Podcast Episode #68: Back to Basics – Gut Healing, Leanness, Calcium & Paleo

Anthony DiSarro Adrenal Fatigue, Podcast Episodes 2 Comments

Remember – If you’re enjoying these podcasts, please leave us a review in iTunes. Thanks! Topics: 1. What is leaky gut and how do you heal from it? [11:05] 2. Calorie intake, water weight or stress relief? How did I gain 4 lbs in one week? [24:00] 3. Want to do it all, how do I lean out while training …

FAQs: How will I get calcium on a Paleo diet?

Diane Sanfilippo Dairy and Dairy Free, FAQs, Featured, Health & Wellness 40 Comments

Those looking to make the move to a Paleo Diet often question the nutritional value of “this way of eating.” One of the assumptions is that, without dairy foods included, the overall diet will be very low in calcium. I recently created a comparison of a day’s worth of meals on the USDA recommended diet versus a Paleo diet for children …

Paleo Magazine (September / October) – Feeding Kids: What the USDA Recommends vs The Paleo Diet

Diane Sanfilippo Lifestyle & Mindset 142 Comments

As a contributing author to Paleo Magazine, I’m excited to share a peek at my article in the upcoming September issue. Check out exclusive articles by subscribing or finding issues on a newsstand near you. Enter to win a FREE year’s subscription to Paleo Magazine by posting a comment below within the week (through 10/1/11)! An excerpt from my article in the latest …