5 Questions with “Paleo Slow Cooking” author Chrissy Gower – and a giveaway!

Anthony DiSarro Books, Events, & Programs, Contests & Giveaways, Featured, Five Questions With 315 Comments

I met Chrissy, Sean, and their then only-kiddo (Kayden) Gower several years ago when I first made a trip up to Chico, CA to visit with she and her brother-in-law (you may have heard of him) who wrote the foreword for this book and also happened to write one for mine as well. Well, here we are not long after that meeting, both have books published and are cranking away at helping other people to make this whole Paleo “thing” a lot easier.

I can't even begin to count how many times people have asked me for more slow cooker recipes… well, folks, Chrissy's done it for you here. And she's cooking up things in that slow cooker I'd never have imagined! Without further introduction, check out this interview with Chrissy Gower of Growing Up Paleo and, now, Paleo Slow CookingHang in there until the end for details on how to enter to win a copy of the book! -Diane

1. Many authors call their book a “labor of love.” How was the whole Gower family involved in the labor of creating Paleo Slow Cooking and how has it changed the way you prep and cook meals?

Creating Paleo Slow Cooking was definitely a labor of love as well as necessity for our family. I have to say that each member of our family contributed in some capacity. I was pregnant with Rylee throughout the majority of this project. I like to think that she helped me flavor/season the dishes in the book. Kayden literally helped me chop, measure, peel, stir – you name it – he was by my side helping me create each dish in Paleo Slow Cooking. My husband was my taste tester, recipe tester, and voice of reason. I have always included Kayden in my kitchen adventures so not much has changed in that regard. The biggest change I would have to say is that my husband now cooks and helps out with meals (thank you slow cooker).

 2. The holidays are almost here! What is your favorite classic dish that you now make into a Paleo version using your slow cooker?

My favorite Paleo version of a classic dish is my Butternut Squash Lasagna and the Chocolate Almond Butter Swirl Brownies – both pictured here in this post.

3. How do you handle “teachable moments” like when Kayden sees a commercial for a food product that is geared towards children but you won't be buying for him to eat?

I feel fortunate that if/when Kayden sees food that is marketed towards children he always asks if it has gluten in it. If it does, I just respond “yes that has gluten in it, we don’t eat that” or “that will hurt our bellies.” Sometimes I will try to replicate a Paleo friendly version of the product if I can.

4. What advice do you have for expecting mothers on how to handle family members that are not on board with raising a child using a Paleo lifestyle template?

My advice is to do what you believe in your heart to be the best for your child/children. As parents I think that is just what we do regardless of the lifestyle chosen. At the end of the day you are your child’s parent and are the one who needs to be comfortable and confident in how you raise your child/children.

5. Trick or Treat? What can kids except to find when they knock on the Gower Family's door this year?

Ha! Great question! For the past 3 years we have taken Kayden trick or treating early on in the evening and then I would redistribute the candy that he got along with some pencils, erasers, and stickers that I had purchased to the trick or treaters that came to our house. This year we are planning on taking the candy to a local dentists office where they trade candy in for books and other trinkets as part of Operation Buy Back.

Kitchen Tip: What should one look for when selecting a slow cooker?

Some of my favorite features in a slow cooker are: automatic switch to warm, programmable cook time (not just 2, 4, 6, and 8 hour settings), and a latching lid.


1. “Like” Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook

2. Comment here letting us know you've completed Step 1 and tell us why you want a copy of Paleo Slow Cooking! If you've already  ordered a copy, tell us who you'd give a second copy away to and why.

NOTE: Only one comment per person will count as an entry. Posting more than one comment will disqualify you from the contest, so please just post once! Thanks!! 

That’s it! No purchase necessary.

Note: This contest will be open for entries through 5pm Eastern time on Friday October 5th, 2012 and ONE WINNER will be selected using random.org and emailed and announced here on the blog. If you do reply to the winning announcement email to claim your prize within 48 hours of the announcement, a new winner will be selected in your place.

Comments 315

  1. I like paleo slow cooking on Facebook!

    I just got a slow cooker, and this is great timing – I’d love to have a strong basic how-to guide!

  2. Page liked! Glad I happened upon his. I am shifting to a paleo diet and gave loved using my slow-cooker gor many years due to the time saved and good dollar stretched (also the great flavors!). I am very excited about this book. Will be getting a copy one way or another!

  3. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking long ago 🙂 And I can NEVER have enough paleo cook books 🙂

    Dr. Bacon would be honored to win and make Paleo Brownies in the slow cooker!! What??!! 🙂

    Tim 🙂

  4. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook.

    There are multiple reasons I would love this book. I have a fancy All-Clad Slow Cooker. I’m incredibly lazy and using the slow cooker helps me eat better. My wife would love it if I cooked more!

  5. I already liked Paleo Slow Cooking and I really need this book, because I feel that for my gut healing I need well cooked foods. And the ease of making meals in a crock pot.

  6. I just started eating paleo about a month ago with the help of Practical Paleo. I love my slow cooker and would love to be able to get more coocking done in the slow cooker. I’ve been contemplating buying a second one to have two meals going at once!

  7. I liked it on fb! I’d love this cookbook since I already use my crockpot for everything but need some fresh ideas! The pictures look gorgeous!

  8. I had already “Liked” the page before today.

    I would love a Copy of Paleo Slow Cooking, it’s hard to plan dinner between work, family and gym. So if I could throw everything in a Crock pot and it be ready when I got home, that would be great 🙂

  9. Liked on FB & glad to do so!
    Fall is the time I think about making yummy soups & stews. A slow cooker just makes it even yummier! Paleo is the way to go!

  10. Liked! I would love to win a copy of this cookbook. I’ve been using my slow cooker for years, long before my family transitioned to a Paleo lifestyle a few months ago, but we’re getting tired of the same old stuff over and over. We’re extremely busy, so some days the slow cooker really saves us from feeling like we can just eat out.

  11. I completed step 1. I would love to own this book so that i can learn how to make meals quickly and healthy for my growing family. I am gluten free and my 2 year old is showing some signs of needing to be as well. We are trying to cut grains and dairy but having a tough time figuring out what to eat that will not take a long time to prepare

  12. I just had to start eating paleo recently after toxic mold exposure made me allergic to everything I eat. Combine that with my love for my slower cooker and I can’t wait to get this book!

  13. I have liked Paleo Slow Cooking for a while!

    I want a copy of the book because using a slow cooker is super cheap and as a grad student I need to make the most out of my hard earned stipend!

  14. Liked. I’d love a copy to broaden my slow cooker horizons and to continue my path to paleo health and happiness. 🙂 Thanks!

  15. I am a LIKER on fb!! 🙂

    My family is transitioning into Paleo eating and as a mom of 3 teenage daughters, this would be a GREAT tool in teaching them how to cook for ME 😉

  16. I liked your FB and am hungry for the Paleo Slow Cooking book. Main reason, Is as I transition to Paleo for me and my family, I still have all the activities for the kids starting at 4:30-6. That makes cooking dinner a chore and not a labor of love. I hate eating late, so any help I can have to get the good stuff in earlier to have a peaceful paleo night, is always welcome, encouraged and I am sure to be devoured.

