of bone broth!”
I “liked” the bone broth page. I’ve been wanting to try a bone broth because it is supposed to be so healthy, even though I don’t like the flavor of most broth.
Would love to learn more about Bone Broth. Just getting started on a Paleo lifestyle and could use all the help I can get. Thanks for the chance to win.
I “liked” the Bone Broth for Health FB page. I’ve started making bone broth and can feel the difference when I drink it. Would love more information about the benefits and other recipes. Thanks!
I liked the page on FB and would like to receive the copy Bone Broth for Health to help my husband with his ailments. He has started to try another “diet” plan but I want to show him the benefits of eating healthy not dieting and I know this book will help me accomplish this.
Liked on FB. I’d love to learn more about how it strenghtens bones. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis when I was 23 and no one could tell me why or how to treat it other than with conventional medicine. That has not even been an option in my mind so I have been trying to improve through holisitic methods.
Wow! A whole book of bone broth recipes?? I’ve been scouring for ‘best’ bone broth recipes since moving from a GF diet (Celiac) to newly diagnosed with MS. I’m convinced that through attention to diet and other areas of my life, I can remain healthy and medication free. As Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine’. Liked Bone Broth on fb too!
I liked. Bone Broth on Facebook. I have been drinking bone broth almost everyday all winter and have avoided the flu and all the other crud that has been going around. I would love to own a copy of this book because the more I know about good health the better!!!
I would adore a copy of Bone Broth for Health. I have been trying to heal my gut and osteopenia, and would love to know more about bone broth benefits and recipes. Osteoporosis runs in our family, even my uncles have it. My grandmother’s ribs were resting on her hips and she couldn’t get out of a chair the last years of her life. My aunts and uncles already have bone deterioration and are on prescription meds. If bone broth could help me and my other siblings from having the same condition by rebuilding our bones, I sure would like to try.
Completed! And what desired book. I want to pass this on to my sister and share this wealth of knowledge.
I like the FB page. I would like a copy of this book as my dd is starting GAPS intro and this would be helpful. Also I am a health coach and it would be helpful for my clients.
would love to win the book. I have recently started making bone broth (cooking some right now!). I am loving it!
…Question: What about making several batches out of one ‘set’ of bones?
Hi Heidi – While a few food bloggers have written about making several batches of broth from one set of bones (google “perpetual soup” or “perpetual broth”), I’m not the biggest fan. I find that each subsequent batch comes out weaker than the previous one. However, with that said, if you are considering it for budgetary reasons, go for it! There is definitely still nutritional value in the later batches. Try to find gelatinous bones such as oxtail or bison and use the weaker batches for cooking or warming up meals or adding to more complex soups or stews. Hope that helps!
Oh, and if you have other questions, visit my blog and enter them on the right. I’ll answer your questions and post them for others to learn from. http://www.bonebrothforhealth.com.
‘Like’ on FB.
I NEED this book…I’m trying hard to heal my leaky gut…and I know bone broth is the way to go.
Liked on FB and I would love to learn even more about the health benefits of Bone Broth.
Liked and I love making bone broth. I’d love a book!
Liked on fb 🙂 would love to learn more about bone broth, I’ve been making my own for unite sometime now and love it
“Liked” on facebook. I have two kids with sensory disorders and poor gut health. I just started making bone broth last month but I don’t feel like I have it down right and they won’t drink it yet. I’m excited for this book as I think it might help me get it into my kids tummies so they can start healing.
Would love to win this book. Now liked on facebook!
Liked on Facebook! I would love a copy, because I’m Paleo but still trying to heal my thyroid and adrenals. I’d give a copy to my mom because I’m slooowly convincing her to go paleo (got her to go gluten free!) and she is super stubborn. I’m hoping this book (and Practical Paleo, which I just gave her) will help convince her there is still work to be done!
LOVE LOVE LOVE Bone Broth!!!!!!!
I need to get back into making it on a consistent basis again! It is soooo healing!
