How To Cut An Avocado Like a Pro | Balanced Bites, Diane Sanfilippo

How To Cut An Avocado Like a Pro

Diane Sanfilippo Balanced Bites Wholesome Foods, Bites I Love, FAQs, Food & Recipes, Gluten and Gluten Free, Real Food 101 3 Comments

Not sure how people can get clean and pretty avocado slices? Don’t care because you’re not a food stylist? Haha! I feel you.

Well, if you care or are just curious about how to cut an avocado like a pro, here’s how!

  1. Using a ripe but not overripe avocado, halve it, then quarter it. I’m sure some folks will peel it from halves, but leave that to the professionals 😂or try it! I think you’d need delicate fingers and for sure a not-too-ripe fruit to do it.
  2. Peel back the skin! This is likely the step you never thought about. I’m guessing most people try to either scoop it out cleanly with a spoon first or slice it in the skin – nope!
  3. Then, the final tip is to slice it from the wider side down to the narrower side. This is so you’ll have an easier time when you get to the last few slices. If you start slicing from the narrow end, you’re left to slice the wide end that’s super long but then too thin to brace well. Do it the wrong way once and you’ll see what I mean.

Oh, and if you’re making avocado toast, this is sort of pointless since you’ll smash it anyway, BUT, this is one great way to be sure that you don’t leave any of the avocado behind in the skin, so it’s still a good method even if the fate of your fruit is to get all mashed down.

Enjoy your perfectly-cut avocado with these Easy Chicken Enchiladas or this Mexican Chicken & Avocado Soup!

For a quick sped-up video of how to cut an avocado like a pro, click here:


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Do you like seeing these quick cooking/kitchen tips? Anything you can’t figure out that you know I do all the time and you’d like to see in a video? Let me know in the comments below! I’m enjoying making these quickies for you!

Comments 3

  1. Pingback: How To Cut An Avocado Like a Pro - Dooiz

  2. I love it! Since reading your post back in June, I’ve been cutting avocados like this. What’s crazy is my husband still insists on peeling full halves. Even when I show him how much easier it is with the quarters, he is stubborn and insistent. LOL I appreciate you Diane. Breathe

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