  17. Already liked it.
    This is how I cook all my dinners throughout the week. It’s great knowing dinner is ready when you get home.

  18. I would love a copy of Paleo Slow Cooking. I have a very busy, hectic schedule and need more recipes for the slow cooker.

  19. Page liked 🙂 Would love to win a copy, I know for sure there won’t be cans of soup and packets of dressing recipes in your book!

  20. I “liked” Paleo Slow Cooking! I was JUST looking at this book on amazon Yesterday! I would loooove a copy of Paleo Slow Cooking bc my biggest obstacle is that I don’t love to cook and I’m not a great cook. Books like Practical Paleo have been a HUUUUGE help and I really think using the slow cooker would be another great tool! I can’t wait to get this book!

  21. I love slow cooking and eating paleo, so winning a copy would be great! As a guy who loves cooking but needs a little help in the kitchen, this would be much appreciated and thoroughly used!

  22. I liked this page and would love to win the cookbook. I love my slow cooker, especially in the winter months but have been struggling since adopting a paleo lifestyle of how to adapt this cooking method to some of the things I used to make. This cookbook would give me so many great recipes to make all winter long.

  23. I already liked Paleo Slow Cooking! 🙂 I am currently going the Whole Life Challenge, which last 56 days, and coming home to cook something new up every night to keep our taste buds on their toes proves to be time consuming! I’d love to have a copy of Paleo Slow Cooking so I can throw a healthy meal together and come home and not have to worry about giving into those easy/lazy cheat meals that tend to happen when we don’t feel like spending an hour in the kitchen at 7:30pm! 🙂

  24. I love eating/living a Paleo lifestyle but sometimes I get stuck in a rut or busy and I feel utilizing the slow cooker would help me alleviate both those issues! I’m always looking for new recipes to get my children more into the food (they still struggle sometimes). I have also liked the Facebook page so I can get some inspiration!

  25. Liked on FB, so looking forward to this book because the wife and I are busy people and we love our slow cooker. Since going Paleo we have used it a bit less but would love to try new things.

  26. I liked it on FB. I so need this book with a very active family, the slow cooker makes feeding my family healthy meals so much easier.

  27. I like Paleo Slow Cooking on FB.

    I would get a ton of use out of this book. Winters in Minnesota scream for a hot meal when the temperature dips below zero.

  28. Liked (before today). And I would love this book to help balance being a first time working mom and our new paleo life. Plus it’s fall and it just seems like our house should smell yummy all day long.

  29. I liked the Paleo Slow Cooking Facebook page.

    I would love a copy of the book because my husband are always on the go and having dinner ready for you when you get home is the best feeling in the world. I love using my slow cooker to prepare are dinners for the week and by having a new paleo cookbook to help us stay on or paleo journey would be amazing and I would be so thankful.

  30. I “liked” the page.

    I would love to win a copy of the book! I have a very busy family of five and we recently started using our slow cooker a lot. The book would be a great asset to say the least 🙂

  31. I’ve completed step one and I’ve been on paleo for 2 months now and I’ve lost 18 lbs. I’m trying to help my friends who are so sick on the inside and they just don’t understand the correlation with food. I’m on a mission to change 1 life at a time!

  32. Oooo I would LOVE this book! I have a slow cooker but don’t really know what to make!
    I spend hours making Paleo meals on Sundays and this would save me so much time.

  33. Liked the FB page a while ago!

    As a single mama and grad student, I cannot live without my slow cooker. I’d love this cookbook to get more recipes to make new dishes beyond the tried and true!

  34. We just had a baby, so slow-cooking would be totally ideal. I could prepare the stuff in the morning while my wife is taking care of the baby, and all she’d have to do is turn it on! Teamwork, eh? 🙂

    Thanks for the opportunity, Diane!


  35. I like Paleo slow cooking on Facebook!

    I am a busy gal with two jobs, and would love to win this book! Slow-cooker recipes help me multi-task by having dinner cooking while I’m at work. 🙂

  36. I liked your page on facebook , would love to have your cookbook. I changed my life by going Paleo in May of this year.. Can’t believe how great I feel, all my aches and pains are gone, and I have lost over 40 lbs. All this by eating great food that is good for me!!!

  37. Liked.

    We would love to have a copy of this as my daughter has severe food issues. We have even had to give her, yesterday at 23 months an endoscopy. We have found that following a paleo diet will provide her with foods that do not make her sick. I love love love slow cooker cooking!

  38. I have been following paleo since feb 2011 and it has changed my life! Looking forward to paleo slow cooking – need easier meals so I can get the rest of my family on board!

  39. Pick me, pick me! Pretty much 90% of the meals we eat involve the slow cooker, and I’m in desperate need of new ideas!! This book looks fantastic!

  40. I would LOVE to win this! I use my slow cooker on average 2x weekly. With 3 kiddos all in different activities it’s the best way to keep us eating healthy at home rather than running to fast food or a restaurant.

  41. I “Liked” Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook 🙂

    I already have a copy of Paleo Slow Cooking, so if I won a copy, I’d definitely use it as a “Loaner Book” to my friends, just like I’m doing with my extra copy of Practical Paleo 😀 Plus, most of my friends are busy moms so they’re ALWAYS using their slow cookers. Even if they don’t eat Paleo now, this would be an AWESOME way to introduce it to them and how tasty and easy it really is!!!

  42. As the mom of 3, the owner of not one but 2 companies, it’s hard to keep our family on track some days. We used to live that typical life of convenience foods, drive-thru, and take out/delivery. I didn’t believe real food could be easy. We went paleo 6 months ago and went 100% cold turkey on all the crap. Not only was it our best move for our health, it brought our family together, gave us those “teachable moments” with our kids (ages 4, 5 and 7), and has been easier than I ever imagined. Now, I am passionate and enthusiastically spreading the paleo lifestyle among our friends and colleagues. Incorporating the slow cooker more, will add that much needed automation and extra time that I cherish!

  43. I have completed step #1. My husband and I are relatively new to Paleo, we both work long hours at high stress jobs. This cookbook would be the perfect tool for us, allowing us to benefit from a Paleo lifestyle even when our time is limited. Thank you!

  44. I’ve just bought a slow cooker and looking forward to cooking so many delicious meals without spending hours in the kitchen. Would LOVE to own this book as I’m sure I’d use it tremendously. I’ve ‘Liked’ the Facebook page. Thanks!

  45. I love slow cooking but haven’t been able to find a lot of Paleo friendly recipes. I cook a whole chicken each week so that I have meat to eat throughout the week, but would definitely love to have some variety for my busy family.

  46. I liked the post on Facebook and enjoy your posts. I follow a Paleo food plan. I’m a Health and Fitness Coach with a strong emphasis on nutritional guidance. I’d love to try these recipes add this cookbook to my list of reference material to encourage clients to use for recipe ideas.

