New This Week / July 4, 2018

Diane Sanfilippo What's Up Weekly Leave a Comment

Last week, I realized what that *horrible* feeling was after the fact.

You know, the feeling when you are both *paralyzed* and also anxious to take action. The feeling when you thought you had a good idea, but then something came along, or (someone?), or just the wrong information entered your consciousness and suddenly, SELF DOUBT sets in.

I will admit, I think I do often move through life and projects with a lot of self assurance. Often I have a crystal clear vision, and no one, no thing, no objection will stop me.

But last week, holy cow. I honestly don’t even know what pushed me over the edge but self doubt hit me HARD. And I didn’t recognize it for what it was. I translated the negative feeling into so many other things, and I thing I even shed a few tears as the overwhelm set in.

I want you all to know that while I do my best to lead by confident example, it doesn’t mean there aren’t moments of intense softening. A softening that reminds me that I’m not super human. And that I listen to and remind myself of how I, like everyone, need support and nurturing sometimes, even if it may not appear that way.

And, so, whatever it is that’s tripping you up, please know this: EVERYONE struggles with self doubt sometimes. But, the absolute best way forward is just that, FORWARD. Don’t sit in the self doubt pool for too long. Take action and shake off that negativity and realize that you serve NO ONE if you let self doubt hold you back.

Let me know on this post what you're doing to keep moving forward!

21DSD Community Facebook Group

Did you know we have a private Facebook group for our 21DSD-ers?

And it doesn't have to end with your 21DSD! Please stay involved, keep sharing post-detox wins and struggles. We want to hear about your new-normal, post-21DSD.

Don't forget, our July 21DSD kicks off this Monday, July 9th – if you're joining us, be sure you’re prepared by picking up a copy of The 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide,  which will help you from a week ahead of time through a week after your 21DSD!

Sign up for the full program here!

I'm sharing some recipe inspiration, featuring a new blend each week. This week the spotlight is on my SMOKY blend!

  1. SMOKY chicken kabobs – cut chicken breast into 2-bite pieces, season with SMOKY blend, and grill until the meat is cooked through  (Inspo: @fedandfit – full recipe here)
  2. SMOKY eggs – 7 minute steamed eggs, shelled & pan fried in ghee and duck fat… top with SMOKY blend + salt & pepper, & feta if you have it on hand (Inspo: @paleochef)
  3. SMOKY bacon-wrapped chicken thighs – SMOKY seasoned chicken thighs, wrapped in bacon, drizzled with date balsamic (Inspo: @thedatelady)
  4. SMOKY baked sweet potato fries – cut sweet potatoes into ‘fries', season with SMOKY blend and a sprinkle of salt, then bake at 425F until crispy, approximately 30 minutes. (Inspo: @handsuphannah)

For more information about the blends available click here.

And be sure to follow @balancedbites on Instagram for recipe inspiration & upcoming giveaways!

What you missed on Instagram

While there’s a time and a place for a TKD (a therapeutic ketogenic diet), I have found over the years that a bit of a strict time period initially, then finding a balance that works for you is more sustainable in the long term. And, for many people, eating as low as say 20-30g of carbs per day may be easy, no big deal, and enjoyable. But for many more, it isn’t. And, to reap most of the amazing benefits of eating high fat/low carb, it isn’t necessary to live only in the extreme of low carb all the time.

The keto book I’m writing is for BEGINNERS, and is covering the basics and how to get started. But, it’s also covering where to go from a place of a more restricted way of eating into a lifestyle that feels easy and manageable.

Furthermore, I’ll be covering all the questions you’ve asked about women and keto, however, I have a feeling many of you can guess what I will say. Because, ultimately, no diet or “diet book” should ever override your own sense of what feels good in your own body / what is working for you or isn’t. But I’ll touch on potential up and down sides to consider, as well as when to call it quits because it *isn’t* working for you. I have this feeling that being a non-dogmatic nutritionist will certainly make the zealots cringe, but I’m okay with that.

My gnocci how-to is in my IG highlights. This time I just put evoo into the pan straight up (vs spray) and quickly tossed all of the gnocci to coat them before browning. The rest was the same.

Yesterday while working out in our home garage gym again (huzzah! A baby workout but it was something!), I told @fullbodyfix how I was going to make BLTs for lunch, but instead of tomato we’d have turkey in them. 5 minutes later he asked me what I thought we should have for lunch. I was like, um… we just had this conversation 5 minutes ago. 😂 I think I thought he was listening to my hungry-while-working-out food day dreams that I expressed. Clearly he wasn’t.

Anyway, I tried the @sirkensingtons avocado oil mayo for the first time in these and I liked it! I’ll have to taste test again in a more pure format for a real opinion (and maybe in some tuna salad, too), but I’ll report back if I like it enough. I liked it in these, so that’s a start.

Romaine, turkey, bacon, mayo, and broccoli sprouts because #nutrients 🌱

What’s your favorite food to wrap in lettuce?!

New on the Balanced Bites Podcast

#354: Food Intolerances vs. Sensitivities, and Carbs & Keto

In episode #354 Liz & I are chatting about food intolerances versus sensitivities, as well as carbs & keto.

1.  News and updates from Diane & Liz [2:03] ·  Diane’s keto book plans
·  Balanced Bites Master Class
·  Emily Schromm’s Body Awareness Project
·  Balanced Bites podcast Facebook group
·  Liz on Modern Mamas podcast
·  Liz’s swim lesson choice
·  Liz’s Lifetime Fitness experience
2.  What we ate for dinner last night [15:40] 3. Food intolerances versus sensitivities [19:28] 4. Carbs and the keto diet [29:09] 5. Favorite Summer treat [46:52]

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