Having recipes and a WHOLE book on it would be fantastic! I would love to win this!
I like Bone Broth on FB.
Thanks so much!!!!!
Hello! I downloaded the recipe and liked your facebook page. I’ve been reading alot about bone broth, I”m having some ‘tummy’ issues and want to try the broth.
THank you for the chance to win.
Patty H.
Liked. And I would love to read the book. We’ve been experimenting with adding more bone broth to our diet, and I think this is going to make a huge and noticeable difference to my health.
Hey I LOVE Bone Broth! Would love this book!! My mom always preached about this and I’d love to learn more, thanks!!
I liked the Facebook page.
I love making bone broth and I would love to read more information on how to make it even better! I actually just made a new batch today and it’s just so good. 🙂
Liked – and delighted to have found this site. Have been making the Weston-Price beef broth and incorporated a cup a day into my diet since having some gut issues moving fully into Paleo. Just now on a 2 week visit to get to know my first grand-child (3 weeks old) and wanting to share the understanding of just how many benefits there are in adding this wonderful food into a breast-feeding mum’s diet. I’ve got a pot of broth simmering on the stove as I write… the mum is not too sure about it though 🙂
I liked you on Facebook and would like to get a copy of your book because I woukd like to see how you incorporate bone broth in different recipes that I can make for my family. I’ve already noticed the benefits in my body and want to get more ideas to keep my family as healthy as possible!
I’m convinced that bone broth is one of the most important things we can eat but I need help to convince the rest of my family.
WOW …this has really got me excited! I’ve read and printed off Lea’s “brown” beef bone stock. I can’t wait to get to our meat market to try this recipe. Thanks so much. I WILL be ordering your book. I have been oh so interested in learning more about the health benifits of bone broth. I am going to give it a whole hearted try thanks to your book.
I would L.O.V.E this bone broth book! Recently I was diagnosed with stage 3 adrenal fatigue and a peice of advice I keep seeing over and over is drink bone broth. I’ve tried it and can’t get the taste to my liking but am so willing to learn and go on a journey of nourishing and healing my body. What a great idea for a book! xx
BTW I liked Bone Broth For Health on Facebook 🙂
Liked on FB. I need this book because we are starting our “real nourishing foods” diet and this is a good resource.
Hi, loved FB. Ive always been health conscious and the past 2 years have taken it further to spiritual. Your Bone Broth looks delicious as I hav never made it by roasting in the oven first and then slow cooker, thats why I would so love to have your book. One query thou, GAPS recommends having the fat as well but your recipe skims off the fat.
Hi Maria – Whether to skim or consume the fat is a personal decision. I would strongly consider the bones being used – if you are using bones from grass-fed organic animals, you may wish to consume the fat. If you are using bones from conventionally raised animals, I’d suggest skimming and tossing. Additionally, some say that the long slow simmer may damage the fat and therefore it is best to discard. Again, it’s a personal decision. I personally prefer the taste of broth that has been skimmed! But don’t forgot, there are many alternative ways to consume healthy fats in light of the gaps diet – grass-fed butter and ghee, homemade yogurt and sour cream, fat from roasted pastured animals, etc.
Liked on FB! I would like a copy because I have been making broth for a whole now and would be interested in learning more!
Liked! My bone broth never gets that gelatin-like consistency. I am sure there are things I could do to make it more nutritious, which is important to me as I was diagnosed with Osteopenia at age 14 and with Osteoporosis at age 30.
Liked on facebook. What a great book- I really need to start adding this to my diet. I think it would be healing for my Mom too who suffers from RA! Thanks for such a great offer…
Just liked on Facebook. I really need to get inspired to make bone broth buy need to find a source of high quality bones. Any recommendation!
I liked this on Facebook as well as a number of other pages regarding the Paleo lifestyle. I see changes happening as I close in on 50. I want to be in better health and in a better state of well being.