  47. I’ve been Paleo for 6 months now and the transition has been great. I absolutely love cooking, so being Paleo has given me some new challenges in the kitchen. While I have adapted great, I am finishing graduate school in 2 months and will have much much less time at home after I transition into my real world full-time adult job. It’s very exciting, but I know I wont be able to spend as much time in the kitchen. Paleo Slow Cooking would be a fantastic addition to my Paleo cookbook collection, as I could use the recipes in it for my slow cooker to make dinner for me while I’m hard at work. Thank you for the chance to win this great book! 😀

  48. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on FB. I definitely need to order the cookbook, I also need to upgrade my slow cooker. It annoys me that I can’t set it to a specific time and have to worry about things cooking too long as a result. Brownies in a slow cooker? Color me intrigued! I’d probably give a copy to my friend who I JUST convinced to start her paleo journey; she struggles a bit with cooking but does seem to feel comfortable using her slow cooker so I think she’d get a lot of miles out of it. And because I believe that when you win something you should also pay it forward I’d probably buy a copy for my sister, whose a mom of three and was just given my mom’s super nice slow cooker (still a lil annoyed my mom didn’t give me first crack at it, but I digress) who I also recruited to my paleo army and could probably use a day off from being in the kitchen with her work as a nurse and her side business as a photographer.

  49. Just liked Paleo Slow Cooking on FB. Would love the cookbook for new, fun recipes for a busy, paleo family. Thanks Chrissy for all your wonderful advice on raising a paleo kiddo – my little paleo babe is 15mo and going strong! 🙂

  50. I liked paleo slow cooking on Facebook.

    I stopped using a crock pot 30 years ago.

    I recently purchased a new slo-cooker to make bone broth after going grain free (diagnosed with Celiac 2 years ago) and then started the Paleo diet 6

    I would love to have new recipes to use my new Slo-cooker in order to support my new lifestyle .

  51. I just started looking into paleo lifestyle, and I’ve been told this book is a must read! I would love to win a copy!

  52. I like the paleo slow cooking page!

    I would LOVE this book because I’ve been wishing someone would come out with one!!! Nothing better than eating healthy AND simplifying life! Thanks so much!

  53. I already liked Paleo Slow Cooking on FB.
    I love, love, love using my slowcooker and am always looking for new ideas – what better than an entire book of slow cooker recipes!

  54. I would LOVE to win this book. I’ve been Paleo for 7 months, but as we enter the cooler months, I could use some new recipes for my slow cooker which is my go-to solution for winter dinners.

  55. I’ve just begun to eat Paleo, and really want to bring my husband and 8 year old son on board. Because I work long crazy hours at times, this sounds like an ideal book for our family to begin that transition.

  56. I would love to have your new book, Paleo Slow Cooking! I am currently doing the Lurong Living Challenge(week 3) and could really use some more meal ideas. I was sent over by Diane and I absolutely love her book, Practical Paleo. Going into Fall, it is crucial that we can still enjoy slow cooked meals! Yum! 🙂

  57. “liked” paleo cooking on facebook! Would love another Paleo book- ESPECIALLY one for the crockpot! A big thank you from us busy parents!

  58. I’d love a copy of this. Sarah’s first book inspired me to make a bunch of new things in our crockpot, but I need new ideas!

  59. Anything that saves time and makes delicious Paleo food would be a welcome addition to my household! My husband and I both work full time, we have an active 4 year old son that keeps us on our feet, and I’m currently studying for a certification exam. Finding time for cooking and food prep is a challenge, and I’m always on the lookout for great Crockpot recipes to save time.

  60. Liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook — I am a full time active duty military member as well as a full time wife to another active duty military member. We live very different schedules each week depending on when the hubby flies and when one of us will be TDY so dinner always seems to be rushed. I’ve recently gotten into slow cooking (I once believed it was only good for beans and roasts) as well as the Paleo lifestyle. Having this book would be great for the hectic life that my husband and I live and would be a great addition to our growing Paleo cookbook collection that I’ve been building over the past few weeks of learning all about Paleo.

  61. I liked the facebook page and I would love to win a copy of the book. I am always looking for quick and easy recipe ideas!

  62. I just liked you on facebook and soooo need this book. I am a mom to paleo 2 year old twins and work full time. I really need to start using my slow cooker more to make meal time a lot easier for us!

  63. I would absolutely love a copy of your book. I am down for anything that will not only help me get whole foods into my kids, but also make it easier on me and the hubby!!

  64. I liked the Paleo Slow Cooking Page!

    I would love to win a copy of this book because it’s perfect timing; I have four kids under the age of 8 and with school beginning, this momma doesn’t have that much time to cook our Paleo meals on the stove top! I need some new recipes to keep us Paleo without tying me to the kitchen. Thanks so much!

  65. Oh my gosh I am SO excited to see this cookbook! I love using a crockpot and I’ve been longing for some paleo friendly recipes <3
    Pick me! Pick me!!! 🙂

  66. I’ve already LIKE the FB page.

    I’d love to win this cookbook to learn how to make slow cooked Paleo dishes. I love to cook, but never tried slow cooking. Thank you!

  67. I liked SC on FB! My favorite items in my kitchen are a food proessor and a slow cooker. I cook most of my meals on the SC bc it is not only convenient for me but also bc I love the way food turns out. I d love to have your book on my colection of paleo cooking.

  68. I love using my slow cooker, but only have a few recipes that I use. I (and my hubby) would love be able to have more variety! If I don’t win, I’m definitely buying the book!

  69. Liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook. We tend to eat out too often and I am just discovering Paleo. Would love to win this cookbook so that I will cook more often – and therefor eat healthier

  70. Liked! I’d love this book. My husband and I are both athletes, and when we get home in the evenings we are tired and worn out. The last thing I want to do is cook, so I’m always tempted to go pick up something on my way home. Having an arsenal of slow cooker recipes would be SO helpful!! I love coming home to a fully cooked meal- not to mention the yummy smell of the house!

  71. I liked the post on FB. Would love to add this book to my collection. Slow cooking is a lifesaver for me and now that I’m working on autoimmune issues, I need all the recipes I can get.

  72. I liked the Facebook Page.

    I have a 6 month old and am working full time, I would love a copy of this book to spend more time with the baby and less time in the kitchen but not have to worry knowing we will be having a healthy dinner!

  73. Page already liked. I’d love a copy of this book to help make sure I’m eating healthy even when life gets busy. With working full time and running a child around to school and activities it’s hard sometimes to spend much time in the kitchen!

  74. I already liked Paleo Slowcooking on FB. I love my slow cooker and Paleo so that means this book would be a winner for me:)

  75. Liked!
    I would love this book, I use my slow cooker at least a couple times a week and some of my recipes are getting tired.

  76. I already “liked” the page and I’d LOVE this cookbook!!!! With a family of 6, I love the slow cooker for days I work!! 🙂 so this book would be a WONDERFUL book to have!!!! 🙂

  77. Liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook…

    I would LOVE a copy of this book because we are a very athletic family and games are often right after school until just before bedtime and my slow cooker has saved us many times when drive thru would have been our solution otherwise. I just received my copy of Practical Paleo last week and am working my way through all the wonderful info in it before beginning our 30 day meal plan… This book would be a great compliment to that and a lifesaver for those late nights when I can’t be home to cook!

