The magic of saying no | Diane Sanfilippo

The Magic of Saying No

Diane Sanfilippo Diane: Direct, Lifestyle & Mindset, Monday Motivation 10 Comments

Who else is saying *NO* more?   What happens when we say “no” to people, activities, and even to ourselves? It’s usually the most honest answer you can give, yet somehow, it’s the absolute hardest. Allow me to release you from the turmoil that comes from this in-between state you may be in right now… saying no to something, someone, or …

Are you paralyzing others with Paleo Perfectionism?

Diane Sanfilippo FAQs, Lifestyle & Mindset, Monday Motivation, Most Popular 63 Comments

I visited my local lululemon athletica shop last week wearing my “WILL WOD FOR PALEOKITS” T-shirt and was kindly greeted by the cashier, “Are you Paleo?” Am I Paleo? Hmm… well, I certainly eat Paleo, at least according to my own set of standards. I quickly informed the lovely cashier (whose name I did ask for but now forget, darn …

Monday Motivation: Are You Driving Your Life or Is Your Life Driving You?

Diane Sanfilippo About Me, Monday Motivation 15 Comments

Priorities, choices and happiness have been on my mind a lot lately so I figured this would be a good topic to throw out there and to get people thinking about a bit more regularly. When I decided to pursue nutrition coaching as a full-time career, it wasn’t without great pause. I was living an a nice, top-floor, one-bedroom apartment …

Monday Motivation: Strength & Flexibility

Diane Sanfilippo Fitness, Health & Wellness, Monday Motivation 3 Comments

I don’t get to yoga very often. In fact, I almost never go unless I’m visiting my family and friends in New Jersey. I like it mostly for the quality time it affords me with my mom (and often my dad, too) and the mental and spiritual introspection that happens while I’m on the mat. It’s something I love to …