Liked! I would love a copy of Bone Broth: A Recipe for Health because I have struggled for many years with my health. I have seen some improvement on a paleo diet, but would like to see more. I need all the information I can get my hands on : )!
Liked on FaceBook.
I have made some bone broth but this book would give me some great options in making it.
There are many different great broth recipes, however not every broth has healing properties that can heal intestinal lining and help with autoimmune disorders.
Bone broth that has healing properties is like normal stock but made with big and usually cheap bones which are simmered for a very long time. Ideally it should come from grass-fed or organic sources. The cooking time varies from 12 to 72 hours.
Only after cooked for so long a stack of minerals releases from the bones and goes into the broth.
Liked on FaceBook, and I would like to enjoy real bone broth!
I want to be a broth expert! I also want to optimise my health. and that’s why I desperately want this book.
Hi! I have liked your Bone Broth page on FB and would love a copy of your new book. I DO have a question on glutamates…I believe I have read that bone broth is very high in glutamates, and each time I have made it, I don’t react very well. Could that be the cause, and is there a way to minimize that or ease into it? I need the gut healing badly (IBS-C and Leaky Gut) and would love to fully enjoy it, drink it more!
Thank you for this great resource!
Hi Susan – Although I don’t have a conclusive answer for you, I can share what I’ve read/heard with you. Perhaps you can try the following and see if it makes a difference? I hope it does!
– Try rapidly cooling the broth before refrigerating (as opposed to letting it sit and cool slowly for hours). This can be done by placing your pot in a sink full of ice or ice water. Chris Masterjohn hypothesizes that a negative reaction to broth might actually be a result of bacteria forming during slow cooling.
– Try healing your gut in other ways (removing harmful foods and toxins), fermented foods, probiotic supplements, etc.) and then slowly reintroduce the broth.
I liked their page and am hoping to try the recipes as bone broth has always intimidated me!
I liked Bone Broth FB page. I would like a copy of this book because I’ve been experimenting with bone broth and haven’t found a recipe I absolutely love and maybe this book will have the one! 🙂
I liked Bone Broth on FB. Looking forward to the book! Until I actually experienced bone broth for myself, I would not have believed in its “power”. It IS both soothing and healing and energizing all at the same time. I have a standing order at the butcher shop for their knuckle bones. I’ve been Paleo for over a year, but still having GI issues (horrible gallbladder attack last weekend) and I NEED to get my gut healed ASAP.
Hello! I have liked your Facebook page and would greatly appreciate having a copy of your book. I had a very rare cancerous tumor removed from my abdominal wall about 17-months ago and have not been the same ever since. I am very interested in learning about natural ways that I can help heal my body and using food as medicine (I do not want to have radiation). I have heard many people comment on the amazing results bone broth can provide for good health.
I liked Bone Broth on fbook. I’d love to win this because I think my go to recipes could definitely use some creativity!
“Liked” on fb and downloaded free recipe-thanks! I’d love some ideas to help me make the broth more palatable for my seven year old who was game for drinking it until the flavor put him off.
Officially “Liked” the bone broth Facebook Page! I would love to win this book. This past year I have transformed my health by going Paleo. I am in the procss of trying to reverse years of leaky gut and candida overgrowth. I have just recently learned about bone broth but don’t know that much. I tried one batch and it turned out terrible!! I would love to have this book to help me and my family take out nutrition to the next step and help cure my leaky gut completely.
I liked Bone Broth on FB. I would not have believed something as simple as bone broth could be everything they say it is. But I tried it myself and it is!! Bone broth is healing, soothing and nourishing. You can truly feel it working in your body! I’ve been Paleo for over a year, but am still having GI issues (horrendous gallbladder attack last weekend) and I’m striving to heal my gut!
Liked. I have had a few failed attempts assyt making bone broth but believe fully in the health benefits and would love to have the book so that I can successfully integrate it into my lifestyle
Hi, Jaclyn!
