Can I eat keto without dairy?

Diane Sanfilippo Dairy and Dairy Free, FAQs, Food & Recipes, Keto 19 Comments

One of the most frequently asked questions I get about keto is: “Can I eat keto without dairy?” Or, put differently, is a dairy-free keto diet possible? I can see why this question comes up a lot. A ton of keto recipes (and posts on social media) appear very dairy-heavy. Many keto breads, baked items, and other savory dishes seem …

Book Review: Lexi’s Clean Kitchen by Alexis Kornblum Davidson

Diane Sanfilippo Book Reviews Leave a Comment

There’s a new cookbook on the shelves, and let me tell you it is darn delicious! Lexi of Lexi’s Clean Kitchen blog has just released her first cookbook, fittingly named Lexi’s Clean Kitchen, and it is packed with paleo-friendly recipes (over 150!) that are free of gluten, grains, soy and refined sugars. I first met Lexi when she attended the book signing event …

Diane's Macros Experience: FAQs | Diane Sanfilippo

Diane’s Macros Experience: FAQs

Diane Sanfilippo Diane's Macros Meal Plan, Direct from Diane 7 Comments

As I complete the 12-week meal plan created for me by Christine of Gauge Girl Training, I’m being asked a lot of questions repeatedly – for good reason – you want to know the answers! Here are the questions I’m asked most frequently about the clean eating / flexible dieting meal plan I’m currently following. First things first – join me …

Diane's Macros Experience | Planning & Prep

Diane’s Macros Experience: Planning & Preparation

Diane Sanfilippo Diane's Macros Meal Plan, Direct from Diane 2 Comments

This week marks the beginning of a 12-week Meal Prep & Planning experience for me. I’m following a customized plan created for me by Christine of Gauge Girl Training. My plan is based on my current situation, goals, tastes, allergies, preferences, lifestyle, etcetera. So, while I’ll be sharing all about my experience with you along the way, I won’t be sharing …

Are You a “Non-Food” Eater?

Diane Sanfilippo Fats and Oils 4 Comments

A few of you have asked me to clarify what I meant by calling foods “non-foods” in my last posting. Here are some requirements to consider before calling something a food. It looks like it does when it’s picked/harvested or pronounced dead in it’s original form. OR if I can make it in my own kitchen from it’s original form …

Giving up dairy for a short trial…

Diane Sanfilippo Dairy and Dairy Free, Food Allergies and Intolerances, Health & Wellness 5 Comments

So, I’ve had this sinus infection for a few days and have been avoiding dairy. And it hasn’t been easy. And I can’t tell if my body feels any differently from it because, well, all I feel is sick. However, while researching just why we’re not “supposed to” eat dairy while sick — we all heard it made us more …