Topics: 1. Introducing our guest, Melissa Ramos [2:16] 2. What’s with all the wiping? [7:30] 3. Anal leakage problems [6:07] 4. Lazy bowel/constipation problems [18:39] 5. IBS with diarrhea [30:59] 6. Frequency/transit time [35:29] 7. Dealing with no longer having a gallbladder [38:26] 8. Skinny poop [45:01] 9. Pooping routine [48:22] 10. Thoughts on coffee enemas [50:54] 11. Holding it …
Podcast Episode #200: Ask us anything! Get to know Diane and Liz better
Topics: 1. Can you speak in an accent? [4:54] 2. What personality trait would you want from the other? [6:04] 3. How hard would a “Freaky Friday” be for you guys? [7:18] 4. Choice of cheat food without consequences [8:30] 5. First sardine experience [9:56] 6. Unloved paleo food that you now love [10:55] 7. Favorite vegetable [12:41] 8. Least …
Podcast Episode #199: Post-meal fatigue, is gluten the problem? and natural household products
Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [1:55] 2. A new thing I’m into lately: Wonder Weeks and Baby wearing [10:37] 3. Shout Out: Balanced Bites podcast 200th episode [16:39] Listener Questions: 4. Extreme fatigue after eating [19:46] 5. Natural household and body care products [32:55] 6. Gluten and diverticulitis [42:43] 7. Diane’s Kitchen tip: coffee replacements …
Podcast Episode #198: Effects of over training, crash diets, and pregnancy food aversions
Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [1:53] 2. A new thing I’m into lately: “Happier” podcast [14:44] 3. Shout Out: Balanced Bites podcast 200th episode [18:00] Listener Questions: 4. Pregnancy and food aversions [21:41] 5. Why do crash diets seem to help some people? [31:15] 6. How much exercise is too much? [49:32] [smart_track_player url=”″ title=”#198: Effects …
Podcast Episode #197: Paleo Takeout with Russ Crandall
Topics: 1. Introducing our guest, Russ Crandall [3:01] 2. The Ancestral Table [14:48] 3. White rice or brown rice [18:02] 4. Paleo Takeout [22:20] 5. Authenticity versus convenience [30:26] 6. Umami sauce recipe [34:35] 7. American classics recipes [38:15] 8. Book Tour dates [44:34] [smart_track_player url=”″ title=”#197: Paleo Take Out with Russ Crandall ” artist=”Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe ” …
Podcast Episode #196: Burning fat vs carbs, budget paleo travel tips, and help for a dry scalp
Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [2:27] 2. This week in the Paleosphere: The Depression Sessions [9:40] 3. Shout Out: Russ Crandall, the Domestic Man [11:40] Listener Questions: 4. Need for endurance foods on paleo [14:44] 5. Paleo travel tips and paleo on a budget [24:43] 6. Severe scalp flaking issues [33:49] [smart_track_player url=”″ title=”#196: Burning …
Podcast Episode #195: Back pain, bloating, blood donation, ghee, and more!
Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [2:33] 2. This week in the Paleosphere: Back pain and Esther Gokhale [9:55] 3. Shout Out: Bill and Hayley, backyard chickens [14:05] Listener Questions 4. Abdominal distention and bloating [16:59] 5. Blood and organ donation [26:58] 6. Preparation for liver surgery [33:09] 7. Introducing Hima of Tin Star Foods Ghee …
Catch my segments on The Joy Sutton Show!
A few weeks ago, I traveled to Roanoke, Virginia to film with The Joy Sutton Show. A producer from the show reached out to me several months ago because she loved my program and books, and she thought I’d be a great fit for their audience. It sounded like a fun time, and a good fit. Often when the opportunity …
Podcast Episode #194: Carrots and Carbs, Baby Formula Alternatives, Magic Mushrooms & Meat Sourcing
Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [7:00] 2. This week in the Paleosphere: Country of origin label on meat [13:30] 3. Shout Out: Vanya Shivashankar and Coconuts and Kettlebells [20:27] Listener Questions 4. Carrots and carbs: Dr. Perlmutter says restrict carrots for brain health? [24:41] 5. Infant formula alternatives: Breast milk, breastfeeding, and formula supplementation [31:53] 6. …
Healthy Travel Tips: Eating Gluten-Free on the Road, In the Air, and Everywhere
As many of you may know, I have a lot of first-hand experience with how tricky it can be to find healthy, gluten-free friendly food while traveling. If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, I recommend jumping over there for real-time/live posts from different places. I also have tagged my travel photos: #PracticalPaleoTravel and am also starting to use …