I liked Bone Broth on FB. Out of the 6 people in my family (myself, hubby, 9-y.o. boy, 6-y.o. girl, 4-y.o. boy, and 2-y.o. girl), 4 of us have auto-immune issues. Bone broth would be a wonderful way for us to continue working on healing ourselves. Thank you so much for the work that you do!
I’d love a copy so I can learn new ways of incorporating bone broth into my families diet. I love sipping it but they don’t.
Liked your Fb page! I am thinking of going paleo with my family. This book can help me to make my life a bit easier, especially for my picky eater little toddler.
I liked the facebook page. As I’ve never tried making bone broth before, this book would be of great help to me. I have friends and family I’d definitely share it with.
I “liked” the bone broth FB page. I would love to win the book!! I just started eating Paleo so this would be great to have.
Like your page! I have been paleo for a year and the one thing I have not tried to make for fear of unknown is bone broth. This book would be a great addition to my kitchen library!
Tried bone broth once and it wasn’t good! Hopefully this book will show me how to do it so we like it!
BTW…I liked the bone broth FB page!
I would love to win this book as I am learning and applying Paleo practices in my kitchen.
I liked it on FB. I would love to win a copy to help my whole family incorporate more of this healing food into our daily diets!
I liked your FB page. I am very interested in eating healthy, whole foods. I have psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and chronic allergies. I also have a daughter with high-functioning Autism. I have read a lot on the benefits of bone broth in particular and would love a definitive resource! Thanks!!
Liked 🙂
I liked “Bone Broth” on FB. We are very interested in a nutrient-dense diet and have recently incorporated bone broths in to our regimen. This looks like a great resource to take it to the next level!
“Liked”…I have ongoing GI and autoimmune issues. This would be an easy, inexpensive way to help my body heal.
I’ve liked the FB page! I want this book because I love bone broth and would love to know more about it!
Liked on FB. Since adding homemade bone broth to my diet via Practical Paleo’s recipe, I’ve noticed quicker recovery (and less misery) when I’ve caught the dreaded winter time cold. While I’ve mastered chicken and veggie soup, and a basic broth, I’d love to expand my repertoire of broth recipes.
I’ve liked it on FB.
Our family is trying to find the right balance of paleo/GF/healthy and as the primary cook here, I am always hunting for new ways to feed them nutrient dense meals. I love to cook so this would be a great chance to pass on the legacy of healthy eating to my girls who will pass it on to their children….and so on. Thanks for the chance to help our future children.
I am a homeschooling mom and have recently started making bone broth. I would love to have some ideas on how to incorporate it into our gluten-free and dairy-free meals on a daily basis!
Liked. I would like to win a copy because I’m just getting into making bone broth so I would like more recipes I can work with and I want to educate myself a bit more on it so I can explain a little more indepth about why I’m making bone broth to people who like at me like I’m insane when I tell them what I’m making 🙂
Liked Bone Broth on Facebook.
I’d love this book! I’ve started feeding more to my family and am heading towards the GAPS diet. Advice on how to incorporate bone broth into more meals, especially for the kids, would be great!!
I liked Bone Broth on Facebook.
Our family is on the journey of eating more real foods. Having had my colon out due to Ulcerative Colitis over 10 years ago I am always on the journey to bettering the way we eat especially what we teach our daughter. Using bone broth is just another step in the journey for us! Thanks!
Liked Bone Broth on FB.
I would love a copy of this book. I’ve read things here and there about bone broth but it would be nice to have a comprehensive book on the subject. Something that might help me explain it’s benefits better to my friends and family.
Downloaded!I am trying to educate myself on paleo and proper nutrition for optimal health. Resources like this are so helpful! I would love to know how to make this powerhouse.
“Liked” it!
“liked” I am trying to eat and live healthier to have a better quality of life.
I “liked” it! I started GAPS diet and make bone broth everyday and would love to know more about it.
