Can I eat keto without dairy?

Diane Sanfilippo Dairy and Dairy Free, FAQs, Food & Recipes, Keto 19 Comments

One of the most frequently asked questions I get about keto is: “Can I eat keto without dairy?” Or, put differently, is a dairy-free keto diet possible? I can see why this question comes up a lot. A ton of keto recipes (and posts on social media) appear very dairy-heavy. Many keto breads, baked items, and other savory dishes seem …

FAQs: How will I get calcium on a Paleo diet?

Diane Sanfilippo Dairy and Dairy Free, FAQs, Featured, Health & Wellness 40 Comments

Those looking to make the move to a Paleo Diet often question the nutritional value of “this way of eating.” One of the assumptions is that, without dairy foods included, the overall diet will be very low in calcium. I recently created a comparison of a day’s worth of meals on the USDA recommended diet versus a Paleo diet for children …

Giving up dairy for a short trial…

Diane Sanfilippo Dairy and Dairy Free, Food Allergies and Intolerances, Health & Wellness 5 Comments

So, I’ve had this sinus infection for a few days and have been avoiding dairy. And it hasn’t been easy. And I can’t tell if my body feels any differently from it because, well, all I feel is sick. However, while researching just why we’re not “supposed to” eat dairy while sick — we all heard it made us more …