  78. I liked the page!
    I’ve been searching for a good slow cooker recipe book for ages, nothing seems to catch my fancy. Then I started eating Paleo and thought wow now I’ve really got to find one now that its fall and its totally slow cooker soup season. ONe day I googled it and found this book, I want one so bad!

  79. Liked! I would love a copy of this book because I’m always looking for healthy and delicious recipes. With Fall upon us, so new slow cooker Paleo recipes, would be a perfect way to start enjoying the season.

  80. FB page – (already) liked. 🙂

    I am transitioning to a Paleo lifestyle and I am a cookbook junkie. While I often search the internet for recipes, it’s really the books that I turn to when I’m planning for the week. I can never have enough!

  81. I already liked the FB page…but WHY do I want this cookbook? Well, as a relatively new Paleo follower…I’m on the lookout for yummy recipes. I used to use my crockpot all the time…but scared to now as I don’t know what to make…cuz all my old recipes include that “cream of crap” soup..need help!!!

  82. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook…

    I was just telling my friends the other day that I needed some new PALEO crock pot recipes and now look at this AMAZING book!!! I NEED this book!!!

  83. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook.
    I’d love to have the book because my family is in dire need of GREAT slow cooker recipes. We are going with a Paleo diet because my son has a Gluten allergy, and I have been suffering with Fibro for many years. A better diet will help us to live freer and better!

  84. Liked! I started following the Paleo Plan in mid May. Since then, I have lost 23 pound and my husband has lost 33 pounds. The best part is that we both feel great, no longer have sore joints, and are becoming stronger in our CrossFit workouts. With the cold weather that is soon upon us, some more slow cooker recipes would be a huge help.

  85. Done 🙂
    My husband is getting more and more into cooking since going paleo which makes me so happy! We love using our slow cooker but aren’t always sure how to use it without a recipe! I would love to get more use out of it with all of the wonderful paleo recipes in this book!

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  86. I used to use my slow cooker frequently before going Paleo. I certainly miss utilizing it on hectic days and would love to start doing so again…Paleo styel:)

  87. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on FB, and I would love to have a copy of the book because I spend way too much time cooking each week to maintain a Paleo lifestyle, and I’d love to learn how to utilize my slow cooker to cut down on the time I spend in the kitchen.

  88. Hi There! I’ve liked the Paleo Slow Cooking Facebook page, and am SO Looking forward to reading this book because my husband just bought me a slow cooker for my birthday. I’m so eager to try it out, but most of the recipes I find online are not paleo-friendly.

    Thank you thank you thank you for writing this book!!!!!

  89. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on facebook =]

    I need a book because I am so over stuffing my diet with sugars and things that actually are not healthy for you, like dairy. Furthermore, I’m putting myself through college and barely have enough time to get my homework done so a slow-cook book is ideal because it means I can be healthy, even with my demanding schedule.

  90. I just liked them. I’m excited to see that they’re on there. I never think to like Paleo/Primal websites on FB – need to do that now!

    As for the book, I’m a mom of 2 littles and I’m heading back to work in January. I’ve always relied on my slow cooker for meals throughout the week, but to have some that are paleo would be amazing! Since switching to a paleo diet, the only things I seem to cook in the slow cooker are roasts and pulled pork. Delicious, but I need some new ones!

  91. I liked you on FB!

    I was thinking the last few days…. “I wish there was a Paleo crock pot book!” No lie… I REALLY did think this!!! I soooooo need it. I’m a busy mom/wife with 3 kids going in a million directions. And I’m NOT a cook! But I need to feed them!!! And I want us to eat Paleo whenever possible! I would use this every day!

  92. I am dying to try this…my husband and I are now gluten free…we are also dairy free…He has LBD and because of our new eating plan is off all medications….We also have limited income so I believe this is a perfect solution for us long term

  93. Liked the page on facebook! I would love a copy of the book. As a college student, I basically cook all my meals in my crock pot. The dorm kitchen is in a separate building so slow cooking is my primary method of cooking healthy meals for myself.

  94. I liked the page a while ago. I’d love this cookbook because using a slow cooker reduces a lot of stress for me in the evenings.

  95. These recipes look so tasty! I liked the facebook link. This book would be a huge help to me. I saved up my LexisNexis points and traded them in for a slow cooker (I wanted one because I’m tired in the evenings, and making dinner at breakfast is just so much easier). I’ve made a few stews, and even got fancy and made a fajitaless fajita soup, and I’ve made a couple bone broths, but I need some creative suggestions for other tasty dishes I could use it for.

  96. I have already liked your page on facebook 🙂 I am a newbie at Paleo. I started at the recommendation of my doctor to eliminate gluten. Since I know its not JUST gluten foods that cause my tummy distress (but all grains and dairy) it was just a natural transition to follow paleo strictly. I have lost 9 lbs since labor day and my belly is feeling better by the day. My cravings for processed junk/carbs are gone and my hunger is actually the most in control its been in forever (I’ve lost 80 lbs in the last 21 months). I no longer feel like a prisoner to food!!! I feel FREE!!! So why do I want this book? Well, I have 3 kids and a husband, and I would love some slow cooker meals to make life a little easier. I also have a son with ADHD and am HOPING to get him eating these foods more often than not. Thanks for running the contest 🙂

  97. I love my slow cooker, but I always have to make lots of changes to the recipes in traditional cookbooks in order to make them paleo. I am very excited to see a paleo slow cooker cookbook finally on the market!

  98. Working two jobs and having 2 kids means being pulled in all directions means I need this book to eat healthy! Liked on Facebook.

  99. LIKE paleo slow cooking FB page! I need tried and true paleo slow cooker recipes to make my life easier and my family’s tummies happy!!! Plain and simple!

  100. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on facebook!

    I would love the slow cooking book because I love the paleo lifestyle the easy way! I use my slow cooker all the time, but always the same recipes with a little variation. I could greatly use new ideas for my slow cooker. I am especially interested in those brownies!

  101. I REALLY, REALLY need this book! I’ve just started Paleo and have a VERY busy family. I NEED help! Slow cooking recipes will be quite beneficial to me. Even if I don’t win, I am thrilled that there are resources available for newbies like me.

    1. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on FB already. I would love this book because I have 2 kids that play baseballin the spring and fall and we spend a lot of time at the park. I would be awesome to have a go-to paleo slow cooking book and have wonderful recipes that I can start in the morning and scoop straight out of the pot and eat after a long day. No microwave required!

  102. Full time working lady with a full time family, too! Would love to have this in my dinner arsenal so that a healthy meal is ready when I get home. I’d love to branch out beyond roasts… to brownies!

  103. I liked your Facebook page! I need your cookbook because I’m pregnant and exhausted. I’ve been dependent on my slow cooker because it’s so easy. However, I’m getting sick of my usual roast and veggies, so I’d like your new book to get new recipe ideas!