Liked on fb. I’ve made bone broth in the crock pot. Would love additional ideas and solutions to cure my thyroid issues. Thanx
I LIKED Bone. Broth on FB. I learned about it through the 21DSD. I love chicken broth, very soothing. I love that it should be the new Gatorade. I would love to add it more to my health practice. My dogs love it too!
I liked Bone Broth on Facebook and downloaded the recipe. Thank you.
I’d love to win a book. It seems every couple weeks I go through a bout of stomach and gas pains for a couple days no matter what I eat. I’m ready to get my health back on track!
A definate like for your page as I have just discovered Paleo and am on the second week to a new life. It is such an interesting subject and oh so practical when you think about it. I would love a copy of your great book to guide me on my new journey to health . My main aim for this year is to get off all the nasty medications and bring my body back to a healthy balance naturally
Liked Bone Broth on Facebook. I’d like to win for myself, I’m new to this I’d like to learn as much as possible.
Downloaded and liked. I just finished last weekend my first batch of grass-fed soup bone broth and organic chicken broth. They taste great and allow me to curb the salt in a soup. I also had it as a warm drink. I look forward to your coaching.
I liked the fb page and I’d love to win a free book (I’m low on cash)! I’m new to making bone broth and absolutely LOVE it. I could use more recipes and ideas. I’ve been practicing Paleo for about a year and would love to get active in the community and learn more.
I liked the FB page and I need this book like something awful! I need to drink bone broth for a number of health issues and every time I make broth it tastes totally different. Sometimes that’s great but not always. I am also a health practitioner and encourage my clients to consume bone broth so I would like to learn more ways to prepare it with different flavors, etc. Thanks for creating this resource!
Hi I absolutely love this website and your book Practical paleo. My isiter has throid cancer again for the third time. I cant seem to get it across her head that she needs to lead a completely gluten free life and auto immune protocol. She struggles witha lot of emotional eating like my self and Iwould like to give her a book to help her start her healing. I am figuring giving her tools to read after her surgery to remove several nodes will help her along her way to health and living life to the fullest. She already has no thyroid after a surgery last year and another a year and a half before that. This sickness is taking its toll on her and myself. I am worried and want her healthy and vibrant for the rest of her life.If anything please send positive energy to help along the way. We need that more than anything.Thank you so much for the free and positive information you send out there and for helping to try and improve my own health. One day I will get there and so will she right beside me. I am bound and determined. Bless you and all the work you and yours do.
I both “Liked” Bone Broth on Facebook and downloaded the recipe from above. 🙂 I’d love a copy of this book to not only know more in depth about the benefits of bone broth, but also get some great-tasting recipes, since all I do now are the basics. I made some simple beef bone broth a couple weeks ago and once it was refrigerated, I was able to completely balance a spoon on top of it as it was so gelatinous!!!
Liked! I would love a copy of the book, because while we follow a paleo/WAPF hybrid diet, I have one daughter who still persists with skin issues (though much better than they used to be)and many other symptoms of an imbalanced gut, and despite what we are doing to try to heal her I feel like there is something we are missing. I currently make bone broth and we use it in soup; however, I would love to learn new ways to make it more palatable for my children so they would feel comfortable drinking it as a beverage.
*liked on Facebook* I love the idea of bone broth and all it can do for the body however each time I try to make some, I feel as if I am doing something wrong and usually end up throwing the entire batch away. This book would def assist me in my healing efforts!
Liked on Fb!! I have been eating as clean as possible but still have lingering health issues. Hoping incorporating bone broth will get me over that threshold. Thank you!
Liked on FBI!
liked on FB! i would love a copy of this book because i’ve been trying to make bone broth for my family for several months and while my husband loves it, it doesn’t turn out quite like i think it should.
Liked on FB. Downloaded your free recipe–Thanks. I would love to learn more info on making broth with your new book.
Liked on FB. I’ve been making it but its not jelling so its time to tweak my recipe!
I “liked” on Facebook. I love bone broth but need more recipes to get my husband to enjoy it with me.
I liked on Facebook!
