5 Tips For Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle | Diane Sanfilippo

5 Easy Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle in a Time of Change

Diane Sanfilippo Basics, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle & Mindset, Most Popular 2 Comments

I’m a big fan of change. As much as I am a total creature of habit, nothing thrills me like making big changes in my life. Even sometimes all at once. I call it “shaking the snow globe.” I make the decision to change a lot of things at once, essentially tossing all those snowflakes up and then seeing how …

Book Review: “The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet” by Robb Wolf.

Diane Sanfilippo Book Reviews, Books, Events, & Programs 10 Comments

Before I get into my review of Robb Wolf’s new book, “The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet,” you should know that I’ve now attended Robb’s “The Paleolithic Solution Seminar” twice and can honestly say that this guy is the real deal. He’s extremely passionate about his work and, more importantly, about only presenting ideas and information that will help …

Turn Down the Lights, Turn Up Your Metabolism

Diane Sanfilippo Most Popular, Sleep 15 Comments

Are you struggling with sugar and carb cravings that seem to just take over? Are you trying to lose excess body fat but feel it’s an uphill battle when foods you know you shouldn’t eat are practically screaming at you to eat them? Do you feel like you just can’t seem to get your body to burn fat no matter …

A Carb-Loaded Youth, Years of Hypoglycemia & How I Landed on a “Paleo” Diet.

Diane Sanfilippo Direct from Diane, Lifestyle & Mindset, Most Popular 25 Comments

Here’s an honest look at how I landed on a paleo/primal type of real food diet. I say “Paleo” in the title of this post because I don’t follow one specific diet 100% of the time, but I do what feels best for my body and what works for me intellectually as well as physically. My story is far longer than this …