  104. i liked the page on FB of course! I really, really, REALLY would love to win this cookbook because i LOVE my slow cooker and try to make as many things as i can in it. I just need more recipes!

  105. Thanks for the great review of the book and give-away! I liked their page and have my fingers crossed. We use our crockpot several times per week 🙂

    1. Page liked (and I will be scouring it for inspiration)! We use our slow cooker almost all winter long and we are constantly looking for new things to make. This would be the perfect opportunity for me to finally move him to the Paleo lifestyle. Your book is exactly what I need!

  106. Just started a paleo challenge and would love to use my slow cooker. I rarely use but starting to realize it makes like so much easier and tastier.

  107. FB page liked! I don’t have any Paleo cookbooks yet, and this would give me a great reason to break out my slow cooker again!

  108. Yep – page liked! And loving the cookbook – I got a slow cooker a few months ago (although I haven’t used it over the summer) and after a spate of loads of winter stuff, I ran short of ideas, so a cookbook would be awesome!

    I’m assuming in the “If you do reply to the winning announcement email to claim your prize within 48 hours of the announcement, a new winner will be selected in your place” you mean, if you ‘DON’T’ reply. 🙂

  109. I already liked Paleo Slow Cooking. Would love to have the cookbook! I have decided to switch my family gradually over to Paleo Lifestyle after I have had such great results after just a month! Love my crockpot and anything that makes mealtime easier for a busy family.Want to spend more time with my daughter and husband rather than cooking dinner every night!

  110. I liked on FB. I love my slow cooker and I love eating Primal. The slow cooker has been a sanity saver with raising three boys. I now have two slow cookers. One for perpetual bone broth and the other for meals. I plan on getting this book even if I don’t win, but it sure would be fun to be chosen

  111. Liked on FB. I LOVE slow cooking and it’s starting to get pretty cold in my neck of the woods so it’s time to say Farewell to the bbq for another year and give my slow cooker it’s permanent counter space again! Would love some paleo slow cooking recipes since soooo many slow cooker recipes are all nasty “dump” recipes with processed soups and sugary sauces.

  112. I liked your page the moment I discovered it. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this cookbook forever. As an owner and coach of a CrossFit gym (CrossFit Georgetown), we advocate a Paleo eating lifestyle to all our clients and it’s the way we’ve eaten for years, baring some treats and vacations. 🙂 Because we are often in the gym during the evening or shuttling our three children around, it’s so hard to constantly cook a fresh meal after we all get home. Most crock pot recipes are filled with non-paleo ingredients and working around them is like me having to create all new recipes. So, your cookbook is perfect since all that great work is already done!

    Good Luck with the cookbook. I’ll be spreading the word throughout our box.

  113. I’ve liked Paleo Slow Cooking on facebook. As a working person that’s busy with many activities, the slow cooker is a lifesaver. I’d love to have this cookbook so I can cook up some new and tasty Paleo meals.

  114. I liked your FB page. Our family has been transitioning to Paleo for about a month and have found the meal planning and preparation very time-consuming. As a working mom, the slow cooker is my most used/favorite small kitchen appliance. It’s a real life-saver!

  115. Hi~I liked on FB…this cookbook would really help me with embracing a Paleo lifestyle…and using a slow cooker would make cooking Paleo so much easier too.
    Thanks for doing this giveaway~Lisa

  116. Page liked!
    I would love this book. My slower cooker is a staple in the house, this book would help to make paleo meals that much easier!

  117. Love using my slow cooker, but hate trying to change ingredients in my current crock pot books to be Paleo. This would be awesome! Liked the page & can’t wait to see what ideas come from it.

  118. I already got a copy, but am still gently nudging my mom to get on board with Paleo. She loves the slow cooker so this is what she needs!

  119. I liked the page!

    I would absolutely love a copy of this book because I am now in grad school classes from 4:30-7:30 every night and so eating paleo has been hard because I don’t want to have to try and cook when I come home! Having dinner ready in the crock pot is definitely how I will need to function! I am sooooo excited about this book!

  120. Already *liked*!

    I would like a copy of this book because, well duh, who wouldn’t? And also because I’m slowly trying to transition my mother to paleo, she has a slow cooker, and having the book would give her one fewer excuse that it’s too much hassle!

    Wait, did that just imply that I would give it to her? Huh. Well, If I get it, I might let her look at it a bit…

  121. I liked the page. I’d love this book because I love Paleo and I love my slow cooker. It sounds like this book is perfect for that combination!

  122. I already liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook!

    I would love to win this book because using my slow-cooker is awesome, but I could certainly use more recipes!

  123. Liked you on Facebook!! My family and I are relatively new to te Paleo lifestyle, but have jumped in with full force! The catalyst was a constant battle for my 2 year old with recurrent MRSA. Since eating Paleo he has been MRSA free for over a month!!! Although he has transitioned better than I could have imagined, he’s still a somewhat picky 2 year old. I need all the help I can get and Paleo Slow Cooking would be a huge weapon in my arsenal for keeping him interested and healthy! Thank you for writing such a helpful book!!

  124. I already like Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook…and would like it twice if I could! 😉

    I would really love to win this book because after 7 years of being a stay at home mom, I am preparing to head back to work. Our family has been paleo for 10 months now, and I am nervous about how we are going to be able to make the same quality of meals when I don’t have the same amount of time during the day to devote to cooking. I think this book would be a lifesaver in that department, and allow our family to continue eating delicious paleo dinners even with two working parents. Hooray for slow cookers and awesome paleo cookbooks! Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

  125. Liked the page! I’ve been wanting a copy of this book, I love fall and I love using my slow cooker so this would be a great addition to keep us fueled for the fall and winter!

  126. Being new to the paleo lifestyle, I could really use this book!
    I’m looking forward to some tasty slow cooker recipes!

  127. Hi, I liked Paleo Slow Cooking Facebook Page, I have preordered my copy of the book but I would love a second copy to give to my mother who has recently gone Paleo. She watched me do it for about 2 months then started asking questions and making Paleo meals when I visited. Now she and my Dad are doing very well with Paleo themselves. I can’t wait for my copy to arrive, I love using my crockpot and can’t wait to have Paleo recipes. I listen to the Everyday Paleo podcasts so I feel like I know Chrissy already. Please consider me for the giveaway. The Paleo lifestyle has made a world of difference in my life, my chronic pain is improved, along with my health in general, also I have lost weight and gained a new freedom without sugar addiction.

  128. liked on facebook

    I ‘ve been on a diet to heal my leaky gut and I need more recipes that utilize our slow cooker, so I can have a meal on the table for the family when i get home from work.

  129. We are two months in to the paleo lifestyle. Life with two active daughters requires a slow cooker. I need this book!!

  130. Paleo Slow Cooking is a favorite of mine of Facebook, next to yours of course! 😉

    My husband and I are BIG on slow cooking local grass fed beef and would LOVE more ideas that are paleo & gluten free friendly!

    I would give a copy to my dad…. We are trying to tell him that “It all starts with food” so he will be wake up and become healthier!