I’d love to learn everything about bone broth. This sounds like the perfect way to keep my family healthy. My wife is a recovering vegetarian and I am always looking for ways to convince her to embrace the awesomeness of bone broth. Maybe this book will be the tipping point! Thanks you guys!
Liked on Facebook. Bone broth is probably the one area of Paleo that I have yet to take on. I don’t know why I have not yet made bone broth, most likely because it seems too complicated. I think this book would help overcome that.
Liked. Would like to have better nutrition through bone broths.
New to Paleo and Bone Broth do not know that much about it but would love to learn. I want to win as I have never won a competition in my entire life but I keep entering one day it is bound to happen right ? 🙂
I am starting the 21DSD and have been told bone broth is a great way to curve sugar cravings, so definitely want to give it a go.
Hope I win and keep up the good work with sharing your knowledge on good food and good health. I know without going into too much detail switching to Paleo and learning there ways has changed my life. 🙂
… eagerly awaiting the announcement of the winner of this great ebook, and of course hoping it will be my lucky day!
I have just entered the land of making bone broth, but have so many questions. Trying to heal my gut the natural way, decrease inflammation and heal my achy joints. This book looks amazing!!
VERY liked! I’m all about really getting a lot of bang for the buck–if you’re going to be eating soups and stews and broths ANYWAY, do yourself a favor and CHUCK your bullion junk cubes and go a little old school! It needn’t cost anything more (maybe a BIT of time), and you’ll have such tastier broth AND benefit from all the things my family always benefitted from, when Grandma used to cook up broth this way. Simple, easy, healing…just right.
Thanks!! :))
Hey y’all, kind of like Katie above, I can’t imagine using those bullion cubes or whatever. My Momma always cooked everything from scratch, but then again from where I’m from everybody really does. Then I visited my aunt and uncle across the country and they used bullion cubes and I didn’t even know what they were. And their soup tasted horrible to me!! Anyway sign me up with the good ole Bone Broth Boys!
highball, from Hidden Hills, California I want to mention, I loved this blog. However, it is funny how I ended up on your blog post. I searched for party bus normal il on YouTube and ended up on your website. I must say I do like your site and will check back soon. But I need to find the limo I was originally looking for first. Have a happy day! cheerio.
I am 39 and I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, fybromyalgia and Asthma. I have been on disability for 2years now because of it. I take a lot of drugs and none of them are doing anything to help me, the pain killers don’t work either. My outlook on life and future is dismal. My dad told me about bone broth and I was looking for this recipe. I found it here and I will to try it out to see if it helps stop these horrible auto-immune diseases I have and I might have a future.
Hi there- I would highly recommend checking out the autoimmune meal plan in my book as well to help you out. http://amzn.to/practicalpaleo
I am 39 and I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, fybromyalgia and Asthma. I have been on disability for 2years now because of it. I take a lot of drugs and none of them are doing anything to help me, the pain killers don’t work either. My outlook on life and future is dismal. My dad told me about bone broth and I was looking for this recipe. I found it here and I will to try it out to see if it helps stop these horrible auto-immune diseases I have and I might have a future.
Hi there- I would highly recommend checking out the autoimmune meal plan in my book as well to help you out. http://amzn.to/practicalpaleo
I read Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions and started making bone broth (several years ago) and had wonderful results. But I didn’t realize at the time that it had so much to do with the broth, because I made other major nutritional changes in my diet. I’ve often suspected that the broth was a major contributor and wished someone researched it and wrote a book. And now you have! I am eager to read your book and am going to order some grass-fed beef bones soon so I can begin again on my journey to better health. Thank you!
I read Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions and started making bone broth (several years ago) and had wonderful results. But I didn’t realize at the time that it had so much to do with the broth, because I made other major nutritional changes in my diet. I’ve often suspected that the broth was a major contributor and wished someone researched it and wrote a book. And now you have! I am eager to read your book and am going to order some grass-fed beef bones soon so I can begin again on my journey to better health. Thank you!