  131. I liked the fb Page for Paleo Slow Cooking. I would love a copy of the book because I love my slow cooker and want to be inspired to make more paleo meals using it!!

  132. Liked.
    I would love some new crockpot recipes. Everything out there wants you to use a bottle of BBQ sauce or canned soup or dry packets o chemicals as flavoring.

  133. I would love to win this book. With the cooler weather I long for more comfort foods and especially things made in my crock-pot or my soup pot. I’m new to the paleo life-style and I’ve been struggling the past week.

    I have had Paleo Slow-Cooking “liked” on FaceBook ever since hearing it was coming out.

    I hope I win. I’ll give the book a good home and I know it will help me to get through this busy fall and winter.

  134. I just “liked” the page. As a trainer, my work hours are mornings and evenings. By the time I’m done it’s past most people’s dinner time, so we take the immediate gratification route of eating out. Our bodies pay the price. My family and I would eat at home way more often if I would “cook” mid day instead of evenings.

  135. I liked the Paleo Slow Cooker on FB.
    I would love a copy. I love my slow cooker and I am always in need of fresh new ideas to use it during the school/work week!

  136. I liked the book.
    I’m excited to get this book and can’t wait to try out some new recipes. Plus usually a slow cooker dinner means I get to be lazy when I get home from work, so that is something I could get used to.
    Thanks for the interview!

  137. I can’t workout in the mornings due to my RA and the only other option our “Box” offers is at dinnertime – which makes it difficult to accomplish healthy meals after completing a WOD. With your Paleo slow cooker recipes I could accomplish both and see my health improve even more!

  138. With 3 kids and all of the activities that keep them healthy and strong, the slow cooker is my favorite kitchen helper. Dinner ready when we run through the door! (Pick me, please)

  139. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook.
    I would love to win a copy of this book because, now that I have gone back to work, I need all the help that I can get. I would like to do slow cooker meals on at least 3 nights a week.

  140. I would love to win this! I am two months into my paleo/crossfit lifestyle and can not believe the difference in my appearance, my health, my sleep, you name it.

    My husband works crazy hours and I’m a school teacher with two small children of my own. Usually I am in charge of dinner, and between karate, cub scouts, dance class, tutoring, etc., making dinner can be a challenge – especially when I am determined not to “cheat” myself by going processed food! A paleo slow cooker book would be a lifesaver and allow me to focus on my kids at night.

    I am not sure who I would give a second copy to, lol. So many of my friends have started because of the positive changes they have seen in me. Pretty sure I could start a brawl amongst my friends if I asked who thought they deserved a copy as well. hee hee

  141. I’ve been listening to the Everyday Paleo podcast and excited to learn that there is another book coming. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook and looking forward to winning a copy!

  142. I’m just starting with Paleo life and I desperately need way to cook more AND still work away from the apartment full time. I just need to know how! Thank you for the chance!

  143. This would be great, the crockpot is a lifesaver on late school days! Trying to cook in crock without cream of soup is always tricky.

  144. Just liked Paleo Slow Cooking on FB. Would love to win this cookbook as I live in AZ and love having wonderful meals that don’t heat up the house. I also work in the afternoons so I love being able to start the slowcooker in the mornings and coming home to dinners that are ready to go!

  145. My family and I want to go Paleo, but are concerned because we don’t have meal plans yet. I’ve gotten some books from the library and am trying to make plans from those, but I haven’t seen any slow cooker ones!

  146. Working full time, and always on the run slow cooker meals are always fast and easy in our hose. Can’t wait to see some of the recipes in the book!

  147. I don’t have a lot of time, and my diet is so different from my parents that I feel bad asking my mother to cook for me (although she enjoys the meals as well, most of the time) Easy recipes that use things like a slow cooker would be life-savers! Thanks for the giveaway!

  148. I like the page and I have been using a slow cooker for about 20 years and I love slow cookers so much that I have at least 2 of them at all times; just various sizes so that I can double recipes or cut them in half as needed 🙂

  149. Page liked! As a busy, working mom I rely on my slow cooker a lot! I was planning on asking for a copy of Chrissy’s book for Christmas and would be thrilled to win it!

  150. I’d love a copy of Paleo Slow Cooking! I bought a slow cooker a few months back and I’ve been really disappointed with what I’ve made so far. Everything has been watery and bland. I need a cook book that shows me how to make amazing, tasty, paleo food. It would make life for my partner and I so much easier if I could just throw things in the slow cooker. Thanks

  151. I like it on Facebook! I would love to win this book to help me do more paleo home cooking. Love my crock pot but the poor thing has been very neglected lately!

  152. You have been liked. This would be amazing. I keep scrambling to find meals at the last minute…knowing how to use the slow cooker would make life infinitely easier.

  153. This is the first I heard of a slow cooker Paleo book! Definitely liked the page! And I love my slow cooker, can’t wait to use it more for the recipes in the book!

  154. I need Paleo Slow Cooking. I got a crack in my crock, but I am using crock-pot liners and still making great meals. The book would inspire me to buy a new cooker after I research and find the best one to buy.

  155. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook.
    My slow cooker has been my savior to get dinner on the table for my busy family. I would love more paleo options to try out!

  156. I liked Paleo slow cooking on FB. I love my slow cooker but I need more paleo slow cooker recipes for this crazy season of my life.

  157. Page liked! I LOVE slow cookers. With a brand new baby, I have been searching for paleo crock pot recipes. This would be perfect!!

  158. I have “liked” Paleo Slow Cooking and would love a copy of this book because i am a busy mom of 7 and always looking for quick meals and more ways to use my crockpot! Just made homemade applesauce in there yesterday. Thanks.

  159. I have liked the Facebook page for “Paleo Slow Cooking.” When I win the book, the first recipe I will try is “Chocolate Almond Butter Swirl Brownies.” Having more Paleo slow cooker recipes will help keep me on the Paleo path!

  160. I liked the “Paleo Slow Cooking” Facebook page. I JUST got a slow cooker and would LOVE to have this book!! Always look forward to trying new paleo recipes…and these look like some good ones 🙂

  161. This is the first I’ve heard of this and I’m so excited! I used to use my crock-pot all the time, but not so much since we’ve been transitioning to paleo. Can’t wait to read it!

  162. Page already liked 🙂

    I love my crockpot, but as my hubby reminds me frequently my creations are getting too boring. For the sake of my hubby….pick me 🙂

  163. I wish there was a LOVE button, but I resorted to just liking Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook!
    I started eating Paleo in July, have lost 20 lbs, lost almost all of my joint pain, and LOVE learning to cook new paleo recipes!!! Pick me!!!! :))

  164. Step one was easy, because I was already a “fan” on FB!

    I am a massage therapist, so I keep rather odd hours. Most days I leave for work well before noon and often don’t get home until 8PM or later. So, preparing regular meals at regular times just doesn’t happen. It’s easy to fall into the trap of fast food in the car or just throwing a pizza in the oven when I get home. Having something nutritious waiting for me in the slow cooker at night would be a great solution to my food prep dilemma! Would love to have this book for inspiration and guidance.

  165. I really, really, really want a copy of this book! I need a copy of this book! Why? I have three teenage kids who eat like there is no tomorrow, I work a full-time job with a 45 minute commute, I go to college part-time at night and I have a husband who travels 50% of the time. Needless to say, my life is so busy! I don’t have a lot of time but need to make sure that I am creating filling and nutitious meals. Last year, I allowed the kids to purchase school lunches but as we all know, they are horrible and not paleo. This year, I’m making breakfast, lunch and dinner for everyone. Does my life make you tired? It makes me tired and I’m definately not getting any younger so I need my rest! So you see, I need a copy of this book because I think it may just be my sanity for my family and me!!

  166. Step one is complete!

    I just convinced my sister to try paleo for 30 days and last night while we were working out, I was discussing with her paleo cook books. Telling her how I want to get paleo slow cooking. This was the book she was most interested in knowing about. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!

  167. I just liked Paleo Slow Cooking on facebook. I have recently changed my eating, recognizing the validity of the paleo lifestyle, yet continue to struggle with making meals that my three kids and husband will like. Slow cooking is a favorite of mine, especially when the food comes out delicious. I would love to discover recipes that will not only help my family become healthier, but will be fairly easy to create! What a wonderful thing to create something that will help so many. Good job!

  168. I already liked Paleo Slow Cooking. I am always looking for new paleo recipes and using my crockpot to make them would be a huge bonus. The house always smells great, and I feel relaxed, when I come home to something simmering in the crockpot and I just know Chrissy’s recipes will be delectably delicious!

  169. I “liked” it! I’d love this book because I am an off-the-wall busy grad student/student teacher and my crockpot has been a lifesaver so far, but I recently switched to a more paleo eating style and I’m having fun exploring the possibilities!

  170. With 2 little ones under 4, we LIVE out of our slow cooker, and I would love to be able to switch my recipes to something that is better for us!!!

  171. With my job, I rely on my slow cooker for most of my meals during the week! I would love a great new tasty and healthy selection of slow cooker recipes to satisfy my paleo cravings!! So looking forward to having a copy of this book, whether I win it or buy it!

  172. I would love to have this book! I have just recently transitioned to a paleo diet after purchasing and reading Practical Paleo. This cookbook would be great for making delicious healthy meals for my family!

  173. I already like Paleo Slow Cooking on fb and would love a copy for my kitchen, as there is nothing better than coming home from a long day and having dinner ready – slow cookers are such an amazing part of my kitchen!

  174. Step one is done, it was a while ago. I would like a copy because having a new baby and a preschooler running around can make it a little though to get a good solid meal on the table. I always loved my slow cooker and it allows me to have that time with the kids.

  175. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook.

    I used to use my slow cooker 4-5 nights a week before our family went Paleo. I would love to win a copy of Paleo Slow Cooking so I could use my slow cooker on a regular basis again. It really does make life easier!

  176. Liked on Facebook. I’d love to win this book because for a busy family, there is no easier way to cook than with a slow cooker! I would love to be able to expand my slow cooker horizons with this book. Yay Paleo!

  177. I liked on FB.
    I am a recovering vegetarian and I feel like I am learning how to cook all over again. I need ideas and inspiration.

  178. I’ve liked on facebook. I’d love the book as I use at least one of my 4 slow cookers at least once a week and am always looking for new paleo recipes for them.

  179. Already ‘liked’ on Facebook!

    I’m pretty handy in the kitchen thanks to the 30,000 or so excellent recipe blogs I read, but slow cooking rarely seems to work out for me. The recipes always seem to come out blah and with my schedule better slow cooked food would be a huge help.

  180. Just liked the FB page! I would love to get my hands on this book as I’ve been Paleo for a few months and could use some new recipes, especially for my slow cooker.

  181. done! so pumped for this book -im a grad student so i rely on the slow cooker to make the majority of my meals! cant wait to try out some of the recipes

  182. My Slow Cooker needs to add some cross training to its workout. You know how adding variety is the “spice of life”. Plus, I was just reading about “maillard reaction” in relation to red meats. And I love my meats seared at high heats and mooing but that may be an option I will have to minimize. So, I will need the “Paleo Slow Cooking Book” to enhance my library of knowledge.
    By the way Diane I am so enjoying sharing and reading your book Practical Paleo. It is a beautiful book all the way around. Congrats!!

  183. I’m a FB fan. I don’t have this book yet and I only use my crockpot for 3 recipes so I could definitely use some more!

  184. I have LIKED the FB page.
    I would LOVE this book – with winter coming, and thoughts of things like stew . . . I’m hoping there are some really cool comfort-type foods for the slow cooker in it!

  185. I liked the book on facebook. I really want to start eating Paleo, but just haven’t had the time to start the cooking etc. (I know, really bad excuse). 😛 I think a slow cooker book would be helpful. I have read Robb Wolfs book and have about 3 other paleo books.

  186. I like the book, and thank you for this opportunity! Frankly, my Paleo efforts are being derailed by my lack of interest in preparing dinner at the end of a long day at work. I’m a morning person! I just know this could help me out a lot. The thought of coming home to something ready to eat is wonderful. The recipes sound creative and delicious. It will be great to use year round, and at the holidays. And would make a great gift for family and friends. Thanks so much!

  187. I just liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook.
    I was so excited to see this book when I opened your e-mail today. I have recently purchased a slow cooker and love using it as does my whole family. I am always searching for paleo recipes for the slow cooker.
    I love putting food in my slow cooker the night befoer and coming down to a wonderful smell in the morning!

  188. I just liked it on Facebook and I’m super excited that a paleo slow cooking book has been created. I use my slow cooker a lot during the week it saves me valuable time after work and on crossfit days. I’d love to own it!

  189. I liked this on Facebook. I would love to win this cookbook because my husband and I use our slow cooker all the time and could use some new recipes for inspiration.

  190. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on facebook. I’m always looking for new easy ways to cook paleo. This book would be perfect!

  191. Entered! I work extremely long hours and get home in time to pick my kids up from daycare and start supper. I would LOVE to have this cookbook to help ease my worry about what to fix next and have more time with my kids when we are home at night.

  192. I “liked” Paleo Slow Cooking on FB. I want a copy of Paleo Slow Cooking so I can spend all day snowboarding and come home to a great smelling house and paleo replenishment.

  193. Hi,

    Step one completed! I would really love to have this cookbook because some day’s I am not able to spend as much time in the kitchen as I would like to prepare meals. So a slow cook recipe book would be perfect for me to feed my family though out the week.


    Have a nice day!

  194. Liked them on FB. Would like a copy of the book because I love to cook (and read everything I can on modern Paleo life) and I can’t afford to buy all the books!

  195. Hi!
    I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook.
    I would love to have your slow cooking cook book because I love slow cooking and have a hard time finding quality receipes! I am looking forward to seeing your receipes.

    Have a great day,


  196. I have been waiting for this book and have on my wishlist on Amazon(but am unable to buy in Oct)…I would love a free copy because on Sept 3rd my oven caught on fire and is out of commission until we save money to replace it. I have been cook via a solar oven, but with the weather changing I will need some recipes for my slow cooker. I have 2 kids that are very active in music and sports, so I run from work to drop off and pick ups…having food ready and HOT and HEALTHY would be great…

  197. I try to stay away from FB 🙂

    But I do so love this book, and would put it to use every day. And not just because my slow cooker is a pain in the butt to put away.

  198. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on FB. I’d love this book to have more recipes for those busy days when I don’t have a ton of time to cook. Love slow cooking!

  199. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on FB. Would love to have some new recipes that would make it easier to have dinner ready when I get home from work! And using the crockpot especially sounds great now that the weather is starting to change.

  200. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook
    I love how putting something in the slow cooker makes you feel like you are ahead for the day. Supper is waiting for you.

  201. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on facebook.

    I am looking forward to getting this book because I love trying out new recipes and love my slow cooker.

  202. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on facebook. I’d love a copy of the book since I bought a new high tech slow cooker about a month ago. It’s perfect timing! Thanks.

  203. I liked paleo slow cooking on facebook. I would love to win this book to increase our slow cooking reportoire. With a large family (9) slow cooker meals are relied upon a couple of times a week. Having the recipes already paleoised would make life much easier. Thank you.

  204. I like’d Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook!

    I would LOVE to win this book! I’m in the midst of following the Practical Paleo 30-day autoimmune meal plan & have found life getting in the way quite a bit. It would be SO nice to be able to plan ahead of have a hot meal ready for after work when I know it will be a busy night.

    I’m also curious about if there are plenty of tomato-free & egg-free recipes in the book…

  205. Ever since the weather started to turn cooler and the leaves began to change here in NY, I’ve been thinking about breaking out the slow cooker. Our family just started eating paleo this year, and we haven’t been through a paleo fall or winter yet. I could use a little slow cooker inspiration.

    I love Chrissy’s blog, and her book looks amazing. It would be wonderful to win a copy. Liked on Facebook and added the book to my Amazon cart. That way if I don’t happen to win, I’ll still be sure to buy it. Thanks for the opportunity. 🙂

  206. I liked on FB! Just started eating paleo and after a few scarring meals that have left my 4 year old asking where my “real” food is, I realize I can use all the help I can get!!! Fingers crossed!

  207. I liked on FB! I would love a copy of the slow cooker cookbook. I’m always trying to alter current crockpot recipes to our Paleo lifestyle.

  208. I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook.

    I would greatly appreciate a free copy of Paloe Slow Cooking because I’m new to Paleo and new to cooking. It would help me with my work schedule which is crazy. I’ve actually been searching for Paleo slow cooking recipes so I can prepare ahead of time which I’ve learned helps me stay on track.

    I promise to use the cookbook!!!!! 🙂

  209. My mom just decided to start eating Paleo and got herself a slow cooker, but she has no idea how to use it! I’d love to get her this book!

  210. I Liked Paleo Slow Cooling on Facebook!

    My mom just decided to start eating Paleo and got herself a slow cooker, but she has no idea how to use it! I’d love to get her this book!

  211. I liked the book on Facebook 🙂

    This book would help me out so much as a doctoral student. I use my slow cooker a lot because of the convenience with a busy school & work schedule, so having more ideas to help keep me on the paleo wagon would be a great help!

  212. Liked it on FB! With an on the go family of six a slow cooker is a necessity, but I have found it SO HARD to get good recopes that my kids enjoy. I’d love to win a copy of this book!

  213. I liked it on Facebook! I am new to the Paleo diet and this would be a great book to start my recovery! I am gluten-free and need all the help I can get!

  214. I liked it on FB. I find it hard to find really good recipes for slow-cooking online. Books tend to be tried and tested recipes not just off-the-cuff or what the writer happened to remember from their improvised recipe. I also like having something physical to share with clients. The second copy I’d keep at my CF gym.

  215. I have ‘liked’ the Paleo Slow Cooking page on FB.

    I’d love a copy of this book because I’m trying to clean up my diet and thinking of trying slow cooker recipes to help accommodate my busy schedule. Being able to make paleo meals would be an added bonus, since I’ve been contemplating the switch for a while now…I think this book would help with that.

  216. I liked it on FB. I have been cooking paleo for several years and have just gone back to working more to helps support my family now that my youngest is in kindergarten. I would love to have some tried and true slow cooker recipes so that it can be easy to keep eating paleo!

  217. I like it. I like slow cooking so that i can enjoy the short time between when my husband gets home from work and when we go to bed with out having to do a lot of cooking for our dinner. we’ve been paleo for about 2 months now and are feeling great. I’m just at a loss for some new ways to cook in my slow cooker. If i get a copy form my birthday (the day before Halloween) the I’ll give the 2nd copy to a friend that works longer hours and is working on getting healthy.

  218. I’m new to paleo and feel like I’m spending tons of time in the kitchen. As a mom of four, it’s a little overwhelming, so I’m sure this book would help!

  219. I just “Liked” Paleo Slow Cooking on Facebook!

    I really, really would love a copy of Paleo Slow Cooking! I love my slow cooker and am always looking for great Paleo meals to cook in it!

  220. Already liked on FB!

    I would love a copy because my non-Paleo bf gave me a slow cooker for Christmas last year, and the more I make delicious Paleo meals in it, the more he’s likely to come around to Paleo!

  221. Liked Paleo Slow Cooking.

    I would love to win a copy as I work part-time in the afternoons and it would be wonderful to have more fabulous paleo recipes to prepare while I’m working!

  222. Hi-I liked Paleo Slow Cooking on FB a couple weeks ago…

    A copy of “Paleo Slow Cooking” would be such a huge help with my transitioning towards a Paleo/Primal lifestyle…plus I love 1 pot “dinners” for more than just one meal…in fact, I’m learning to eat leftovers for breakfast!

    Thanks for this giveaway!

  223. I liked it on FB!

    I slow cook absolutely everything I can – to the point where I went out & bought a second slow cooker. Looking fwd to recipes actually MEANT for a slow cooker! 🙂

  224. I just bought it yesterday! What fortuatous timing! I can’t wait to try the recipes. Been jonesin’ for some new food. 🙂 Also excited there is a FB page – just liked it. If I win a copy, I will give it to my brother and sister-in-law. They’ve been looking for ways to get healthier. This should be an easy way to ease them into Paleo. Thanks folks for all your great info!

  225. I like you on Facebook… I would love this book because I am new to paleo and lets face it we all need every little bit of time that we can possibly get… I love to use my slow cooker but I am not sure what to do for Paleo so I would love to win this to have recipes that will work in my crockpot! Thanks so much for this cool giveaway!

  226. I’m pretty excited about this cookbook and would love to win one. However, I already feel like a winner just by knowing about this facebook page!

  227. I like her on FB. I LOVE my slow cooker…but in desperate need of new Paleo recipes…instead of the ikky ones that call for the cream of crap stuff.

  228. I liked paleo slow cooking on facebook. I’d love the book as I love my slow cooker! I’d love to add some variety to my usual roast with veggies in the slow cooker.

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